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Authentication and Authorization

Legendary provides a set of authentication and authorization features out of the box.


Legendary comes with authentication powered by Pow out of the box. The default configuration:

  • supports sign in and registration with an email and password
  • allows password resets
  • requires users to confirm their email address before logging in
  • emails for email confirmation and password reset will be nicely styled using your app's email styles

Tip: in development mode, emails your app sends will be visible at http://localhost:4000/sent_emails.

Your Pow configuration can be customized in config/config.exs.

By default, users can be administrated in the admin interface.

Roles and Authorization

Users have an array of roles. By default, a user has no roles, but they can have as many as you need. Roles in Legendary are arbitrary strings that you tag a user with to give them certain privileges.

For example, here's a typical admin user created by the mix legendary.create_admin command:

  email: "legendary@example.com",
  homepage_url: nil,
  id: 1,
  inserted_at: ~N[2021-02-25 22:14:40],
  # This user has one role-- admin!
  roles: ["admin"],
  updated_at: ~N[2021-02-25 22:14:40]

admin happens to be a role that the framework cares about-- via the mix legendary.create_admin command and the :require_admin pipeline that protects the admin interface. However, you can use any string you want as a role and check for it in your code. For example, your app might give some users a paid_customer role and use it to protect certain features. You don't have to declare that in advance with the framework.

In some cases, you may want "resourceful roles"-- a role that corresponds to a specific resource record in your app. We suggest the following convention for those role names: :role_name/:resource_type/:id. So that could be owner/home/3 to indicate the user is the owner of the Home with the id of 3. An authorized guest to the same home might be guest/home/3.

You can check whether a user has a role by calling Legendary.Auth.Roles.has_role?/2:

Legendary.Auth.Roles.has_role?(user, "admin")

And you can always access the user.roles field directly.

Protected routes

Signed-In Only Routes

You can require that a given route requires a user by piping through the :require_auth pipeline. See apps/app/lib/app_web/router.ex for examples.

Admin Only Routes

You can lock down a route to the app to only admin users by using the :require_admin pipeline. For example, the /admin area of your app is protected that way. See apps/app/lib/app_web/router.ex for examples.