import dayjs, { Dayjs } from "dayjs"; import EventMail from "./EventMail"; import utc from "dayjs/plugin/utc"; import timezone from "dayjs/plugin/timezone"; import localizedFormat from "dayjs/plugin/localizedFormat"; dayjs.extend(utc); dayjs.extend(timezone); dayjs.extend(localizedFormat); export default class EventAttendeeMail extends EventMail { /** * Returns the email text as HTML representation. * * @protected */ protected getHtmlRepresentation(): string { return ( `
Hi ${this.calEvent.attendees[0].name},

Your ${this.calEvent.type} with ${} at ${this.getInviteeStart().format( "h:mma" )} (${this.calEvent.attendees[0].timeZone}) on ${this.getInviteeStart().format( "dddd, LL" )} is scheduled.

` + this.getAdditionalBody() + (this.calEvent.location ? `Location: ${this.calEvent.location}

` : "") + `Additional notes:
` + this.getAdditionalFooter() + `
` ); } /** * Returns the payload object for the nodemailer. * * @protected */ protected getNodeMailerPayload(): Record { return { to: `${this.calEvent.attendees[0].name} <${this.calEvent.attendees[0].email}>`, from: `${} <${this.getMailerOptions().from}>`, replyTo:, subject: `Confirmed: ${this.calEvent.type} with ${ } on ${this.getInviteeStart().format("dddd, LL")}`, html: this.getHtmlRepresentation(), text: this.getPlainTextRepresentation(), }; } protected printNodeMailerError(error: string): void { console.error("SEND_BOOKING_CONFIRMATION_ERROR", this.calEvent.attendees[0].email, error); } /** * Returns the inviteeStart value used at multiple points. * * @private */ protected getInviteeStart(): Dayjs { return dayjs(this.calEvent.startTime).tz(this.calEvent.attendees[0].timeZone); } }