defmodule KaffyTest do use ExUnit.Case doctest Kaffy alias KaffyTest.Schemas.{Person, Pet} alias KaffyTest.Admin.PersonAdmin test "greets the world" do assert Kaffy.hello() == :world end test "creating a person" do person = %Person{} assert is_nil( assert person.married == false end test "creating a pet" do pet = %Pet{} assert pet.type == "feline" assert is_nil( end describe "Kaffy.Resource" do alias Kaffy.Resource test "excluded_fields should return primary keys" do assert [:id] == Resource.excluded_fields(Person) assert [:id] == Resource.excluded_fields(Pet) end test "primary_keys/1 should return a list of primary keys" do assert [:id] == Resource.primary_keys(Person) assert [:id] == Resource.primary_keys(Pet) end test "kaffy_field_name/2 should return the name of the field" do assert "Address" == Resource.kaffy_field_name(nil, :address) assert "Created_at" == Resource.kaffy_field_name(nil, :created_at) person = %Person{name: "Abdullah"} f = {:status, %{name: "Yes"}} assert "Yes" == Resource.kaffy_field_name(person, f) f = {:status, %{name: fn p -> String.upcase( end}} assert "ABDULLAH" == Resource.kaffy_field_name(person, f) f = {:status, %{value: "something"}} assert "Status" == Resource.kaffy_field_name(person, f) end test "kaffy_field_value/2 should return the value of the field" do person = %Person{name: "Abdullah"} assert "Abdullah" == Resource.kaffy_field_value(person, :name) field = {:name, %{value: "Esmail"}} assert "Esmail" == Resource.kaffy_field_value(person, field) field = {:name, %{value: fn p -> "Mr. #{}" end}} assert "Mr. Abdullah" == Resource.kaffy_field_value(person, field) field = {:name, %{name: fn p -> "Mr. #{}" end}} assert "Abdullah" == Resource.kaffy_field_value(person, field) end test "fields/1 should return all the fields of a schema without associations" do fields = Resource.fields(Person) assert is_list(fields) assert Enum.all?(fields, fn f -> is_atom(f) end) [first | _] = fields assert first == :id assert length(fields) == 6 end test "associations/1 must return all associations for the schema" do associations = Resource.associations(Person) assert [:pets] == associations pet_assoc = Resource.associations(Pet) assert [:person] == pet_assoc end test "association/1 must return information about the association" do person_assoc = Resource.association(Person, :pets) assert Ecto.Association.Has == person_assoc.__struct__ assert person_assoc.cardinality == :many assert person_assoc.queryable == Pet pet_assoc = Resource.association(Pet, :person) assert Ecto.Association.BelongsTo == pet_assoc.__struct__ assert pet_assoc.cardinality == :one assert pet_assoc.queryable == Person end test "association_schema/2 must return the schema of the association" do assert Pet == Resource.association_schema(Person, :pets) assert Person == Resource.association_schema(Pet, :person) end test "form_label/2 should return a label tag" do {:safe, label_tag} = Resource.form_label(:user, "My name") assert is_list(label_tag) label_string = to_string(label_tag) assert String.contains?(label_string, "