{ "uh_oh": "Uh oh!", "no_event_types_have_been_setup": "This user hasn't set up any event types yet.", "edit_logo": "Edit logo", "upload_a_logo": "Upload a logo", "enable": "Enable", "code": "Code", "code_is_incorrect": "Code is incorrect.", "add_an_extra_layer_of_security": "Add an extra layer of security to your account in case your password is stolen.", "2fa": "Two-Factor Authentication", "enable_2fa": "Enable two-factor authentication", "disable_2fa": "Disable two-factor authentication", "disable_2fa_recommendation": "If you need to disable 2FA, we recommend re-enabling it as soon as possible.", "error_disabling_2fa": "Error disabling two-factor authentication", "error_enabling_2fa": "Error setting up two-factor authentication", "security": "Security", "manage_account_security": "Manage your account's security.", "password": "Password", "password_updated_successfully": "Password updated successfully", "password_has_been_changed": "Your password has been successfully changed.", "error_changing_password": "Error changing password", "something_went_wrong": "Something went wrong", "please_try_again": "Please try again", "super_secure_new_password": "Your super secure new password", "new_password": "New Password", "your_old_password": "Your old password", "current_password": "Current Password", "change_password": "Change Password", "new_password_matches_old_password": "New password matches your old password. Please choose a different password.", "current_incorrect_password": "Current password is incorrect", "incorrect_password": "Password is incorrect", "1_on_1": "1-on-1", "24_h": "24h", "use_setting": "Use setting", "am_pm": "am/pm", "time_options": "Time options", "january": "January", "february": "February", "march": "March", "april": "April", "may": "May", "june": "June", "july": "July", "august": "August", "september": "September", "october": "October", "november": "November", "december": "December", "monday": "Monday", "tuesday": "Tuesday", "wednesday": "Wednesday", "thursday": "Thursday", "friday": "Friday", "saturday": "Saturday", "sunday": "Sunday", "all_booked_today": "All booked today.", "slots_load_fail": "Could not load the available time slots.", "additional_guests": "+ Additional Guests", "your_name": "Your name", "email_address": "Email address", "location": "Location", "yes": "yes", "no": "no", "additional_notes": "Additional notes", "booking_fail": "Could not book the meeting.", "reschedule_fail": "Could not reschedule the meeting.", "share_additional_notes": "Please share anything that will help prepare for our meeting.", "booking_confirmation": "Confirm your {{eventTypeTitle}} with {{profileName}}", "booking_reschedule_confirmation": "Reschedule your {{eventTypeTitle}} with {{profileName}}", "in_person_meeting": "Link or In-person meeting", "phone_call": "Phone call", "phone_number": "Phone Number", "enter_phone_number": "Enter phone number", "reschedule": "Reschedule", "book_a_team_member": "Book a team member instead", "or": "OR", "go_back": "Go back", "email_or_username": "Email or Username", "send_invite_email": "Send an invite email", "role": "Role", "edit_team": "Edit team", "reject": "Reject", "accept": "Accept", "leave": "Leave", "profile": "Profile", "my_team_url": "My team URL", "team_name": "Team name", "your_team_name": "Your team name", "team_updated_successfully": "Team updated successfully", "your_team_updated_successfully": "Your team has been updated successfully.", "about": "About", "team_description": "A few sentences about your team. This will appear on your team's URL page.", "members": "Members", "member": "Member", "owner": "Owner", "new_member": "New Member", "invite": "Invite", "invite_new_member": "Invite a new member", "invite_new_team_member": "Invite someone to your team.", "disable_cal_branding": "Disable Cal.com branding", "disable_cal_branding_description": "Hide all Cal.com branding from your public pages.", "danger_zone": "Danger Zone", "back": "Back", "cancel": "Cancel", "continue": "Continue", "confirm": "Confirm", "disband_team": "Disband Team", "disband_team_confirmation_message": "Are you sure you want to disband this team? Anyone who you've shared this team link with will no longer be able to book using it.", "remove_member_confirmation_message": "Are you sure you want to remove this member from the team?", "confirm_disband_team": "Yes, disband team", "confirm_remove_member": "Yes, remove member", "remove_member": "Remove member", "manage_your_team": "Manage your team", "submit": "Submit", "delete": "Delete", "update": "Update", "save": "Save", "pending": "Pending", "open_options": "Open options", "copy_link": "Copy link to event", "preview": "Preview", "link_copied": "Link copied!", "title": "Title", "description": "Description", "quick_video_meeting": "A quick video meeting.", "scheduling_type": "Scheduling Type", "preview_team": "Preview team", "collective": "Collective", "collective_description": "Schedule meetings when all selected team members are available.", "duration": "Duration", "minutes": "minutes", "round_robin": "Round Robin", "round_robin_description": "Cycle meetings between multiple team members.", "url": "URL", "hidden": "Hidden", "readonly": "Readonly", "plan_upgrade": "You need to upgrade