defmodule TreeSitter do # @latest_version "0.20.8" @moduledoc """ TreeSitter is an installer and runner for [tree_sitter]( ## TreeSitter configuration There are two global configurations for the tree_sitter application: * `:version` - the expected tree_sitter version * `:cacerts_path` - the directory to find certificates for https connections * `:path` - the path to find the tree_sitter executable at. By default, it is automatically downloaded and placed inside the `_build` directory of your current app Overriding the `:path` is not recommended, as we will automatically download and manage `tree-sitter` for you. But in case you can't download it (for example, the npm registry is behind a proxy), you may want to set the `:path` to a configurable system location. For instance, you can install `tree-sitter` globally with `npm`: $ npm install -g tree-sitter On Unix, the executable will be at: NPM_ROOT/tree-sitter/node_modules/@tree-sitter/TARGET/bin/tree_sitter On Windows, it will be at: NPM_ROOT/tree-sitter/node_modules/@tree-sitter/win32-x(32|64)/tree_sitter.exe Where `NPM_ROOT` is the result of `npm root -g` and `TARGET` is your system target architecture. Once you find the location of the executable, you can store it in a `MIX_TREE_SITTER_PATH` environment variable, which you can then read in your configuration file: config :tree_sitter, path: System.get_env("MIX_TREE_SITTER_PATH") """ use Application require Logger @doc false def start(_, _) do unless Application.get_env(:tree_sitter, :version) do Logger.warning(""" tree_sitter version is not configured. Please set it in your config files: config :tree_sitter, :version, "#{latest_version()}" """) end configured_version = configured_version() case bin_version() do {:ok, version} -> if version =~ configured_version do :ok else Logger.warning(""" Outdated tree_sitter version. Expected #{configured_version}, got #{version}. \ Please run `mix tree_sitter.install` or update the version in your config files.\ """) end :error -> :ok end Supervisor.start_link([], strategy: :one_for_one, name: __MODULE__.Supervisor) end @doc false # Latest known version at the time of publishing. def latest_version, do: @latest_version @doc """ Returns the configured tree_sitter version. """ def configured_version do Application.get_env(:tree_sitter, :version, latest_version()) end @doc """ Returns the path to the executable. The executable may not be available if it was not yet installed. """ def bin_path do name = "tree_sitter-#{target()}" Application.get_env(:tree_sitter, :path) || if Code.ensure_loaded?(Mix.Project) do Path.join(Path.dirname(Mix.Project.build_path()), name) else Path.expand("_build/#{name}") end end @doc """ Returns the version of the tree_sitter executable. Returns `{:ok, version_string}` on success or `:error` when the executable is not available. """ def bin_version do path = bin_path() with true <- File.exists?(path), {result, 0} <- System.cmd(path, ["--version"]) do {:ok, String.trim(result)} else _ -> :error end end @doc """ Runs the given command with `args`. The given args will be appended to the configured args. The task output will be streamed directly to stdio. It returns the status of the underlying call. """ def run(extra_args) when is_list(extra_args) do extra_args |> cmd() |> elem(1) end defp start_unique_install_worker() do ref = __MODULE__.Supervisor |> Supervisor.start_child( Supervisor.child_spec({Task, &install/0}, restart: :transient, id: __MODULE__.Installer) ) |> case do {:ok, pid} -> pid {:error, {:already_started, pid}} -> pid end |> Process.monitor() receive do {:DOWN, ^ref, _, _, _} -> :ok end end @doc """ Installs, if not available, and then runs `tree_sitter`. Returns the same as `run/1`. """ def install_and_run(args) do File.exists?(bin_path()) || start_unique_install_worker() run(args) end @doc """ Installs tree_sitter with `configured_version/0`. """ def install do version = configured_version() tmp_opts = if System.get_env("MIX_XDG"), do: %{os: :linux}, else: %{} tmp_dir = freshdir_p(:filename.basedir(:user_cache, "tree_sitter", tmp_opts)) || freshdir_p(Path.join(System.tmp_dir!(), "tree_sitter")) || raise "could not install tree-sitter. Set MIX_XGD=1 and then set XDG_CACHE_HOME to the path you want to use as cache" target = target() url = "{version}/tree-sitter-#{target}.gz" gz = fetch_body!