import { ChevronRightIcon } from "@heroicons/react/solid"; import { DocumentTextIcon, BookOpenIcon, CodeIcon, CheckIcon } from "@heroicons/react/outline"; import { useRouter } from "next/router"; import React from "react"; import Link from "next/link"; import Head from "next/head"; const links = [ { title: "Documentation", description: "Learn how to integrate our tools with your app", icon: DocumentTextIcon, href: "", }, { title: "API Reference", description: "A complete API reference for our libraries", icon: CodeIcon, href: "", }, { title: "Blog", description: "Read our latest news and articles", icon: BookOpenIcon, href: "", }, ]; export default function Custom404() { const router = useRouter(); const username = router.asPath.replace("%20", "-"); return ( <> 404: This page could not be found.

404 error

This page does not exist.

The username{username} is still available. Register now.

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); }