
626 lines
34 KiB
Raw Normal View History

"trial_days_left": "You have $t(day, {\"count\": {{days}} }) left on your PRO trial",
"day": "{{count}} day",
"day_plural": "{{count}} days",
"upgrade_now": "Upgrade now",
"accept_invitation": "Accept Invitation",
"calcom_explained": " is the open source Calendly alternative putting you in control of your own data, workflow and appearance.",
"have_any_questions": "Have questions? We're here to help.",
"reset_password_subject": " Reset password instructions",
"event_declined_subject": "Declined: {{eventType}} with {{name}} at {{date}}",
"event_cancelled_subject": "Cancelled: {{eventType}} with {{name}} at {{date}}",
"event_request_declined": "Your event request has been declined",
"event_request_cancelled": "Your scheduled event was cancelled",
"organizer": "Organizer",
"need_to_reschedule_or_cancel": "Need to reschedule or cancel?",
"cancellation_reason": "Reason for cancellation",
"cancellation_reason_placeholder": "Why are you cancelling? (optional)",
"manage_this_event": "Manage this event",
"your_event_has_been_scheduled": "Your event has been scheduled",
"accept_our_license": "Accept our license by changing the .env variable <1>NEXT_PUBLIC_LICENSE_CONSENT</1> to '{{agree}}'.",
"remove_banner_instructions": "To remove this banner, please open your .env file and change the <1>NEXT_PUBLIC_LICENSE_CONSENT</1> variable to '{{agree}}'.",
"error_message": "The error message was: '{{errorMessage}}'",
"refund_failed_subject": "Refund failed: {{name}} - {{date}} - {{eventType}}",
"refund_failed": "The refund for the event {{eventType}} with {{userName}} on {{date}} failed.",
"check_with_provider_and_user": "Please check with your payment provider and {{user}} how to handle this.",
"a_refund_failed": "A refund failed",
"awaiting_payment_subject": "Awaiting Payment: {{eventType}} with {{name}} on {{date}}",
"meeting_awaiting_payment": "Your meeting is awaiting payment",
"help": "Help",
"price": "Price",
"paid": "Paid",
"refunded": "Refunded",
"pay_later_instructions": "You have also received an email with this link, if you want to pay later.",
"payment": "Payment",
"missing_card_fields": "Missing card fields",
"pay_now": "Pay now",
"codebase_has_to_stay_opensource": "The codebase has to stay open source, whether it was modified or not",
"cannot_repackage_codebase": "You can not repackage or sell the codebase",
"acquire_license": "Acquire a commercial license to remove these terms by emailing",
"terms_summary": "Summary of terms",
"open_env": "Open .env and agree to our License",
"env_changed": "I've changed my .env",
"accept_license": "Accept License",
"still_waiting_for_approval": "An event is still waiting for approval",
"event_is_still_waiting": "Event request is still waiting: {{attendeeName}} - {{date}} - {{eventType}}",
"no_more_results": "No more results",
"load_more_results": "Load more results",
"integration_meeting_id": "{{integrationName}} meeting ID: {{meetingId}}",
"confirmed_event_type_subject": "Confirmed: {{eventType}} with {{name}} at {{date}}",
"new_event_request": "New event request: {{attendeeName}} - {{date}} - {{eventType}}",
"confirm_or_reject_request": "Confirm or reject the request",
"check_bookings_page_to_confirm_or_reject": "Check your bookings page to confirm or reject the booking.",
"event_awaiting_approval": "An event is waiting for your approval",
"someone_requested_an_event": "Someone has requested to schedule an event on your calendar.",
"someone_requested_password_reset": "Someone has requested a link to change your password.",
"password_reset_instructions": "If you didn't request this, you can safely ignore this email and your password will not be changed.",
"event_awaiting_approval_subject": "Awaiting Approval: {{eventType}} with {{name}} at {{date}}",
"event_still_awaiting_approval": "An event is still waiting for your approval",
"your_meeting_has_been_booked": "Your meeting has been booked",
"event_type_has_been_rescheduled_on_time_date": "Your {{eventType}} with {{name}} has been rescheduled to {{time}} ({{timeZone}}) on {{date}}.",
"event_has_been_rescheduled": "Updated - Your event has been rescheduled",
"hi_user_name": "Hi {{name}}",
"ics_event_title": "{{eventType}} with {{name}}",
