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Enterprise Edition
Welcome to the Enterprise Edition ("/ee") of Cal.com.
The /ee subfolder is the place for all the Pro features from our hosted plan and enterprise-grade features such as SSO, SAML, ADFS, OIDC, SCIM, SIEM, HRIS and much more.
❗ WARNING: This repository is copyrighted (unlike our main repo). You are not allowed to use this code to host your own version of app.cal.com without obtaining a proper license first❗
Setting up Stripe
- Create a stripe account or use an existing one. For testing, you should use all stripe dashboard functions with the Test-Mode toggle in the top right activated.
- Open Stripe ApiKeys save the token starting with
in the .env file. - Open Stripe Connect Settings and activate OAuth for Standard Accounts
- Add
<CALENDSO URL>/api/integrations/stripepayment/callback
as redirect URL. - Copy your client*id (
in the .env file. - Open Stripe Webhooks and add
<CALENDSO URL>/api/integrations/stripepayment/webhook
as webhook for connected applications. - Select all
events for the webhook. - Copy the webhook secret (
in the .env file.
Setting up SAML login
- Set SAML_DATABASE_URL to a postgres database. Please use a different database than the main Cal instance since the migrations are separate for this database. For example
- Set SAML_ADMINS to a comma separated list of admin emails from where the SAML metadata can be uploaded and configured.
- Create a SAML application with your Identity Provider (IdP) using the instructions here - SAML Setup
- Remember to configure access to the IdP SAML app for all your users (who need access to Cal).
- You will need the XML metadata from your IdP later, so keep it accessible.
- Log in to one of the admin accounts configured in SAML_ADMINS and then navigate to Settings -> Security.
- You should see a SAML configuration section, copy and paste the XML metadata from step 5 and click on Save.
- Your provisioned users can now log into Cal using SAML.