import { Prisma } from "@prisma/client"; import { HttpError as HttpCode } from "@calcom/lib/http-error"; import prisma from "@calcom/prisma"; import stripe from "@calcom/stripe/server"; export async function getStripeCustomerIdFromUserId(userId: number) { // Get user const user = await prisma.user.findUnique({ where: { id: userId, }, select: { email: true, name: true, metadata: true, }, }); if (!user?.email) throw new HttpCode({ statusCode: 404, message: "User email not found" }); const customerId = await getStripeCustomerId(user); return customerId; } const userType = Prisma.validator<Prisma.UserArgs>()({ select: { email: true, metadata: true, }, }); type UserType = Prisma.UserGetPayload<typeof userType>; /** This will retrieve the customer ID from Stripe or create it if it doesn't exists yet. */ export async function getStripeCustomerId(user: UserType): Promise<string> { let customerId: string | null = null; if (user?.metadata && typeof user.metadata === "object" && "stripeCustomerId" in user.metadata) { customerId = (user?.metadata as Prisma.JsonObject).stripeCustomerId as string; } else { /* We fallback to finding the customer by email (which is not optimal) */ const customersResponse = await stripe.customers.list({ email:, limit: 1, }); if ([0]?.id) { customerId =[0].id; } else { /* Creating customer on Stripe and saving it on prisma */ const customer = await stripe.customers.create({ email: }); customerId =; } await prisma.user.update({ where: { email:, }, data: { metadata: { ...(user.metadata as Prisma.JsonObject), stripeCustomerId: customerId, }, }, }); } return customerId; } export async function deleteStripeCustomer(user: UserType): Promise<string | null> { const customerId = await getStripeCustomerId(user); if (!customerId) { console.warn("No stripe customer found for user:" +; return null; } //delete stripe customer const deletedCustomer = await stripe.customers.del(customerId); return; }