"new_event_subject": "New event: {{attendeeName}} - {{date}} - {{eventType}}",
"join_by_entrypoint": "Join by {{entryPoint}}",
"notes": "Notes",
"manage_my_bookings": "Manage my bookings",
"need_to_make_a_change": "Need to make a change?",
"new_event_scheduled": "A new event has been scheduled.",
"invitee_email": "Invitee Email",
"invitee_timezone": "Invitee Time Zone",
"event_type": "Event Type",
"enter_meeting": "Enter Meeting",
"video_call_provider": "Video call provider",
"meeting_id": "Meeting ID",
"meeting_password": "Meeting Password",
"meeting_url": "Meeting URL",
"meeting_request_rejected": "Your meeting request has been rejected",
"rescheduled_event_type_subject": "Rescheduled: {{eventType}} with {{name}} at {{date}}",
"rejected_event_type_with_organizer": "Rejected: {{eventType}} with {{organizer}} on {{date}}",
"hi": "Hi",
"join_team": "Join team",
"request_another_invitation_email": "If you prefer not to use {{toEmail}} as your email or already have a account, please request another invitation to that email.",
"you_have_been_invited": "You have been invited to join the team {{teamName}}",
"user_invited_you": "{{user}} invited you to join the team {{team}} on",
"link_expires": "p.s. It expires in {{expiresIn}} hours.",
"use_link_to_reset_password": "Use the link below to reset your password",
"hey_there": "Hey there,",
"forgot_your_password_calcom": "Forgot your password? -",
"event_type_title": "{{eventTypeTitle}} | Event Type",
2021-10-15 10:53:42 +00:00
"delete_webhook_confirmation_message": "Are you sure you want to delete this webhook? You will no longer receive meeting data at a specified URL, in real-time, when an event is scheduled or canceled.",
"confirm_delete_webhook": "Yes, delete webhook",
"edit_webhook": "Edit Webhook",
"delete_webhook": "Delete Webhook",
"webhook_status": "Webhook Status",
"webhook_enabled": "Webhook Enabled",
2021-10-20 18:23:15 +00:00
"webhook_disabled": "Webhook Disabled",
"webhook_response": "Webhook response",
"webhook_test": "Webhook test",
2021-10-15 10:53:42 +00:00
"manage_your_webhook": "Manage your webhook",
2021-10-18 07:02:25 +00:00
"webhook_created_successfully": "Webhook created successfully!",
2021-10-15 10:53:42 +00:00
"webhook_updated_successfully": "Webhook updated successfully!",
"webhook_removed_successfully": "Webhook removed successfully!",
"payload_template": "Payload Template",
2021-10-15 10:53:42 +00:00
"dismiss": "Dismiss",
"no_data_yet": "No data yet",
"ping_test": "Ping test",
2021-10-15 10:53:42 +00:00
"add_to_homescreen": "Add this app to your home screen for faster access and improved experience.",
"upcoming": "Upcoming",
"past": "Past",
"choose_a_file": "Choose a file...",
"upload_image": "Upload image",
"upload_target": "Upload {{target}}",
"no_target": "No {{target}}",
"slide_zoom_drag_instructions": "Slide to zoom, drag to reposition",
"view_notifications": "View notifications",
"view_public_page": "View public page",
"sign_out": "Sign out",
"add_another": "Add another",
"until": "until",
"powered_by": "powered by",
"unavailable": "Unavailable",
"set_work_schedule": "Set your work schedule",
"change_bookings_availability": "Change when you are available for bookings",
"select": "Select...",
"2fa_confirm_current_password": "Confirm your current password to get started.",
"2fa_scan_image_or_use_code": "Scan the image below with the authenticator app on your phone or manually enter the text code instead.",
"text": "Text",
"multiline_text": "Multiline Text",
"number": "Number",
"checkbox": "Checkbox",
"is_required": "Is required",
"required": "Required",
2021-10-15 10:53:42 +00:00
"input_type": "Input type",
"rejected": "Rejected",
"unconfirmed": "Unconfirmed",
"guests": "Guests",
"guest": "Guest",
2021-10-15 10:53:42 +00:00
"web_conferencing_details_to_follow": "Web conferencing details to follow.",
"the_username": "The username",
2021-10-15 10:53:42 +00:00
"username": "Username",
"is_still_available": "is still available.",
"documentation": "Documentation",
"documentation_description": "Learn how to integrate our tools with your app",
"api_reference": "API Reference",
"api_reference_description": "A complete API reference for our libraries",
"blog": "Blog",
"blog_description": "Read our latest news and articles",
