2021-08-15 11:26:26 -05:00

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End to End Testing

Legendary integrates Cypress for integration and end-to-end (E2E) testing. In our opinion, Cypress is the best toolkit available for testing end-to-end in-browser experiences. It has several features that make writing end-to-end tests as easy as possible:

  • Rock-solid builds. In our experience, selenium and chromedriver-based setups break frequently on even minor version bumps. Every version of Cypress has worked as intended for us.
  • Automatic waiting. Cypress handles async code without needing to manually sprinkle waits and sleeps through your test code. I know your test framework says it does auto-waiting. Auto-waiting in Cypress actually works.
  • Debugging. You can use Chrome DevTools (or the equivalent in your favorite browser) to debug your tests.
  • Automatic videos of your test runs.

A Word of Advice from Your Pal Robert

Don't over-do it with integration and end-to-end testing. It's tempting to end-to-end test everything. After all, end-to-end tests should catch any issue in your application, no matter what layer it happens in: model, view, controller, or even JavaScript. So what's the problem?

For one, when compared to unit tests, integration and E2E tests are more labor intensive. It usually takes less time to write several unit tests covering all the aspects of your feature than it does to write one end-to-end scenario.

Secondly, integration and e2e tests are good are identifying that you have a problem, but not where that problem occurs. They cast a broad net. When an e2e test fails, it does not point to a specific broken function or module. Unit tests do.

Thirdly, E2E tests are slow. They have to wait for your page and all the related assets to load over a real HTTP connection. This is orders of magnitude slower than calling some functions.

It's best to stick to the Test Pyramid. The majority of your tests should be unit tests and the majority of your code should be tested by unit tests.

Test Pyramid

Running E2E Tests

To run your Cypress tests, do:

npm run test:integration

Writing E2E Tests

Read the Cypress guide to Writing Your First Test to get started writing e2e tests with Cypress.

Preparing Your Database

In most cases, you'll need to prepare your database first. Legendary gives you a tool for doing this called seed sets. Seed sets are Elixir scripts that your Cypress suite can invoke to make sure the database is in the needed state at the start of a test.

Check the apps/app/test/seed_sets directory. Each seed set is just a .exs file which can be executed with a Cypress command. There's an example apps/app/test/seed_sets/blog.exs which prepares the database with a blog post. It looks like this:

alias Legendary.Content.Post
alias Legendary.Content.Repo

  title: "Public post",
  name: "public-post",
  status: "publish",
  type: "post",
  date: ~N[2020-01-01T00:00:00],
|> Repo.insert!()

You can put whatever Elixir code you need in a seed_set!

From your Cypress tests, you can run a seed_set like:

cy.setupDB("app", "blog")

This invokes the seed set called blog (i.e. blog.exs) from the Elixir app called app (i.e. your app within the Legendary framework). See apps/app/cypress/integration/blog_spec.js for the complete example.

You can only have one seed set loaded at a time because loading a seed set also sets your test up with an isolated database connection. This isolation allows us to automatically clean up the database between each test.

More Test Writing

Check out the Cypress docs for much more information on writing tests with Cypress.

CI Setup

We also run the Cypress suite in CI. We save the video of each test as an artifact so that you can download and view them.