import dayjs from "dayjs"; import { kont } from "kont"; import { loginProvider } from "./lib/loginProvider"; import { createHttpServer, waitFor } from "./lib/testUtils"; jest.setTimeout(60e3); jest.retryTimes(3); describe("webhooks", () => { const ctx = kont() .useBeforeEach( loginProvider({ user: "pro", path: "/integrations", waitForSelector: '[data-testid="new_webhook"]', }) ) .done(); test("add webhook & test that creating an event triggers a webhook call", async () => { const { page } = ctx; const webhookReceiver = createHttpServer(); // --- add webhook await'[data-testid="new_webhook"]'); await expect(page).toHaveSelector("[data-testid='WebhookDialogForm']"); await page.fill('[name="subscriberUrl"]', webhookReceiver.url); await"[type=submit]"); // dialog is closed await expect(page).not.toHaveSelector("[data-testid='WebhookDialogForm']"); // page contains the url await expect(page).toHaveSelector(`text='${webhookReceiver.url}'`); // --- go to tomorrow in the pro user's "30min"-event const tomorrow = dayjs().add(1, "day"); const tomorrowFormatted = tomorrow.format("YYYY-MM-DDZZ"); await page.goto(`http://localhost:3000/pro/30min?date=${encodeURIComponent(tomorrowFormatted)}`); // click first time available await"[data-testid=time]"); // --- fill form await page.fill('[name="name"]', "Test Testson"); await page.fill('[name="email"]', ""); await'[name="email"]', "Enter"); // --- check that webhook was called await waitFor(() => { expect(webhookReceiver.requestList.length).toBe(1); }); const [request] = webhookReceiver.requestList; const body = request.body as any; // remove dynamic properties that differs depending on where you run the tests const dynamic = "[redacted/dynamic]"; body.createdAt = dynamic; body.payload.startTime = dynamic; body.payload.endTime = dynamic; for (const attendee of body.payload.attendees) { attendee.timeZone = dynamic; } body.payload.organizer.timeZone = dynamic; body.payload.uid = dynamic; // if we change the shape of our webhooks, we can simply update this by clicking `u` // console.log("BODY", body); expect(body).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "createdAt": "[redacted/dynamic]", "payload": Object { "attendees": Array [ Object { "email": "", "name": "Test Testson", "timeZone": "[redacted/dynamic]", }, ], "description": "", "endTime": "[redacted/dynamic]", "organizer": Object { "email": "", "name": "Pro Example", "timeZone": "[redacted/dynamic]", }, "startTime": "[redacted/dynamic]", "title": "30min between Pro Example and Test Testson", "type": "30min", "uid": "[redacted/dynamic]", }, "triggerEvent": "BOOKING_CREATED", } `); webhookReceiver.close(); }); });