Agusti Fernandez 8bc5a75249
Feature: Verify login on signup with magic link. ()
* manual migration to rename verificationtoken, maybe it could be dropped and create a new table instead if we're not using it, will consult @zomars

* feat: rename verificationRequest --> verificationToken in schema.prisma

* fix: rename verificationRequest -> verificationToken in the codebase

* feat: add default cookies for next-auth

* fix: moves @lib/serverConfig to @calcom/lib so it can be called by website too

* fix: make self-certificate work in dev env by not rejecting tls in serverConfig

* fix verificationTokenToken typo

Co-authored-by: Omar López <>

* Adds domain: if not dev env in cookies

* Adds default-cookies to apps/web, and nextauth_domain to turbo website build deps"a


* Updates website submodule

* Removes deprecated env vars

* Consolidates auth logic in one place

* Updates website module

* Signup fixes

* Build fixes

* Updates example

* Updates example

* Fixes

* Fix Email Verification

* fix: move csrf-token cookiePrefix from __Host -> __Secure

* Removes console log

* Fixes link in email template

* Removed irrelevant coment

* Testing with a 32 bit secret

* Fixes for cookien in E2E

* E2E fixes

* Fixes Stripe tests locally

* Temp fix for E2E

Co-authored-by: Agusti Fernandez Pardo <>
Co-authored-by: kodiakhq[bot] <49736102+kodiakhq[bot]>
Co-authored-by: Omar López <>
Co-authored-by: Hariom Balhara <>
2022-04-21 14:32:25 -06:00

152 lines
4.9 KiB

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