import { expect, test } from "@playwright/test";

test.describe("Change Passsword Test", () => {
  // Using logged in state from globalSteup
  test.use({ storageState: "playwright/artifacts/proStorageState.json" });

  test("change password", async ({ page }) => {
    // Try to go homepage
    await page.goto("/");
    // It should redirect you to the event-types page
    await page.waitForSelector("[data-testid=event-types]");

    // Go to http://localhost:3000/settings/security
    await page.goto("/settings/security");

    // Fill form
    await page.fill('[name="current_password"]', "pro");
    await page.fill('[name="new_password"]', "pro1");
    await'[name="new_password"]', "Enter");

    await expect(page.locator(`text=Your password has been successfully changed.`)).toBeVisible();

    // Let's revert back to prevent errors on other tests
    await page.fill('[name="current_password"]', "pro1");
    await page.fill('[name="new_password"]', "pro");
    await'[name="new_password"]', "Enter");

    await expect(page.locator(`text=Your password has been successfully changed.`)).toBeVisible();