import { Prisma } from "@prisma/client"; import type { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from "next"; import stripe from "@ee/lib/stripe/server"; import { getSession } from "@lib/auth"; import prisma from "@lib/prisma"; export default async function handler(req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) { if (req.method === "POST") { // Check that user is authenticated const session = await getSession({ req }); if (!session) { res.status(401).json({ message: "You must be logged in to do this" }); return; } // Get user const user = await prisma.user.findUnique({ where: { id: session.user?.id, }, select: { email: true, name: true, metadata: true, }, }); if (!user?.email) return res.status(404).json({ message: "User email not found", }); let customerId = ""; if (user?.metadata && typeof user.metadata === "object" && "stripeCustomerId" in user.metadata) { customerId = (user?.metadata as Prisma.JsonObject).stripeCustomerId as string; } else { /* We fallback to finding the customer by email (which is not optimal) */ const customersReponse = await stripe.customers.list({ email:, limit: 1, }); if ([0]?.id) { customerId =[0].id; } } if (!customerId) return res.status(404).json({ message: "Stripe customer id not found", }); const return_url = `${process.env.BASE_URL}/settings/billing`; const stripeSession = await stripe.billingPortal.sessions.create({ customer: customerId, return_url, }); res.redirect(302, stripeSession.url); } }