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alias <%= inspect schema.module %>
@doc """
Returns the list of <%= schema.plural %>.
## Examples
iex> list_<%= schema.plural %>()
[%<%= inspect schema.alias %>{}, ...]
def list_<%= schema.plural %> do
raise "TODO"
@doc """
Gets a single <%= schema.singular %>.
Raises if the <%= schema.human_singular %> does not exist.
## Examples
iex> get_<%= schema.singular %>!(123)
%<%= inspect schema.alias %>{}
def get_<%= schema.singular %>!(id), do: raise "TODO"
@doc """
Creates a <%= schema.singular %>.
## Examples
iex> create_<%= schema.singular %>(%{field: value})
{:ok, %<%= inspect schema.alias %>{}}
iex> create_<%= schema.singular %>(%{field: bad_value})
{:error, ...}
def create_<%= schema.singular %>(attrs \\ %{}) do
raise "TODO"
@doc """
Updates a <%= schema.singular %>.
## Examples
iex> update_<%= schema.singular %>(<%= schema.singular %>, %{field: new_value})
{:ok, %<%= inspect schema.alias %>{}}
iex> update_<%= schema.singular %>(<%= schema.singular %>, %{field: bad_value})
{:error, ...}
def update_<%= schema.singular %>(%<%= inspect schema.alias %>{} = <%= schema.singular %>, attrs) do
raise "TODO"
@doc """
Deletes a <%= inspect schema.alias %>.
## Examples
iex> delete_<%= schema.singular %>(<%= schema.singular %>)
{:ok, %<%= inspect schema.alias %>{}}
iex> delete_<%= schema.singular %>(<%= schema.singular %>)
{:error, ...}
def delete_<%= schema.singular %>(%<%= inspect schema.alias %>{} = <%= schema.singular %>) do
raise "TODO"
@doc """
Returns a data structure for tracking <%= schema.singular %> changes.
## Examples
iex> change_<%= schema.singular %>(<%= schema.singular %>)
def change_<%= schema.singular %>(%<%= inspect schema.alias %>{} = <%= schema.singular %>, _attrs \\ %{}) do
raise "TODO"