- add new fields to support this - when free: - fade out all event types after first - hide events after first on booking page - make booking page after the first one 404 if accessed directly - add e2e tests
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138 lines
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import { hashPassword } from "../lib/auth";
import { Prisma, PrismaClient } from "@prisma/client";
const prisma = new PrismaClient();
async function createUserAndEventType(opts: {
user: Omit<Prisma.UserCreateArgs["data"], "password" | "email"> & { password: string; email: string };
eventTypes: Array<Prisma.EventTypeCreateArgs["data"]>;
}) {
const userData: Prisma.UserCreateArgs["data"] = {
password: await hashPassword(opts.user.password),
emailVerified: new Date(),
completedOnboarding: true,
const user = await prisma.user.upsert({
where: { email: opts.user.email },
update: userData,
create: userData,
`👤 Upserted '${opts.user.username}' with email "${opts.user.email}" & password "${opts.user.password}". Booking page 👉 http://localhost:3000/${opts.user.username}`
for (const rawData of opts.eventTypes) {
const eventTypeData: Prisma.EventTypeCreateArgs["data"] = { ...rawData };
eventTypeData.userId = user.id;
await prisma.eventType.upsert({
where: {
userId_slug: {
slug: eventTypeData.slug,
userId: user.id,
update: eventTypeData,
create: eventTypeData,
`\t📆 Event type ${eventTypeData.slug}, length ${eventTypeData.length}: http://localhost:3000/${user.username}/${eventTypeData.slug}`
async function main() {
await createUserAndEventType({
user: {
email: "free@example.com",
password: "free",
username: "free",
plan: "FREE",
eventTypes: [
title: "30min",
slug: "30min",
length: 30,
title: "60min",
slug: "60min",
length: 30,
await createUserAndEventType({
user: {
email: "free-first-hidden@example.com",
password: "free-first-hidden",
username: "free-first-hidden",
plan: "FREE",
eventTypes: [
title: "30min",
slug: "30min",
length: 30,
hidden: true,
title: "60min",
slug: "60min",
length: 30,
await createUserAndEventType({
user: {
email: "pro@example.com",
password: "pro",
username: "pro",
plan: "PRO",
eventTypes: [
title: "30min",
slug: "30min",
length: 30,
title: "60min",
slug: "60min",
length: 60,
await createUserAndEventType({
user: {
email: "trial@example.com",
password: "trial",
username: "trial",
plan: "TRIAL",
eventTypes: [
title: "30min",
slug: "30min",
length: 30,
title: "60min",
slug: "60min",
length: 60,
await prisma.$disconnect();
.then(() => {
console.log("🌱 Seeded db");
.catch((e) => {