"join_our_community": "Join our community",
2021-10-15 10:53:42 +00:00
"join_our_slack": "Join our Slack",
"claim_username_and_schedule_events": "Claim your username and schedule events",
"popular_pages": "Popular pages",
"register_now": "Register now",
"register": "Register",
"page_doesnt_exist": "This page does not exist.",
"check_spelling_mistakes_or_go_back": "Check for spelling mistakes or go back to the previous page.",
"404_page_not_found": "404: This page could not be found.",
"getting_started": "Getting Started",
"15min_meeting": "15 Min Meeting",
"30min_meeting": "30 Min Meeting",
"secret_meeting": "Secret Meeting",
"login_instead": "Login instead",
"already_have_an_account": "Already have an account?",
"create_account": "Create Account",
"confirm_password": "Confirm password",
"create_your_account": "Create your account",
"sign_up": "Sign up",
"youve_been_logged_out": "You've been logged out",
"hope_to_see_you_soon": "We hope to see you again soon!",
"logged_out": "Logged out",
"please_try_again_and_contact_us": "Please try again and contact us if the issue persists.",
"incorrect_2fa_code": "Two-factor code is incorrect.",
"no_account_exists": "No account exists matching that email address.",
"2fa_enabled_instructions": "Two-factor authentication enabled. Please enter the six-digit code from your authenticator app.",
2021-10-15 10:53:42 +00:00
"2fa_enter_six_digit_code": "Enter the six-digit code from your authenticator app below.",
"create_an_account": "Create an account",
"dont_have_an_account": "Don't have an account?",
"2fa_code": "Two-Factor Code",
"sign_in_account": "Sign in to your account",
"sign_in": "Sign in",
"go_back_login": "Go back to the login page",
"error_during_login": "An error occurred when logging you in. Head back to the login screen and try again.",
"request_password_reset": "Request Password Reset",
"forgot_password": "Forgot Password",
"forgot": "Forgot?",
"done": "Done",
"check_email_reset_password": "Check your email. We sent you a link to reset your password.",
"finish": "Finish",
"few_sentences_about_yourself": "A few sentences about yourself. This will appear on your personal url page.",
"nearly_there": "Nearly there",
"nearly_there_instructions": "Last thing, a brief description about you and a photo really help you get bookings and let people know who theyre booking with.",
"set_availability_instructions": "Define ranges of time when you are available on a recurring basis. You can create more of these later and assign them to different calendars.",
"set_availability": "Set your availability",
"continue_without_calendar": "Continue without calendar",
"connect_your_calendar": "Connect your calendar",
"connect_your_calendar_instructions": "Connect your calendar to automatically check for busy times and new events as theyre scheduled.",
"set_up_later": "Set up later",
"current_time": "Current time",
"welcome": "Welcome",
"welcome_to_calcom": "Welcome to",
"welcome_instructions": "Tell us what to call you and let us know what timezone youre in. Youll be able to edit this later.",
"connect_caldav": "Connect to CalDav Server",
"credentials_stored_and_encrypted": "Your credentials will be stored and encrypted.",
"connect": "Connect",
"try_for_free": "Try it for free",
"create_booking_link_with_calcom": "Create your own booking link with",
2021-11-06 19:28:30 +00:00
"who": "Who",
"what": "What",
"when": "When",
"where": "Where",
"add_to_calendar": "Add to calendar",
"other": "Other",
"emailed_you_and_attendees": "We emailed you and the other attendees a calendar invitation with all the details.",
"emailed_you_and_any_other_attendees": "You and any other attendees have been emailed with this information.",
"needs_to_be_confirmed_or_rejected": "Your booking still needs to be confirmed or rejected.",
"user_needs_to_confirm_or_reject_booking": "{{user}} still needs to confirm or reject the booking.",
"meeting_is_scheduled": "This meeting is scheduled",
2022-01-07 10:23:07 +00:00
"submitted": "Your booking has been submitted",
"booking_submitted": "Your booking has been submitted",
"booking_confirmed": "Your booking has been confirmed",
"enter_new_password": "Enter the new password you'd like for your account.",
