Alex van Andel 6ab741b927
Feature/round robin (#613)
* Heavy WIP

* More WIP

* Playing with backwards compat

* Moar wip

* wip

* Email changes for group feature

* Committing in redundant migrations for reference

* Combine all WIP migrations into a single feature migration

* Make backup of current version of radio area pending refactor

* Improved accessibility through keyboard

* Cleanup in seperate commit so I can cherrypick later

* Added RadioArea component

* wip

* Ignore .yarn file

* Kinda stable

* Getting closer...

* Hide header when there are only personal events

* Added uid to event create, updated EventTypeDescription

* Delete redundant migration

* Committing new team related migrations

* Optimising & implemented backwards compatibility

* Removed now redundant pages

* Undid prototyping to calendarClient I did not end up using

* Properly typed Select & fixed lint throughout

* How'd that get here, removed.

* TODO: investigate why userData is not compatible with passed type

* This likely matches the event type that is created for a user

* Few bugfixes

* Adding datepicker optimisations

* Fixed new event type spacing, initial profile should always be there

* Gave NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL a try but I think it's not the right solution

* Updated EventTypeDescription to account for long titles, added logo to team page.

* Added logo to team query

* Added cancel Cypress test because an upcoming merge contains changes

* Fix for when the event type description is long

* Turned Theme into the useTheme hook, and made it fully compatible with teams pages

* Built AvatarGroup ui component + moved Avatar to ui

* Give the avatar some space fom the description

* Fixed timeZone selector

* Disabled tooltip +1-...

