import { CardElement, useElements, useStripe } from "@stripe/react-stripe-js"; import stripejs, { StripeCardElementChangeEvent, StripeElementLocale } from "@stripe/stripe-js"; import { useRouter } from "next/router"; import { stringify } from "querystring"; import React, { SyntheticEvent, useEffect, useState } from "react"; import { PaymentData } from "@ee/lib/stripe/server"; import { useLocale } from "@lib/hooks/useLocale"; import Button from "@components/ui/Button"; const CARD_OPTIONS: stripejs.StripeCardElementOptions = { iconStyle: "solid" as const, classes: { base: "block p-2 w-full border-solid border-2 border-gray-300 rounded-md shadow-sm dark:bg-black dark:text-white dark:border-black focus-within:ring-black focus-within:border-black sm:text-sm", }, style: { base: { color: "#666", iconColor: "#666", fontFamily: "ui-sans-serif, system-ui", fontSmoothing: "antialiased", fontSize: "16px", "::placeholder": { color: "#888888", }, }, }, } as const; type Props = { payment: { data: PaymentData; }; eventType: { id: number }; user: { username: string | null }; location?: string | null; }; type States = | { status: "idle" } | { status: "processing" } | { status: "error"; error: Error } | { status: "ok" }; export default function PaymentComponent(props: Props) { const { t, i18n } = useLocale(); const router = useRouter(); const { name, date } = router.query; const [state, setState] = useState<States>({ status: "idle" }); const stripe = useStripe(); const elements = useElements(); useEffect(() => { elements?.update({ locale: i18n.language as StripeElementLocale }); }, [elements, i18n.language]); const handleChange = async (event: StripeCardElementChangeEvent) => { // Listen for changes in the CardElement // and display any errors as the customer types their card details setState({ status: "idle" }); if (event.error) setState({ status: "error", error: new Error(event.error?.message || t("missing_card_fields")) }); }; const handleSubmit = async (ev: SyntheticEvent) => { ev.preventDefault(); if (!stripe || !elements) return; const card = elements.getElement(CardElement); if (!card) return; setState({ status: "processing" }); const payload = await stripe.confirmCardPayment(!, { payment_method: { card, }, }); if (payload.error) { setState({ status: "error", error: new Error(`Payment failed: ${payload.error.message}`), }); } else { const params: { [k: string]: any } = { date, type:, user: props.user.username, name, }; if (props.location) { if (props.location.includes("integration")) { params.location = t("web_conferencing_details_to_follow"); } else { params.location = props.location; } } const query = stringify(params); const successUrl = `/success?${query}`; await router.push(successUrl); } }; return ( <form id="payment-form" className="mt-4" onSubmit={handleSubmit}> <CardElement id="card-element" options={CARD_OPTIONS} onChange={handleChange} /> <div className="mt-2 flex justify-center"> <Button type="submit" disabled={["processing", "error"].includes(state.status)} loading={state.status === "processing"} id="submit"> <span id="button-text"> {state.status === "processing" ? <div className="spinner" id="spinner" /> : t("pay_now")} </span> </Button> </div> {state.status === "error" && ( <div className="mt-4 text-center text-gray-700 dark:text-gray-300" role="alert"> {state.error.message} </div> )} </form> ); }