(url) result_path = case :os.type() do {:win32, _} -> Path.join([tmp_dir, "tree_sitter.exe"]) _ -> Path.join([tmp_dir, "tree_sitter"]) end gz |> :zlib.gunzip() |> then(fn data -> File.write!(result_path, data) end) File.chmod!(result_path, 0o700) bin_path = bin_path() File.mkdir_p!(Path.dirname(bin_path)) File.cp!(result_path, bin_path) end @language_pattern ~r{tree-sitter-([^/]+)} def language_to_extension do {out, _} = cmd(["dump-languages"], []) out |> Enum.join("\n") |> String.split("\n\n") |>!/1) |> Enum.filter(&Map.get(&1, "parser")) |> %{"parser" => parser, "file_types" => [file_type | _]} -> [_, language] =, parser) {language, file_type} end) |> Enum.into(%{}) end def highlight_html(text, lang) do case Map.get(language_to_extension(), lang) do nil -> {:ok, fallback_highlight_html(text)} ext -> do_highlight_html(text, ext) end end defp fallback_highlight_html(text) do lines = text |> String.split("\n") |> Enum.with_index() "" <> Enum.map_join(lines, "\n", fn {text, line} -> ~s{} end) <> "
#{line + 1} #{text}
" end defp do_highlight_html(text, ext) do id = :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(16) |> Base.encode32() path = if String.starts_with?(ext, ".") do File.mkdir_p!(Path.join([System.tmp_dir!(), id])) Path.join([System.tmp_dir!(), id, ext]) else Path.join([System.tmp_dir!(), "#{id}.#{ext}"]) end File.write!(path, text) case cmd(["highlight", "--html", path], []) do {out, 0} -> {:ok, Enum.join(out)} {out, _error_status} -> {:error, Enum.join(out)} end end defp cmd(extra_args, into \\, :line)) do config_directory = Application.get_env(:tree_sitter, :config_directory) env = if config_directory, do: [env: [{"TREE_SITTER_DIR", config_directory}]], else: [] opts = env ++ [ into: into, stderr_to_stdout: true ] bin_path() |> System.cmd(extra_args, opts) end defp freshdir_p(path) do with {:ok, _} <- File.rm_rf(path), :ok <- File.mkdir_p(path) do path else _ -> nil end end defp target do case :os.type() do # Assuming it's an x86 CPU {:win32, _} -> wordsize = :erlang.system_info(:wordsize) if wordsize == 8 do "windows-x64" else "windows-x86" end {:unix, osname} -> arch_str = :erlang.system_info(:system_architecture) [arch | _] = arch_str |> List.to_string() |> String.split("-") osname = if osname == :darwin do "macos" else "linux" end case arch do "amd64" -> "#{osname}-arm64" "x86_64" -> "#{osname}-x64" "i686" -> "#{osname}-x86" "i386" -> "#{osname}-x86" "aarch64" -> "#{osname}-arm64" "arm" when osname == "macos" -> "darwin-arm64" "arm" -> "#{osname}-arm" "armv7" <> _ -> "#{osname}-arm" _ -> raise "tree_sitter is not available for architecture: #{arch_str}" end end end defp fetch_body!(url) do scheme = URI.parse(url).scheme url = String.to_charlist(url) Logger.debug("Downloading tree_sitter from #{url}") {:ok, _} = Application.ensure_all_started(:inets) {:ok, _} = Application.ensure_all_started(:ssl) if proxy = proxy_for_scheme(scheme) do %{host: host, port: port} = URI.parse(proxy) Logger.debug("Using #{String.upcase(scheme)}_PROXY: #{proxy}") set_option = if "https" == scheme, do: :https_proxy, else: :proxy :httpc.set_options([{set_option, {{String.to_charlist(host), port}, []}}]) end # cacertfile = cacertfile() |> String.to_charlist() http_options = [ ssl: [ verify: :verify_peer, cacertfile: cacertfile, depth: 2, customize_hostname_check: [ match_fun: :public_key.pkix_verify_hostname_match_fun(:https) ] ] ] |> maybe_add_proxy_auth(scheme) options = [body_format: :binary] case :httpc.request(:get, {url, []}, http_options, options) do {:ok, {{_, 200, _}, _headers, body}} -> body other -> raise """ couldn't fetch #{url}: #{inspect(other)} You may also install the "tree_sitter" executable manually, \ see the docs: """ end end defp proxy_for_scheme("http") do System.get_env("HTTP_PROXY") || System.get_env("http_proxy") end defp proxy_for_scheme("https") do System.get_env("HTTPS_PROXY") || System.get_env("https_proxy") end defp maybe_add_proxy_auth(http_options, scheme) do case proxy_auth(scheme) do nil -> http_options auth -> [{:proxy_auth, auth} | http_options] end end defp proxy_auth(scheme) do with proxy when is_binary(proxy) <- proxy_for_scheme(scheme), %{userinfo: userinfo} when is_binary(userinfo) <- URI.parse(proxy), [username, password] <- String.split(userinfo, ":") do {String.to_charlist(username), String.to_charlist(password)} else _ -> nil end end defp cacertfile() do Application.get_env(:tree_sitter, :cacerts_path) || CAStore.file_path() end end