"reset_password": "Reset Password",
"change_your_password": "Change your password",
"try_again": "Try Again",
"request_is_expired": "That Request is Expired.",
"reset_instructions": "Enter the email address associated with your account and we will send you a link to reset your password.",
"request_is_expired_instructions": "That request is expired. Go back and enter the email associated with your account and we will send you another link to reset your password.",
"whoops": "Whoops",
"login": "Login",
"success": "Success",
"failed": "Failed",
"password_has_been_reset_login": "Your password has been reset. You can now login with your newly created password.",
"unexpected_error_try_again": "An unexpected error occurred. Try again.",
"sunday_time_error":"Invalid time on Sunday",
"monday_time_error":"Invalid time on Monday",
"tuesday_time_error":"Invalid time on Tuesday",
"wednesday_time_error":"Invalid time on Wednesday",
"thursday_time_error":"Invalid time on Thursday",
"friday_time_error":"Invalid time on Friday",
"saturday_time_error":"Invalid time on Saturday",
"error_end_time_before_start_time": "End time cannot be before start time",
2021-10-13 10:49:15 +00:00
"back_to_bookings": "Back to bookings",
"free_to_pick_another_event_type": "Feel free to pick another event anytime.",
"cancelled": "Cancelled",
"cancellation_successful": "Cancellation successful",
"really_cancel_booking": "Really cancel your booking?",
"cannot_cancel_booking": "You cannot cancel this booking",
"reschedule_instead": "Instead, you could also reschedule it.",
"event_is_in_the_past": "The event is in the past",
"error_with_status_code_occured": "An error with status code {{status}} occurred.",
"booking_already_cancelled": "This booking was already cancelled",
"go_back_home": "Go back home",
"or_go_back_home": "Or go back home",
"no_availability": "Unavailable",
2021-10-13 10:49:15 +00:00
"no_meeting_found": "No Meeting Found",
"no_meeting_found_description": "This meeting does not exist. Contact the meeting owner for an updated link.",
"no_status_bookings_yet": "No {{status}} bookings, yet",
"no_status_bookings_yet_description": "You have no {{status}} bookings. {{description}}",
"event_between_users": "{{eventName}} between {{host}} and {{attendeeName}}",
2021-10-13 10:49:15 +00:00
"bookings": "Bookings",
"bookings_description": "See upcoming and past events booked through your event type links.",
"upcoming_bookings": "As soon as someone books a time with you it will show up here.",
"past_bookings": "Your past bookings will show up here.",
"cancelled_bookings": "Your cancelled bookings will show up here.",
"on": "on",
"and": "and",
"calendar_shows_busy_between": "Your calendar shows you as busy between",
"troubleshoot": "Troubleshoot",
"troubleshoot_description": "Understand why certain times are available and others are blocked.",
"overview_of_day": "Here is an overview of your day on",
"hover_over_bold_times_tip": "Tip: Hover over the bold times for a full timestamp",
"start_time": "Start time",
"end_time": "End time",
"buffer": "Buffer",
"your_day_starts_at": "Your day starts at",
"your_day_ends_at": "Your day ends at",
"launch_troubleshooter": "Launch troubleshooter",
"troubleshoot_availability": "Troubleshoot your availability to explore why your times are showing as they are.",
"change_available_times": "Change available times",
"change_your_available_times": "Change your available times",
"change_start_end": "Change the start and end times of your day",
2021-10-13 10:49:15 +00:00
"change_start_end_buffer": "Set the start and end time of your day and a minimum buffer between your meetings.",
"current_start_date": "Currently, your day is set to start at",
"start_end_changed_successfully": "The start and end times for your day have been changed successfully.",
"and_end_at": "and end at",
2021-10-13 09:34:55 +00:00
"light": "Light",
"dark": "Dark",
"automatically_adjust_theme": "Automatically adjust theme based on invitee preferences",
"email": "Email",
"email_placeholder": "",
2021-10-13 09:34:55 +00:00
"full_name": "Full name",
"browse_api_documentation": "Browse our API documentation",
"leverage_our_api": "Leverage our API for full control and customizability.",
2021-10-13 09:34:55 +00:00
