defmodule Legendary.Content.PostsViewTest do use Legendary.Content.ConnCase import Legendary.Content.PostsView import Phoenix.HTML, only: [safe_to_string: 1] alias Legendary.Content.Post test "auto_paragraph_tags/1 with nil" do assert safe_to_string(auto_paragraph_tags(nil)) =~ "" end test "auto_paragraph_tags/1 with text" do assert safe_to_string(auto_paragraph_tags("Bloop\n\nBloop")) =~ "




" end describe "authenticated_for_post?/2" do test "without password" do assert authenticated_for_post?(nil, %Post{}) end test "with post password that matches", %{conn: conn} do with_mock Plug.Conn, [get_session: fn (_conn, :post_password) -> "password" end] do assert authenticated_for_post?(conn, %Post{password: "password"}) end end test "with post password that does not match", %{conn: conn} do with_mock Plug.Conn, [get_session: fn (_conn, :post_password) -> "password" end] do refute authenticated_for_post?(conn, %Post{password: "password2"}) end end end end