fix: Share connection pools amongst repos that have equivalent config

This commit is contained in:
Robert Prehn 2021-02-25 16:30:03 -06:00
parent 863f84bf0b
commit c86228e9ab
3 changed files with 49 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
defmodule Core.SharedDBConnectionPool do
@moduledoc """
A shareable connection pool. We use this so that all the apps connecting to
one database can use on connection pool, even if they have different repos.
This allows a reasonable number of connections to be available per application
without requiring a huge number of connections to the database.
alias DBConnection.ConnectionPool
def start_link({mod, opts}) do
case GenServer.start_link(ConnectionPool, {mod, opts}, Keyword.take(opts, [:name, :spawn_opt])) do
{:ok, pid} -> {:ok, pid}
{:error, {:already_started, pid}} -> {:ok, pid}
error -> error
def child_spec({mod, opts}) do
opts = Keyword.put_new(opts, :name, key(opts))
Supervisor.Spec.worker(Core.SharedDBConnectionPool, [{mod, opts}])
defp key(opts) do
key_hash =
case opts do
%{url: url} ->
_ ->
|> hash_opts()
defp hash_opts(opts) do
unhashed_key =
|> Keyword.take([:hostname, :username, :password, :database])
|> Keyword.values()
|> Enum.join("/")
:crypto.hash(:sha3_256, unhashed_key) |> Base.encode16()

View file

@ -32,10 +32,8 @@ end)
ecto_repos: [repo],
generators: [context_app: otp_app]
{otp_app, repo, context_app} ->
config otp_app,
ecto_repos: [repo],
generators: [context_app: context_app]
config otp_app, repo,
pool: Core.SharedDBConnectionPool
config :core, :pow,

View file

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
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