Co-authored-by: Bailey Pumfleet <>
2021-09-14 09:45:28 +01:00

434 lines
12 KiB

import type { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from "next";
import prisma from "@lib/prisma";
import {
} from "@prisma/client";
import { CalendarEvent, getBusyCalendarTimes } from "@lib/calendarClient";
import { v5 as uuidv5 } from "uuid";
import short from "short-uuid";
import { getBusyVideoTimes } from "@lib/videoClient";
import { getEventName } from "@lib/event";
import dayjs from "dayjs";
import logger from "@lib/logger";
import EventManager, { CreateUpdateResult, EventResult } from "@lib/events/EventManager";
import utc from "dayjs/plugin/utc";
import timezone from "dayjs/plugin/timezone";
import isBetween from "dayjs/plugin/isBetween";
import dayjsBusinessDays from "dayjs-business-days";
import EventOrganizerRequestMail from "@lib/emails/EventOrganizerRequestMail";
const translator = short();
const log = logger.getChildLogger({ prefix: ["[api] book:user"] });
function isAvailable(busyTimes, time, length) {
// Check for conflicts
let t = true;
if (Array.isArray(busyTimes) && busyTimes.length > 0) {
busyTimes.forEach((busyTime) => {
const startTime = dayjs(busyTime.start);
const endTime = dayjs(busyTime.end);
// Check if time is between start and end times
if (dayjs(time).isBetween(startTime, endTime, null, "[)")) {
t = false;
// Check if slot end time is between start and end time
if (dayjs(time).add(length, "minutes").isBetween(startTime, endTime)) {
t = false;
// Check if startTime is between slot
if (startTime.isBetween(dayjs(time), dayjs(time).add(length, "minutes"))) {
t = false;
return t;
function isOutOfBounds(
time: dayjs.ConfigType,
{ periodType, periodDays, periodCountCalendarDays, periodStartDate, periodEndDate, timeZone }
): boolean {
const date = dayjs(time);
switch (periodType) {
case "rolling": {
const periodRollingEndDay = periodCountCalendarDays
? dayjs().tz(timeZone).add(periodDays, "days").endOf("day")
: dayjs().tz(timeZone).businessDaysAdd(periodDays, "days").endOf("day");
return date.endOf("day").isAfter(periodRollingEndDay);
case "range": {
const periodRangeStartDay = dayjs(periodStartDate).tz(timeZone).endOf("day");
const periodRangeEndDay = dayjs(periodEndDate).tz(timeZone).endOf("day");
return date.endOf("day").isBefore(periodRangeStartDay) || date.endOf("day").isAfter(periodRangeEndDay);
case "unlimited":
return false;
export default async function handler(req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) {
const eventTypeId = parseInt(req.body.eventTypeId as string);
log.debug(`Booking eventType ${eventTypeId} started`);
const isTimeInPast = (time) => {
return dayjs(time).isBefore(new Date(), "day");
if (isTimeInPast(req.body.start)) {
const error = {
errorCode: "BookingDateInPast",
message: "Attempting to create a meeting in the past.",
log.error(`Booking ${eventTypeId} failed`, error);
return res.status(400).json(error);
const eventType: EventType = await prisma.eventType.findUnique({
where: {
id: eventTypeId,
select: {
users: {
select: {
id: true,
email: true,
name: true,
username: true,
timeZone: true,
team: {
select: {
id: true,
name: true,
title: true,
length: true,
eventName: true,
schedulingType: true,
periodType: true,
periodStartDate: true,
periodEndDate: true,
periodDays: true,
periodCountCalendarDays: true,
requiresConfirmation: true,
userId: true,
if (!eventType.users.length && eventType.userId) {
await prisma.user.findUnique({
where: {
id: eventType.userId,
select: {
id: true,
email: true,
name: true,
username: true,
timeZone: true,
let users: User[] = eventType.users;
if (eventType.schedulingType === SchedulingType.ROUND_ROBIN) {
const selectedUsers = req.body.users || [];
// one of these things that can probably be done better
// prisma is not well documented.
users = await Promise.all( (username) => {
const user = await prisma.user.findUnique({
where: {
select: {
bookings: {
where: {
startTime: {
gt: new Date(),
select: {
id: true,
return {
bookingCount: user.bookings.length,
).then((bookingCounts) => {
if (!bookingCounts.length) {
return users.slice(0, 1);
const sorted = bookingCounts.sort((a, b) => (a.bookingCount > b.bookingCount ? 1 : -1));
return [users.find((user) => user.username === sorted[0].username)];
const invitee = [{ email:, name:, timeZone: req.body.timeZone }];
const guests = => {
const g = {
email: guest,
name: "",
timeZone: req.body.timeZone,
return g;
const teamMembers =
eventType.schedulingType === SchedulingType.COLLECTIVE
? users.slice(1).map((user) => ({
timeZone: user.timeZone,
: [];
const attendeesList = [...invitee, ...guests, ...teamMembers];
const seed = `${users[0].username}:${dayjs(req.body.start).utc().format()}`;
const uid = translator.fromUUID(uuidv5(seed, uuidv5.URL));
const evt: CalendarEvent = {
type: eventType.title,
title: getEventName(, eventType.title, eventType.eventName),
description: req.body.notes,
startTime: req.body.start,
endTime: req.body.end,
organizer: {
name: users[0].name,
email: users[0].email,
timeZone: users[0].timeZone,
attendees: attendeesList,
location: req.body.location, // Will be processed by the EventManager later.
if (eventType.schedulingType === SchedulingType.COLLECTIVE) { = {
members: => || user.username),
}; // used for invitee emails
const bookingCreateInput: Prisma.BookingCreateInput = {
title: evt.title,
startTime: dayjs(evt.startTime).toDate(),
endTime: dayjs(evt.endTime).toDate(),
description: evt.description,
confirmed: !eventType.requiresConfirmation,
location: evt.location,
eventType: {
connect: {
id: eventTypeId,
attendees: {
createMany: {
data: evt.attendees,
user: {
connect: {
id: users[0].id,
let booking: Booking | null;
try {
booking = await{
data: bookingCreateInput,
} catch (e) {
log.error(`Booking ${eventTypeId} failed`, "Error when saving booking to db", e.message);
if (e.code === "P2002") {
return res.status(409).json({ message: "booking.conflict" });
return res.status(500).end();
let results: EventResult[] = [];
let referencesToCreate = [];
const loadUser = async (id): Promise<User> =>
await prisma.user.findUnique({
where: {
select: {
id: true,
credentials: true,
timeZone: true,
email: true,
username: true,
name: true,
bufferTime: true,
let user: User;
for (const currentUser of await Promise.all( => loadUser( {
if (!user) {
user = currentUser;
const selectedCalendars: SelectedCalendar[] = await prisma.selectedCalendar.findMany({
where: {
const credentials: Credential[] = currentUser.credentials;
if (credentials) {
const calendarBusyTimes = await getBusyCalendarTimes(
const videoBusyTimes = await getBusyVideoTimes(credentials);
const bufferedBusyTimes = => ({
start: dayjs(a.start).subtract(currentUser.bufferTime, "minute").toString(),
end: dayjs(a.end).add(currentUser.bufferTime, "minute").toString(),
let isAvailableToBeBooked = true;
try {
isAvailableToBeBooked = isAvailable(bufferedBusyTimes, req.body.start, eventType.length);
} catch {
message: "Unable set isAvailableToBeBooked. Using true. ",
if (!isAvailableToBeBooked) {
const error = {
errorCode: "BookingUserUnAvailable",
message: `${} is unavailable at this time.`,
log.debug(`Booking ${} failed`, error);
let timeOutOfBounds = false;
try {
timeOutOfBounds = isOutOfBounds(req.body.start, {
periodType: eventType.periodType,
periodDays: eventType.periodDays,
periodEndDate: eventType.periodEndDate,
periodStartDate: eventType.periodStartDate,
periodCountCalendarDays: eventType.periodCountCalendarDays,
timeZone: currentUser.timeZone,
} catch {
message: "Unable set timeOutOfBounds. Using false. ",
if (timeOutOfBounds) {
const error = {
errorCode: "BookingUserUnAvailable",
message: `${} is unavailable at this time.`,
log.debug(`Booking ${} failed`, error);
// Initialize EventManager with credentials
const eventManager = new EventManager(user.credentials);
const rescheduleUid = req.body.rescheduleUid;
if (rescheduleUid) {
// Use EventManager to conditionally use all needed integrations.
const updateResults: CreateUpdateResult = await eventManager.update(evt, rescheduleUid);
results = updateResults.results;
referencesToCreate = updateResults.referencesToCreate;
if (results.length > 0 && results.every((res) => !res.success)) {
const error = {
errorCode: "BookingReschedulingMeetingFailed",
message: "Booking Rescheduling failed",
log.error(`Booking ${} failed`, error, results);
} else if (!eventType.requiresConfirmation) {
// Use EventManager to conditionally use all needed integrations.
const createResults: CreateUpdateResult = await eventManager.create(evt, uid);
results = createResults.results;
referencesToCreate = createResults.referencesToCreate;
if (results.length > 0 && results.every((res) => !res.success)) {
const error = {
errorCode: "BookingCreatingMeetingFailed",
message: "Booking failed",
log.error(`Booking ${user.username} failed`, error, results);
if (eventType.requiresConfirmation) {
await new EventOrganizerRequestMail(evt, uid).sendEmail();
log.debug(`Booking ${user.username} completed`);
where: {
uid: booking.uid,
data: {
references: {
createMany: {
data: referencesToCreate,
// booking succesfull
return res.status(201).json(booking);