"create_webhook": "Create Webhook",
"booking_cancelled": "Booking Cancelled",
"booking_rescheduled": "Booking Rescheduled",
"booking_created": "Booking Created",
2021-10-15 10:53:42 +00:00
"event_triggers": "Event Triggers",
2021-10-13 09:34:55 +00:00
"subscriber_url": "Subscriber Url",
"create_new_webhook": "Create a new webhook",
"create_new_webhook_to_account": "Create a new webhook to your account",
"new_webhook": "New Webhook",
"receive_cal_meeting_data": "Receive Cal meeting data at a specified URL, in real-time, when an event is scheduled or cancelled.",
"responsive_fullscreen_iframe": "Responsive full screen iframe",
"loading": "Loading...",
"standard_iframe": "Standard iframe",
"iframe_embed": "iframe Embed",
"embed_calcom": "The easiest way to embed on your website.",
"integrate_using_embed_or_webhooks": "Integrate with your website using our embed options, or get real-time booking information using custom webhooks.",
"schedule_a_meeting": "Schedule a meeting",
"view_and_manage_billing_details": "View and manage your billing details",
"view_and_edit_billing_details": "View and edit your billing details, as well as cancel your subscription.",
"go_to_billing_portal": "Go to the billing portal",
"need_anything_else": "Need anything else?",
"further_billing_help": "If you need any further help with billing, our support team are here to help.",
"contact_our_support_team": "Contact our support team",
"uh_oh": "Uh oh!",
"no_event_types_have_been_setup": "This user hasn't set up any event types yet.",
"edit_logo": "Edit logo",
"upload_a_logo": "Upload a logo",
Improvement/teams (#1285) * [WIP] checkpoint before pull & merge - Added teams to sidebar - Refactored team settings - Improved team list UI This code will be partly reverted next commit. * [WIP] - Moved team code back to components - Removed team link from sidebar - Built new team manager screen based on Event Type designs - Component-ized frequently reused code (SettingInputContainer, FlatIconButton) * [WIP] - Created LinkIconButton as standalone component - Added functionality to sidebar of team settings - Fixed type bug on public team page induced by my normalization of members array in team query - Removed teams-old which was kept as refrence - Cleaned up loose ends * [WIP] - added create team model - fixed profile missing label due to my removal of default label from component * [WIP] - Fixed TeamCreateModal trigger - removed TeamShell, it didn't make the cut - added getPlaceHolderAvatar - renamed TeamCreate to TeamCreateModal - removed deprecated UsernameInput and replaced uses with suggested TextField * fix save button * [WIP] - Fixed drop down actions on team list - Cleaned up state updates * [WIP] converting teams to tRPC * [WIP] Finished refactor to tRPC * [WIP] Finishing touches * [WIP] Team availability beginning * team availability mvp * - added validation to change role - modified layout of team availability - corrected types * fix ui issue on team availability screen * - added virtualization to team availability - added flexChildrenContainer boolean to Shell to allow for flex on children * availability style fix * removed hard coded team type as teams now use inferred type from tRPC * Removed unneeded vscode settings * Reverted prisma schema * Fixed migrations * Removes unused dayjs plugins * Reverts type regression * Type fix * Type fixes * Type fixes * Moves team availability code to ee Co-authored-by: kodiakhq[bot] <49736102+kodiakhq[bot]> Co-authored-by: zomars <>
2021-12-09 23:51:30 +00:00
"remove_logo": "Remove logo",
"enable": "Enable",
"code": "Code",
"code_is_incorrect": "Code is incorrect.",
"add_an_extra_layer_of_security": "Add an extra layer of security to your account in case your password is stolen.",
"2fa": "Two-Factor Authentication",
"enable_2fa": "Enable two-factor authentication",
"disable_2fa": "Disable two-factor authentication",
"disable_2fa_recommendation": "If you need to disable 2FA, we recommend re-enabling it as soon as possible.",
"error_disabling_2fa": "Error disabling two-factor authentication",
"error_enabling_2fa": "Error setting up two-factor authentication",
"security": "Security",
"manage_account_security": "Manage your account's security.",
"password": "Password",
