import type { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from "next"; import prisma from "../../../lib/prisma"; import { CalendarEvent, getBusyCalendarTimes } from "@lib/calendarClient"; import { v5 as uuidv5 } from "uuid"; import short from "short-uuid"; import { getBusyVideoTimes } from "@lib/videoClient"; import EventAttendeeMail from "../../../lib/emails/EventAttendeeMail"; import { getEventName } from "@lib/event"; import { LocationType } from "@lib/location"; import merge from "lodash.merge"; import dayjs from "dayjs"; import logger from "../../../lib/logger"; import EventManager, { EventResult } from "@lib/events/EventManager"; import { User } from "@prisma/client"; const translator = short(); const log = logger.getChildLogger({ prefix: ["[api] book:user"] }); function isAvailable(busyTimes, time, length) { // Check for conflicts let t = true; if (Array.isArray(busyTimes) && busyTimes.length > 0) { busyTimes.forEach((busyTime) => { const startTime = dayjs(busyTime.start); const endTime = dayjs(busyTime.end); // Check if start times are the same if (dayjs(time).format("HH:mm") == startTime.format("HH:mm")) { t = false; } // Check if time is between start and end times if (dayjs(time).isBetween(startTime, endTime)) { t = false; } // Check if slot end time is between start and end time if (dayjs(time).add(length, "minutes").isBetween(startTime, endTime)) { t = false; } // Check if startTime is between slot if (startTime.isBetween(dayjs(time), dayjs(time).add(length, "minutes"))) { t = false; } }); } return t; } interface GetLocationRequestFromIntegrationRequest { location: string; } const getLocationRequestFromIntegration = ({ location }: GetLocationRequestFromIntegrationRequest) => { if (location === LocationType.GoogleMeet.valueOf()) { const requestId = uuidv5(location, uuidv5.URL); return { conferenceData: { createRequest: { requestId: requestId, }, }, location, }; } else if (location === LocationType.Zoom.valueOf()) { const requestId = uuidv5(location, uuidv5.URL); return { conferenceData: { createRequest: { requestId: requestId, }, }, location, }; } return null; }; export default async function handler(req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse): Promise { const { user } = req.query; log.debug(`Booking ${user} started`); try { const isTimeInPast = (time) => { return dayjs(time).isBefore(new Date(), "day"); }; if (isTimeInPast(req.body.start)) { const error = { errorCode: "BookingDateInPast", message: "Attempting to create a meeting in the past.", }; log.error(`Booking ${user} failed`, error); return res.status(400).json(error); } let currentUser: User = await prisma.user.findFirst({ where: { username: user, }, select: { id: true, credentials: true, timeZone: true, email: true, name: true, }, }); const selectedCalendars = await prisma.selectedCalendar.findMany({ where: { userId:, }, }); const hasCalendarIntegrations = currentUser.credentials.filter((cred) => cred.type.endsWith("_calendar")).length > 0; const hasVideoIntegrations = currentUser.credentials.filter((cred) => cred.type.endsWith("_video")).length > 0; const calendarAvailability = await getBusyCalendarTimes( currentUser.credentials, dayjs(req.body.start).startOf("day").utc().format(), dayjs(req.body.end).endOf("day").utc().format(), selectedCalendars ); const videoAvailability = await getBusyVideoTimes( currentUser.credentials, dayjs(req.body.start).startOf("day").utc().format(), dayjs(req.body.end).endOf("day").utc().format() ); let commonAvailability = []; if (hasCalendarIntegrations && hasVideoIntegrations) { commonAvailability = calendarAvailability.filter((availability) => videoAvailability.includes(availability) ); } else if (hasVideoIntegrations) { commonAvailability = videoAvailability; } else if (hasCalendarIntegrations) { commonAvailability = calendarAvailability; } // Now, get the newly stored credentials (new refresh token for example). currentUser = await prisma.user.findFirst({ where: { username: user, }, select: { id: true, credentials: true, timeZone: true, email: true, name: true, }, }); // Initialize EventManager with credentials const eventManager = new EventManager(currentUser.credentials); const rescheduleUid = req.body.rescheduleUid; const selectedEventType = await prisma.eventType.findFirst({ where: { userId:, id: req.body.eventTypeId, }, select: { eventName: true, title: true, length: true, }, }); const rawLocation = req.body.location; let evt: CalendarEvent = { type: selectedEventType.title, title: getEventName(, selectedEventType.title, selectedEventType.eventName), description: req.body.notes, startTime: req.body.start, endTime: req.body.end, organizer: { email:, name:, timeZone: currentUser.timeZone }, attendees: [{ email:, name:, timeZone: req.body.timeZone }], }; // If phone or inPerson use raw location // set evt.location to req.body.location if (!rawLocation?.includes("integration")) { evt.location = rawLocation; } // If location is set to an integration location // Build proper transforms for evt object // Extend evt object with those transformations if (rawLocation?.includes("integration")) { const maybeLocationRequestObject = getLocationRequestFromIntegration({ location: rawLocation, }); evt = merge(evt, maybeLocationRequestObject); } const eventType = await prisma.eventType.findFirst({ where: { userId:, title: evt.type, }, select: { id: true, }, }); let isAvailableToBeBooked = true; try { isAvailableToBeBooked = isAvailable(commonAvailability, req.body.start, selectedEventType.length); } catch { log.debug({ message: "Unable set isAvailableToBeBooked. Using true. ", }); } if (!isAvailableToBeBooked) { const error = { errorCode: "BookingUserUnAvailable", message: `${} is unavailable at this time.`, }; log.debug(`Booking ${user} failed`, error); return res.status(400).json(error); } let results: Array = []; let referencesToCreate = []; if (rescheduleUid) { // Reschedule event const booking = await{ where: { uid: rescheduleUid, }, select: { id: true, references: { select: { id: true, type: true, uid: true, }, }, }, }); // Use EventManager to conditionally use all needed integrations. results = await eventManager.update(evt, booking); if (results.length > 0 && results.every((res) => !res.success)) { const error = { errorCode: "BookingReschedulingMeetingFailed", message: "Booking Rescheduling failed", }; log.error(`Booking ${user} failed`, error, results); return res.status(500).json(error); } // Clone elements referencesToCreate = []; // Now we can delete the old booking and its references. const bookingReferenceDeletes = prisma.bookingReference.deleteMany({ where: { bookingId:, }, }); const attendeeDeletes = prisma.attendee.deleteMany({ where: { bookingId:, }, }); const bookingDeletes ={ where: { uid: rescheduleUid, }, }); await Promise.all([bookingReferenceDeletes, attendeeDeletes, bookingDeletes]); } else { // Use EventManager to conditionally use all needed integrations. const results: Array = await eventManager.create(evt); if (results.length > 0 && results.every((res) => !res.success)) { const error = { errorCode: "BookingCreatingMeetingFailed", message: "Booking failed", }; log.error(`Booking ${user} failed`, error, results); return res.status(500).json(error); } referencesToCreate = => { return { type: result.type, uid:, }; }); } const hashUID = results.length > 0 ? results[0].uid : translator.fromUUID(uuidv5(JSON.stringify(evt), uuidv5.URL)); // TODO Should just be set to the true case as soon as we have a "bare email" integration class. // UID generation should happen in the integration itself, not here. if (results.length === 0) { // Legacy as well, as soon as we have a separate email integration class. Just used // to send an email even if there is no integration at all. try { const mail = new EventAttendeeMail(evt, hashUID); await mail.sendEmail(); } catch (e) { log.error("Sending legacy event mail failed", e); log.error(`Booking ${user} failed`); res.status(500).json({ message: "Booking failed" }); return; } } try { await{ data: { uid: hashUID, userId:, references: { create: referencesToCreate, }, eventTypeId:, title: evt.title, description: evt.description, startTime: evt.startTime, endTime: evt.endTime, attendees: { create: evt.attendees, }, }, }); } catch (e) { log.error(`Booking ${user} failed`, "Error when saving booking to db", e); res.status(500).json({ message: "Booking already exists" }); return; } log.debug(`Booking ${user} completed`); return res.status(204).json({ message: "Booking completed" }); } catch (reason) { log.error(`Booking ${user} failed`, reason); return res.status(500).json({ message: "Booking failed for some unknown reason" }); } }