It's a good idea to extract any human-readable strings in your application out
into a configuration file. The reason is two-fold:
1. It makes it easier for developers to update "[copy](" in the application and even
allows non-developers on a team to make copy changes.
2. When your application supports multiple languages, it is easy for translators
to provide translations for all of your copy at once.
In Legendary, we provide a set of tools for doing this.
- (English) strings are stored in config/i18n/en.yml.
- You can call `Legendary.I18n.t!/2` to get a string by its key. For example: `Legendary.I18n.t! "en", "site.title"` retrieves the english version of the
string labeled "title" under the section "site" on en.yml.
> Tip: if you use t! a lot (good job!), you can import it in your view module
> to save some typing like `import Legendary.I18n, only: [t!: 2]` and then use it like `<%= t! "en", "site.title" %>` in your templates.
Note that the first argument is a two-letter language code. In order to support
other languages, you can provide more yml files in config/i18n (example, config/i18n/fr.yml for French) and call t!/2 with that language code instead.
**On the roadmap:** in the future, we intend to provide a mechanism for detecting
and managing each visitor's language and providing those strings if available.