- (English) strings are stored in config/i18n/en.yml.
- You can call `Legendary.I18n.t!/2` to get a string by its key. For example: `Legendary.I18n.t! "en", "site.title"` retrieves the english version of the
string labeled "title" under the section "site" on en.yml.
> Tip: if you use t! a lot (good job!), you can import it in your view module
> to save some typing like `import Legendary.I18n, only: [t!: 2]` and then use it like `<%= t! "en", "site.title" %>` in your templates.
Note that the first argument is a two-letter language code. In order to support
other languages, you can provide more yml files in config/i18n (example, config/i18n/fr.yml for French) and call t!/2 with that language code instead.