import dayjs, {Dayjs} from "dayjs"; import EventOwnerMail from "./EventOwnerMail"; export default class EventOwnerRescheduledMail extends EventOwnerMail { /** * Returns the email text as HTML representation. * * @protected */ protected getHtmlRepresentation(): string { return `
Hi ${},

Your event has been rescheduled.

Event Type:

Invitee Email:

` + this.getAdditionalBody() + ( this.calEvent.location ? ` Location:

` : '' ) + `Invitee Time Zone:

Additional notes:
${this.calEvent.description} ` + this.getAdditionalFooter() + `
`; } /** * Returns the payload object for the nodemailer. * * @protected */ protected getNodeMailerPayload(): Object { const organizerStart: Dayjs = dayjs(this.calEvent.startTime).tz(this.calEvent.organizer.timeZone); return { icalEvent: { filename: 'event.ics', content: this.getiCalEventAsString(), }, from: `Calendso <${this.getMailerOptions().from}>`, to:, subject: `Rescheduled event: ${this.calEvent.attendees[0].name} - ${organizerStart.format('LT dddd, LL')} - ${this.calEvent.type}`, html: this.getHtmlRepresentation(), text: this.getPlainTextRepresentation(), }; } protected printNodeMailerError(error: string): void { console.error("SEND_RESCHEDULE_EVENT_NOTIFICATION_ERROR",, error); } }