declare namespace NodeJS { interface ProcessEnv { /** * Set this value to 'agree' to accept our license: * LICENSE: * * Summary of terms: * - The codebase has to stay open source, whether it was modified or not * - You can not repackage or sell the codebase * - Acquire a commercial license to remove these terms by visiting: **/ readonly NEXT_PUBLIC_LICENSE_CONSENT: "agree" | undefined; readonly CALENDSO_ENCRYPTION_KEY: string | undefined; readonly DATABASE_URL: string | undefined; readonly GOOGLE_API_CREDENTIALS: string | undefined; /** @deprecated use `NEXT_PUBLIC_WEBAPP_URL` */ readonly BASE_URL: string | undefined; /** @deprecated use `NEXT_PUBLIC_WEBAPP_URL` */ readonly NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL: string | undefined; /** @deprecated use `NEXT_PUBLIC_WEBSITE_URL` */ readonly NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_URL: string | undefined; readonly JWT_SECRET: string | undefined; readonly NEXT_PUBLIC_TELEMETRY_KEY: string | undefined; readonly MS_GRAPH_CLIENT_ID: string | undefined; readonly MS_GRAPH_CLIENT_SECRET: string | undefined; readonly ZOOM_CLIENT_ID: string | undefined; readonly ZOOM_CLIENT_SECRET: string | undefined; readonly EMAIL_FROM: string | undefined; readonly EMAIL_SERVER_HOST: string | undefined; readonly EMAIL_SERVER_PORT: string | undefined; readonly EMAIL_SERVER_USER: string | undefined; readonly EMAIL_SERVER_PASSWORD: string | undefined; readonly CRON_API_KEY: string | undefined; readonly NEXT_PUBLIC_STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY: string | undefined; readonly STRIPE_PRIVATE_KEY: string | undefined; readonly STRIPE_CLIENT_ID: string | undefined; readonly STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET: string | undefined; readonly PAYMENT_FEE_PERCENTAGE: number | undefined; readonly PAYMENT_FEE_FIXED: number | undefined; readonly NEXT_PUBLIC_INTERCOM_APP_ID: string | undefined; readonly TANDEM_CLIENT_ID: string | undefined; readonly TANDEM_CLIENT_SECRET: string | undefined; readonly TANDEM_BASE_URL: string | undefined; readonly WEBSITE_BASE_URL: string | undefined; /** @deprecated use `NEXT_PUBLIC_WEBSITE_URL` */ readonly NEXT_PUBLIC_WEBSITE_BASE_URL: string; readonly NEXT_PUBLIC_WEBSITE_URL: string; readonly APP_BASE_URL: string | undefined; /** @deprecated use `NEXT_PUBLIC_WEBAPP_URL` */ readonly NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_BASE_URL: string; readonly NEXT_PUBLIC_WEBAPP_URL: string; /** The Environment that the app is deployed an running on. */ readonly VERCEL_ENV: "production" | "preview" | "development" | undefined; /** The URL of the deployment. Example: */ readonly VERCEL_URL: string | undefined; /** * This is used so we can bypass emails in auth flows for E2E testing. * Set it to "1" if you need to run E2E tests locally **/ readonly NEXT_PUBLIC_IS_E2E: 1 | undefined; } }