import { MembershipRole, Prisma, UserPlan } from "@prisma/client";
import Stripe from "stripe";

import { getStripeCustomerFromUser } from "@ee/lib/stripe/customer";

import { HOSTED_CAL_FEATURES } from "@lib/config/constants";
import { HttpError } from "@lib/core/http/error";
import prisma from "@lib/prisma";

import stripe from "./server";

// get team owner's Pro Plan subscription from Cal userId
export async function getProPlanSubscription(userId: number) {
  const stripeCustomerId = await getStripeCustomerFromUser(userId);
  if (!stripeCustomerId) return null;

  const customer = await stripe.customers.retrieve(stripeCustomerId, {
    expand: [""],
  if (customer.deleted) throw new HttpError({ statusCode: 404, message: "Stripe customer not found" });
  // get the first subscription item which is the Pro Plan TODO: change to find()
  return customer.subscriptions?.data[0];

async function getMembersMissingSeats(teamId: number) {
  const members = await prisma.membership.findMany({
    where: { teamId },
    select: { role: true, accepted: true, user: { select: { id: true, plan: true, metadata: true } } },
  // any member that is not Pro is missing a seat excluding the owner
  const membersMissingSeats = members.filter(
    (m) => m.role !== MembershipRole.OWNER || m.user.plan !== UserPlan.PRO
  // as owner's billing is handled by a different Price, we count this separately
  const ownerIsMissingSeat = !!members.find(
    (m) => m.role === MembershipRole.OWNER && m.user.plan === UserPlan.FREE
  return {

// a helper for the upgrade dialog
export async function getTeamSeatStats(teamId: number) {
  const { membersMissingSeats, members, ownerIsMissingSeat } = await getMembersMissingSeats(teamId);
  return {
    totalMembers: members.length,
    // members we need not pay for
    freeSeats: members.length - membersMissingSeats.length,
    // members we need to pay for (if not hosted cal, team billing is disabled)
    missingSeats: HOSTED_CAL_FEATURES ? membersMissingSeats.length : 0,
    // members who have been hidden from view
    hiddenMembers: members.filter((m) => m.user.plan === UserPlan.FREE).length,
    ownerIsMissingSeat: HOSTED_CAL_FEATURES ? ownerIsMissingSeat : false,

async function updatePerSeatQuantity(subscription: Stripe.Subscription, quantity: number) {
  const perSeatProPlan = => === getPerSeatProPlanPrice());
  // if their subscription does not contain Per Seat Pro, add it—otherwise, update the existing one
  return await stripe.subscriptions.update(, {
    items: [
      perSeatProPlan ? { id:, quantity } : { plan: getPerSeatProPlanPrice(), quantity },

// called by the team owner when they are ready to upgrade their team to Per Seat Pro
// if user has no subscription, this will be called again after successful stripe checkout callback, with subscription now present
export async function upgradeTeam(userId: number, teamId: number) {
  const ownerUser = await prisma.membership.findFirst({
    where: { userId, teamId },
    select: { role: true, user: true },

  if (ownerUser?.role !== MembershipRole.OWNER)
    throw new HttpError({ statusCode: 400, message: "User is not an owner" });

  const subscription = await getProPlanSubscription(userId);
  const { membersMissingSeats, ownerIsMissingSeat } = await getMembersMissingSeats(teamId);

  if (!subscription) {
    const customer = await getStripeCustomerFromUser(userId);
    if (!customer) throw new HttpError({ statusCode: 400, message: "User has no Stripe customer" });
    // create a checkout session with the quantity of missing seats
    const session = await createCheckoutSession(
    // return checkout session url for redirect
    return { url: session.url };

  // if the owner has a subscription but does not have an individual Pro account
  if (ownerIsMissingSeat) {
    const ownerHasProPlan = !!
      (item) => === getProPlanPrice() || === getPremiumPlanPrice()
    if (!ownerHasProPlan)
      await stripe.subscriptions.update(, {
        items: [
            price: getProPlanPrice(),
            quantity: 1,

    await prisma.user.update({
      where: { id: userId },
      data: { plan: UserPlan.PRO },

  // update the subscription with Stripe
  await updatePerSeatQuantity(subscription, membersMissingSeats.length);

  // loop through all members and update their account to Pro
  for (const member of membersMissingSeats) {
    await prisma.user.update({
      where: { id: },
      data: {
        plan: UserPlan.PRO,
        // declare which team is sponsoring their Pro membership
        metadata: { proPaidForByTeamId: teamId, ...((member.user.metadata as Prisma.JsonObject) ?? {}) },
  return { success: true };

// shared logic for add/removing members, called on member invite and member removal/leave
async function addOrRemoveSeat(remove: boolean, userId: number, teamId: number, memberUserId?: number) {
  console.log(remove ? "removing member" : "adding member", { userId, teamId, memberUserId });

  const subscription = await getProPlanSubscription(userId);
  if (!subscription) return;