your plan to have more than one active event type.", "plan_upgrade_instructions": "To upgrade, go to https://cal.com/upgrade", "event_types_page_title": "Event Types", "event_types_page_subtitle": "Create events to share for people to book on your calendar.", "new_event_type_btn": "New event type", "new_event_type_heading": "Create your first event type", "new_event_type_description": "Event types enable you to share links that show available times on your calendar and allow people to make bookings with you.", "new_event_title": "Add a new event type", "new_event_subtitle": "Create an event type under your name or a team.", "new_team_event": "Add a new team event type", "new_event_description": "Create a new event type for people to book times with.", "event_type_created_successfully": "{{eventTypeTitle}} event type created successfully", "hours": "Hours", "full_name": "Full Name", "your_email": "Your Email", "change_avatar": "Change Avatar", "language": "Language", "timezone": "Timezone", "first_day_week": "First day week", "single_theme": "Single Theme", "file_not_named": "File is not named [idOrSlug]/[user]", "create_team": "Create Team", "name_team": "Name", "create_new_team_description": "Create a new team to collaborate with users.", "create_new_team": "Create a new team", "open_invitations": "Open Invitations", "new_team": "New Team", "create_first_invite_other_users": "Create your first team and invite other users to work together with you.", "create_team_get_started": "Create a team to get started", "teams": "Teams", "create_manage_teams_collaborative": "Create and manage teams to use collaborative features.", "this_feature_only_available_paid_plan": "This feature is only available in paid plan", "order_remove_cal_branding_description": "In order to remove the Cal branding from your booking pages, you need to upgrade to a paid account.", "to_upgrade_go_to": "To upgrade go to", "edit_profile_info_description": "Edit your profile information, which shows on your scheduling link.", "change_email_contact": "To change your email, please contact", "little_something_about": "A little something about yourself.", "profile_updated_successfully": "Profile updated successfully", "your_user_profile_updated_successfully": "Your user profile has been updated successfully.", "user_cannot_found_db": "User seems logged in but cannot be found in the db", "embed_and_webhooks": "Embed & Webhooks", "enabled": "Enabled", "disabled": "Disabled", "billing": "Billing", "manage_your_billing_info": "Manage your billing information and cancel your subscription.", "availability": "Availability", "configure_times_available_bookings": "Configure times when you are available for bookings.", "change_weekly_schedule": "Change your weekly schedule", "logo": "Logo", "error": "Error", "team_logo": "Team Logo", "add_location": "Add a location", "attendees": "Attendees", "add_attendees": "Add attendees", "show_advanced_settings": "Show advanced settings", "event_name": "Event Name", "meeting_with_user": "Meeting with {USER}", "additional_inputs": "Additional Inputs", "label": "Label", "placeholder": "Placeholder", "type": "Type", "edit": "Edit", "add_input": "Add an Input", "opt_in_booking": "Opt-in Booking", "opt_in_booking_description": "The booking needs to be manually confirmed before it is pushed to the integrations and a confirmation mail is sent.", "disable_guests": "Disable Guests", "disable_guests_description": "Disable adding additional guests while booking.", "invitees_can_schedule": "Invitees can schedule", "date_range": "Date Range", "calendar_days": "calendar days", "business_days": "business days", "payment": "Payment", "set_address_place": "Set an address or place", "cal_invitee_phone_number_scheduling": "Cal will ask your invitee to enter a phone number before scheduling.", "cal_provide_google_meet_location": "Cal will provide a Google Meet location.", "cal_provide_zoom_meeting_url": "Cal will provide a Zoom meeting URL.", "cal_provide_video_meeting_url": "Cal will provide a Daily video meeting URL.", "require_payment": "Require Payment", "commission_per_transaction": "commission per transaction", "event_type_updated_successfully": "Event Type updated successfully", "event_type_updated_successfully_description": "Your event type has been updated successfully.", "hide_event_type": "Hide event type", "edit_location": "Edit location", "into_the_future": "into the future", "within_date_range": "Within a date range", "indefinitely_into_future": "Indefinitely into the future", "this_input_will_shown_booking_this_event": "This input will be shown when booking this event", "add_new_custom_input_field": "Add new custom input field", "quick_chat": "Quick Chat", "add_new_team_event_type": "Add a new team event type", "add_new_event_type": "Add a new event type", "new_event_type_to_book_description": "Create a new event type for people to book times with.", "length": "Length", "minimum_booking_notice": "Minimum booking notice", "delete_event_type_description": "Are you sure you want to delete this event type? Anyone who you've shared this link with will no longer be able to book using it.", "delete_event_type": "Delete Event Type", "confirm_delete_event_type": "Yes, delete event type" }