"password_updated_successfully": "Password updated successfully",
"password_has_been_changed": "Your password has been successfully changed.",
"error_changing_password": "Error changing password",
"something_went_wrong": "Something went wrong.",
2021-10-13 10:49:15 +00:00
"something_doesnt_look_right": "Something doesn't look right?",
"please_try_again": "Please try again.",
"super_secure_new_password": "Your super secure new password",
"new_password": "New Password",
"your_old_password": "Your old password",
"current_password": "Current Password",
"change_password": "Change Password",
"new_password_matches_old_password": "New password matches your old password. Please choose a different password.",
"current_incorrect_password": "Current password is incorrect",
"incorrect_password": "Password is incorrect.",
"1_on_1": "1-on-1",
"24_h": "24h",
"use_setting": "Use setting",
"am_pm": "am/pm",
"time_options": "Time options",
"january": "January",
"february": "February",
"march": "March",
"april": "April",
"may": "May",
"june": "June",
"july": "July",
"august": "August",
"september": "September",
"october": "October",
"november": "November",
"december": "December",
"monday": "Monday",
"tuesday": "Tuesday",
"wednesday": "Wednesday",
"thursday": "Thursday",
"friday": "Friday",
"saturday": "Saturday",
"sunday": "Sunday",
"all_booked_today": "All booked today.",
"slots_load_fail": "Could not load the available time slots.",
"additional_guests": "+ Additional Guests",
"your_name": "Your name",
"email_address": "Email address",
"location": "Location",
"yes": "yes",
"no": "no",
"additional_notes": "Additional notes",
"booking_fail": "Could not book the meeting.",
"reschedule_fail": "Could not reschedule the meeting.",
"share_additional_notes": "Please share anything that will help prepare for our meeting.",
"booking_confirmation": "Confirm your {{eventTypeTitle}} with {{profileName}}",
"booking_reschedule_confirmation": "Reschedule your {{eventTypeTitle}} with {{profileName}}",
"in_person_meeting": "Link or In-person meeting",
"phone_call": "Phone call",
"phone_number": "Phone Number",
"enter_phone_number": "Enter phone number",
"reschedule": "Reschedule",
"book_a_team_member": "Book a team member instead",
"or": "OR",
"go_back": "Go back",
"email_or_username": "Email or Username",
"send_invite_email": "Send an invite email",
"role": "Role",
Improvement/teams (#1285) * [WIP] checkpoint before pull & merge - Added teams to sidebar - Refactored team settings - Improved team list UI This code will be partly reverted next commit. * [WIP] - Moved team code back to components - Removed team link from sidebar - Built new team manager screen based on Event Type designs - Component-ized frequently reused code (SettingInputContainer, FlatIconButton) * [WIP] - Created LinkIconButton as standalone component - Added functionality to sidebar of team settings - Fixed type bug on public team page induced by my normalization of members array in team query - Removed teams-old which was kept as refrence - Cleaned up loose ends * [WIP] - added create team model - fixed profile missing label due to my removal of default label from component * [WIP] - Fixed TeamCreateModal trigger - removed TeamShell, it didn't make the cut - added getPlaceHolderAvatar - renamed TeamCreate to TeamCreateModal - removed deprecated UsernameInput and replaced uses with suggested TextField * fix save button * [WIP] - Fixed drop down actions on team list - Cleaned up state updates * [WIP] converting teams to tRPC * [WIP] Finished refactor to tRPC * [WIP] Finishing touches * [WIP] Team availability beginning * team availability mvp * - added validation to change role - modified layout of team availability - corrected types * fix ui issue on team availability screen * - added virtualization to team availability - added flexChildrenContainer boolean to Shell to allow for flex on children * availability style fix * removed hard coded team type as teams now use inferred type from tRPC * Removed unneeded vscode settings * Reverted prisma schema * Fixed migrations * Removes unused dayjs plugins * Reverts type regression * Type fix * Type fixes * Type fixes * Moves team availability code to ee Co-authored-by: kodiakhq[bot] <49736102+kodiakhq[bot]> Co-authored-by: zomars <>
