defmodule Legendary.Content.PostsController do use Legendary.Content, :controller alias Legendary.Content.{Options, Posts} plug :put_layout, false when action in [:preview] def index(conn, %{"category" => _} = params) do conn |> index_posts(params) end def index(conn, params) do show_on_front = Options.get_value("show_on_front") || "page" case show_on_front do "posts" -> conn |> index_posts(params) "page" -> conn |> index_page(params) end end def index_posts(conn, params) do page = params |> Map.get("page", "1") params = params |> Map.merge(%{"page" => page}) category = params |> Map.get("category") posts = Posts.list_posts(params) thumbs = posts |> Posts.thumbs_for_posts() last_page = Posts.last_page(params) conn |> render( "index.html", [ posts: posts, page: String.to_integer(page), last_page: last_page, thumbs: thumbs, category: category, ] ) end def index_page(conn, _params) do page_id = Options.get_value("page_on_front") || "index" show(conn, %{"id" => page_id}) end def preview(conn, %{"post" => post_params}) do post = Posts.preview_post(post_params) conn |> render("show.html", post: post, page: 1, thumbs: []) end def show(conn, %{"id" => "blog", "page" => page_string}) do conn |> index_posts(%{"id" => "blog", "page" => page_string}) end def show(conn, %{"id" => id, "page" => page_string}) when is_binary(id) or is_integer(id) do post = Posts.get_post(id) if is_nil(post) do try_static_post(conn, id) else conn |> show_one(post, page_string) end end def show(conn, %{"id" => id} = params) when is_list(id), do: show(conn, Map.merge(params, %{"id" => Enum.join(id, "/")})) def show(conn, %{"id" => id}), do: show(conn, %{"id" => id, "page" => "1"}) defp try_static_post(conn, id) do path = "static_pages/#{id}.html" try do render(conn, path) rescue e in Phoenix.Template.UndefinedError -> case e do %{template: ^path} -> router = case conn do %{private: %{phoenix_router: router}} -> router _ -> Legendary.Content.Router end # The static page we're looking for is missing, so this is just a 404 # credo:disable-for-next-line raise Phoenix.Router.NoRouteError.exception(conn: conn, router: router) _ -> # We aren't missing the static page, we're missing a partial. This is probably # a developer error, so bubble it up reraise e, System.stacktrace end end end def show_one(conn, post, page_string) do {front_page_id, _} = Options.get_value_as_int("page_on_front") template = if == front_page_id do "front.html" else "show.html" end page = String.to_integer(page_string) thumbs = [post] |> Posts.thumbs_for_posts() case post.type do "attachment" -> {:ok, decoded} = post.content |> Base.decode64 conn |> put_resp_content_type(post.mime_type, charset(post.mime_type)) |> send_resp(conn.status || 200, decoded) _ -> render(conn, template, post: post, page: page, thumbs: thumbs) end end defp charset(mime_type) do do_charset(String.split(mime_type, "/")) end defp do_charset(["application", _]), do: "binary" defp do_charset(["video", _]), do: "binary" defp do_charset(["audio", _]), do: "binary" defp do_charset(["image", _]), do: "binary" defp do_charset(_), do: "utf-8" end