Alex van Andel 6ab741b927
Feature/round robin (#613)
* Heavy WIP

* More WIP

* Playing with backwards compat

* Moar wip

* wip

* Email changes for group feature

* Committing in redundant migrations for reference

* Combine all WIP migrations into a single feature migration

* Make backup of current version of radio area pending refactor

* Improved accessibility through keyboard

* Cleanup in seperate commit so I can cherrypick later

* Added RadioArea component

* wip

* Ignore .yarn file

* Kinda stable

* Getting closer...

* Hide header when there are only personal events

* Added uid to event create, updated EventTypeDescription

* Delete redundant migration

* Committing new team related migrations

* Optimising & implemented backwards compatibility

* Removed now redundant pages

* Undid prototyping to calendarClient I did not end up using

* Properly typed Select & fixed lint throughout

* How'd that get here, removed.

* TODO: investigate why userData is not compatible with passed type

* This likely matches the event type that is created for a user

* Few bugfixes

* Adding datepicker optimisations

* Fixed new event type spacing, initial profile should always be there

* Gave NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL a try but I think it's not the right solution

* Updated EventTypeDescription to account for long titles, added logo to team page.

* Added logo to team query

* Added cancel Cypress test because an upcoming merge contains changes

* Fix for when the event type description is long

* Turned Theme into the useTheme hook, and made it fully compatible with teams pages

* Built AvatarGroup ui component + moved Avatar to ui

* Give the avatar some space fom the description

* Fixed timeZone selector

* Disabled tooltip +1-...

Co-authored-by: Bailey Pumfleet <>
2021-09-14 09:45:28 +01:00

118 lines
3.5 KiB

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