2021-12-09 23:51:30 +00:00
"edit_role": "Edit Role",
"edit_team": "Edit team",
"reject": "Reject",
"accept": "Accept",
"leave": "Leave",
"profile": "Profile",
"my_team_url": "My team URL",
"team_name": "Team name",
"your_team_name": "Your team name",
"team_updated_successfully": "Team updated successfully",
"your_team_updated_successfully": "Your team has been updated successfully.",
"about": "About",
"team_description": "A few sentences about your team. This will appear on your team's URL page.",
"members": "Members",
"member": "Member",
"owner": "Owner",
Improvement/teams (#1285) * [WIP] checkpoint before pull & merge - Added teams to sidebar - Refactored team settings - Improved team list UI This code will be partly reverted next commit. * [WIP] - Moved team code back to components - Removed team link from sidebar - Built new team manager screen based on Event Type designs - Component-ized frequently reused code (SettingInputContainer, FlatIconButton) * [WIP] - Created LinkIconButton as standalone component - Added functionality to sidebar of team settings - Fixed type bug on public team page induced by my normalization of members array in team query - Removed teams-old which was kept as refrence - Cleaned up loose ends * [WIP] - added create team model - fixed profile missing label due to my removal of default label from component * [WIP] - Fixed TeamCreateModal trigger - removed TeamShell, it didn't make the cut - added getPlaceHolderAvatar - renamed TeamCreate to TeamCreateModal - removed deprecated UsernameInput and replaced uses with suggested TextField * fix save button * [WIP] - Fixed drop down actions on team list - Cleaned up state updates * [WIP] converting teams to tRPC * [WIP] Finished refactor to tRPC * [WIP] Finishing touches * [WIP] Team availability beginning * team availability mvp * - added validation to change role - modified layout of team availability - corrected types * fix ui issue on team availability screen * - added virtualization to team availability - added flexChildrenContainer boolean to Shell to allow for flex on children * availability style fix * removed hard coded team type as teams now use inferred type from tRPC * Removed unneeded vscode settings * Reverted prisma schema * Fixed migrations * Removes unused dayjs plugins * Reverts type regression * Type fix * Type fixes * Type fixes * Moves team availability code to ee Co-authored-by: kodiakhq[bot] <49736102+kodiakhq[bot]> Co-authored-by: zomars <>
2021-12-09 23:51:30 +00:00
"admin": "Admin",
"new_member": "New Member",
"invite": "Invite",
"invite_new_member": "Invite a new member",
"invite_new_team_member": "Invite someone to your team.",
Improvement/teams (#1285) * [WIP] checkpoint before pull & merge - Added teams to sidebar - Refactored team settings - Improved team list UI This code will be partly reverted next commit. * [WIP] - Moved team code back to components - Removed team link from sidebar - Built new team manager screen based on Event Type designs - Component-ized frequently reused code (SettingInputContainer, FlatIconButton) * [WIP] - Created LinkIconButton as standalone component - Added functionality to sidebar of team settings - Fixed type bug on public team page induced by my normalization of members array in team query - Removed teams-old which was kept as refrence - Cleaned up loose ends * [WIP] - added create team model - fixed profile missing label due to my removal of default label from component * [WIP] - Fixed TeamCreateModal trigger - removed TeamShell, it didn't make the cut - added getPlaceHolderAvatar - renamed TeamCreate to TeamCreateModal - removed deprecated UsernameInput and replaced uses with suggested TextField * fix save button * [WIP] - Fixed drop down actions on team list - Cleaned up state updates * [WIP] converting teams to tRPC * [WIP] Finished refactor to tRPC * [WIP] Finishing touches * [WIP] Team availability beginning * team availability mvp * - added validation to change role - modified layout of team availability - corrected types * fix ui issue on team availability screen * - added virtualization to team availability - added flexChildrenContainer boolean to Shell to allow for flex on children * availability style fix * removed hard coded team type as teams now use inferred type from tRPC * Removed unneeded vscode settings * Reverted prisma schema * Fixed migrations * Removes unused dayjs plugins * Reverts type regression * Type fix * Type fixes * Type fixes * Moves team availability code to ee Co-authored-by: kodiakhq[bot] <49736102+kodiakhq[bot]> Co-authored-by: zomars <>