  // get the per seat plan from the subscription
  const perSeatProPlanPrice = subscription?
    (item) => === getPerSeatProPlanPrice()

  // find the member's local user account
  const memberUser = await prisma.user.findUnique({
    where: { id: memberUserId },
    select: { id: true, plan: true, metadata: true },
  // in the rare event there is no account, return
  if (!memberUser) return;

  // check if this user is paying for their own Pro account, if so return.
  const memberSubscription = await getProPlanSubscription(;
  const proPlanPrice = memberSubscription? => === getProPlanPrice());
  if (proPlanPrice) return;

  // takes care of either adding per seat pricing, or updating the existing one's quantity
  await updatePerSeatQuantity(
    remove ? (perSeatProPlanPrice?.quantity ?? 1) - 1 : (perSeatProPlanPrice?.quantity ?? 0) + 1

  // add or remove proPaidForByTeamId from metadata
  const metadata: Record<string, unknown> = {
    proPaidForByTeamId: teamId,
    ...((memberUser.metadata as Prisma.JsonObject) ?? {}),
  // entirely remove property if removing member from team and proPaidForByTeamId is this team
  if (remove && metadata.proPaidForByTeamId === teamId) delete metadata.proPaidForByTeamId;

  await prisma.user.update({
    where: { id: memberUserId },
    data: { plan: remove ? UserPlan.FREE : UserPlan.PRO, metadata: metadata as Prisma.JsonObject },

// aliased helpers for more verbose usage
export async function addSeat(userId: number, teamId: number, memberUserId?: number) {
  return await addOrRemoveSeat(false, userId, teamId, memberUserId);

export async function removeSeat(userId: number, teamId: number, memberUserId?: number) {
  return await addOrRemoveSeat(true, userId, teamId, memberUserId);

// if a team has failed to pay for the pro plan, downgrade all team members to free
export async function downgradeTeamMembers(teamId: number) {
  const members = await prisma.membership.findMany({
    where: { teamId, user: { plan: UserPlan.PRO } },
    select: { role: true, accepted: true, user: { select: { id: true, plan: true, metadata: true } } },

  for (const member of members) {
    // skip if user had their own Pro subscription
    const subscription = await getProPlanSubscription(;
    if (subscription? continue;

    // skip if Pro is paid for by another team
    const metadata = (member.user.metadata as Prisma.JsonObject) ?? {};
    if (metadata.proPaidForByTeamId !== teamId) continue;

    // downgrade only if their pro plan was paid for by this team
    delete metadata.proPaidForByTeamId;
    await prisma.user.update({
      where: { id: },
      data: { plan: UserPlan.FREE, metadata },

async function createCheckoutSession(
  customerId: string,
  quantity: number,
  teamId: number,
  includeBaseProPlan?: boolean
) {
  // if the user is missing the base plan, we should include it agnostic of the seat quantity
  const line_items: Stripe.Checkout.SessionCreateParams["line_items"] =
    quantity === 0
      ? []
      : [
            price: getPerSeatProPlanPrice(),
            quantity: quantity ?? 1,
  if (includeBaseProPlan) line_items.push({ price: getProPlanPrice(), quantity: 1 });

  const params: Stripe.Checkout.SessionCreateParams = {
    mode: "subscription",
    payment_method_types: ["card"],
    customer: customerId,
    success_url: `${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_URL}/api/teams/${teamId}/upgrade?session_id={CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID}`,
    cancel_url: `${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_URL}/`,
    allow_promotion_codes: true,

  return await stripe.checkout.sessions.create(params);

// verifies that the subscription's quantity is correct for the number of members the team has
// this is a function is a dev util, but could be utilized as a sync technique in the future
export async function ensureSubscriptionQuantityCorrectness(userId: number, teamId: number) {
  const subscription = await getProPlanSubscription(userId);
  const stripeQuantity =
    subscription? => === getPerSeatProPlanPrice())?.quantity ?? 0;

  const { membersMissingSeats } = await getMembersMissingSeats(teamId);
  // correct the quantity if missing seats is out of sync with subscription quantity
  if (subscription && membersMissingSeats.length !== stripeQuantity) {
    await updatePerSeatQuantity(subscription, membersMissingSeats.length);

// TODO: these should be moved to env vars
export function getPerSeatProPlanPrice(): string {
  return process.env.NODE_ENV === "production"
    ? "price_1KHkoeH8UDiwIftkkUbiggsM"
    : "price_1KLD4GH8UDiwIftkWQfsh1Vh";
export function getProPlanPrice(): string {
  return process.env.NODE_ENV === "production"
    ? "price_1KHkoeH8UDiwIftkkUbiggsM"
    : "price_1JZ0J3H8UDiwIftk0YIHYKr8";
export function getPremiumPlanPrice(): string {
  return process.env.NODE_ENV === "production"
    ? "price_1Jv3CMH8UDiwIftkFgyXbcHN"
    : "price_1Jv3CMH8UDiwIftkFgyXbcHN";