// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2019 EteSync Authors // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only // https://github.com/mozilla-comm/ical.js/issues/367#issuecomment-568493517 declare module "ical.js" { function parse(input: string): unknown[]; export class helpers { public updateTimezones(vcal: Component): Component; } class Component { public fromString(str: string): Component; public name: string; constructor(jCal: unknown[] | string, parent?: Component); public toJSON(): unknown[]; public getFirstSubcomponent(name?: string): Component | null; public getAllSubcomponents(name?: string): Component[]; public getFirstPropertyValue(name?: string): T; public getFirstProperty(name?: string): Property; public getAllProperties(name?: string): Property[]; public addProperty(property: Property): Property; public addPropertyWithValue(name: string, value: string | number | Record): Property; public hasProperty(name?: string): boolean; public updatePropertyWithValue(name: string, value: string | number | Record): Property; public removeAllProperties(name?: string): boolean; public addSubcomponent(component: Component): Component; } export class Event { public uid: string; public summary: string; public startDate: Time; public endDate: Time; public description: string; public location: string; public attendees: Property[]; /** * The sequence value for this event. Used for scheduling. * * @type {number} * @memberof Event */ public sequence: number; /** * The duration. This can be the result directly from the property, or the * duration calculated from start date and end date. Setting the property * will remove unknown `dtend` properties. * * @type {Duration} * @memberof Event */ public duration: Duration; /** * The organizer value as an uri. In most cases this is a mailto: uri, * but it can also be something else, like urn:uuid:... */ public organizer: string; /** The sequence value for this event. Used for scheduling */ public sequence: number; /** The recurrence id for this event */ public recurrenceId: Time; public component: Component; public constructor( component?: Component | null, options?: { strictExceptions: boolean; exepctions: Array } ); public isRecurring(): boolean; public iterator(startTime?: Time): RecurExpansion; } export class Property { public name: string; public type: string; constructor(jCal: unknown[] | string, parent?: Component); public getFirstValue(): T; public getValues(): T[]; public setParameter(name: string, value: string | string[]): void; public setValue(value: string | Record): void; public setValues(values: (string | Record)[]): void; public toJSON(): unknown; } interface TimeJsonData { year?: number; month?: number; day?: number; hour?: number; minute?: number; second?: number; isDate?: boolean; } export class Time { public fromString(str: string): Time; public fromJSDate(aDate: Date | null, useUTC: boolean): Time; public fromData(aData: TimeJsonData): Time; public now(): Time; public isDate: boolean; public timezone: string; public zone: Timezone; public year: number; public month: number; public day: number; public hour: number; public minute: number; public second: number; constructor(data?: TimeJsonData); public compare(aOther: Time): number; public clone(): Time; public convertToZone(zone: Timezone): Time; public adjust( aExtraDays: number, aExtraHours: number, aExtraMinutes: number, aExtraSeconds: number, aTimeopt?: Time ): void; public addDuration(aDuration: Duration): void; public subtractDateTz(aDate: Time): Duration; public toUnixTime(): number; public toJSDate(): Date; public toJSON(): TimeJsonData; public get icaltype(): "date" | "date-time"; } export class Duration { public weeks: number; public days: number; public hours: number; public minutes: number; public seconds: number; public isNegative: boolean; public icalclass: string; public icaltype: string; } export class RecurExpansion { public complete: boolean; public dtstart: Time; public last: Time; public next(): Time; public fromData(options); public toJSON(); constructor(options: { /** Start time of the event */ dtstart: Time; /** Component for expansion, required if not resuming. */ component?: Component; }); } export class Timezone { public utcTimezone: Timezone; public localTimezone: Timezone; public convert_time(tt: Time, fromZone: Timezone, toZone: Timezone): Time; public tzid: string; public component: Component; constructor( data: | Component | { component: string | Component; tzid?: string; location?: string; tznames?: string; latitude?: number; longitude?: number; } ); } export class TimezoneService { public get(tzid: string): Timezone | null; public has(tzid: string): boolean; public register(tzid: string, zone: Timezone | Component); public remove(tzid: string): Timezone | null; } export type FrequencyValues = | "YEARLY" | "MONTHLY" | "WEEKLY" | "DAILY" | "HOURLY" | "MINUTELY" | "SECONDLY"; export enum WeekDay { SU = 1, MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA, } export class RecurData { public freq?: FrequencyValues; public interval?: number; public wkst?: WeekDay; public until?: Time; public count?: number; public bysecond?: number[] | number; public byminute?: number[] | number; public byhour?: number[] | number; public byday?: string[] | string; public bymonthday?: number[] | number; public byyearday?: number[] | number; public byweekno?: number[] | number; public bymonth?: number[] | number; public bysetpos?: number[] | number; } export class RecurIterator { public next(): Time; } export class Recur { constructor(data?: RecurData); public until: Time | null; public freq: FrequencyValues; public count: number | null; public clone(): Recur; public toJSON(): Omit & { until?: string }; public iterator(startTime?: Time): RecurIterator; public isByCount(): boolean; } }