2021-12-09 23:51:30 +00:00
"change_member_role": "Change team member role",
"disable_cal_branding": "Disable branding",
"disable_cal_branding_description": "Hide all branding from your public pages.",
"danger_zone": "Danger Zone",
"back": "Back",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"continue": "Continue",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"disband_team": "Disband Team",
"disband_team_confirmation_message": "Are you sure you want to disband this team? Anyone who you&apos;ve shared this team link with will no longer be able to book using it.",
"remove_member_confirmation_message": "Are you sure you want to remove this member from the team?",
"confirm_disband_team": "Yes, disband team",
"confirm_remove_member": "Yes, remove member",
"remove_member": "Remove member",
"manage_your_team": "Manage your team",
"submit": "Submit",
"delete": "Delete",
"update": "Update",
"save": "Save",
"pending": "Pending",
"open_options": "Open options",
"copy_link": "Copy link to event",
Improvement/teams (#1285) * [WIP] checkpoint before pull & merge - Added teams to sidebar - Refactored team settings - Improved team list UI This code will be partly reverted next commit. * [WIP] - Moved team code back to components - Removed team link from sidebar - Built new team manager screen based on Event Type designs - Component-ized frequently reused code (SettingInputContainer, FlatIconButton) * [WIP] - Created LinkIconButton as standalone component - Added functionality to sidebar of team settings - Fixed type bug on public team page induced by my normalization of members array in team query - Removed teams-old which was kept as refrence - Cleaned up loose ends * [WIP] - added create team model - fixed profile missing label due to my removal of default label from component * [WIP] - Fixed TeamCreateModal trigger - removed TeamShell, it didn't make the cut - added getPlaceHolderAvatar - renamed TeamCreate to TeamCreateModal - removed deprecated UsernameInput and replaced uses with suggested TextField * fix save button * [WIP] - Fixed drop down actions on team list - Cleaned up state updates * [WIP] converting teams to tRPC * [WIP] Finished refactor to tRPC * [WIP] Finishing touches * [WIP] Team availability beginning * team availability mvp * - added validation to change role - modified layout of team availability - corrected types * fix ui issue on team availability screen * - added virtualization to team availability - added flexChildrenContainer boolean to Shell to allow for flex on children * availability style fix * removed hard coded team type as teams now use inferred type from tRPC * Removed unneeded vscode settings * Reverted prisma schema * Fixed migrations * Removes unused dayjs plugins * Reverts type regression * Type fix * Type fixes * Type fixes * Moves team availability code to ee Co-authored-by: kodiakhq[bot] <49736102+kodiakhq[bot]> Co-authored-by: zomars <>
2021-12-09 23:51:30 +00:00
"copy_link_team": "Copy link to team",
"leave_team": "Leave team",
"confirm_leave_team": "Yes, leave team",
"leave_team_confirmation_message": "Are you sure you want to leave this team? You will no longer be able to book using it.",
"user_from_team": "{{user}} from {{team}}",
"preview": "Preview",
"link_copied": "Link copied!",
"title": "Title",
"description": "Description",
"quick_video_meeting": "A quick video meeting.",
"scheduling_type": "Scheduling Type",
"preview_team": "Preview team",
"collective": "Collective",
"collective_description": "Schedule meetings when all selected team members are available.",
"duration": "Duration",
2021-10-13 10:49:15 +00:00
"minutes": "Minutes",
"round_robin": "Round Robin",
"round_robin_description": "Cycle meetings between multiple team members.",
"url": "URL",
"hidden": "Hidden",
"readonly": "Readonly",
2022-01-29 00:46:35 +00:00
"plan_description": "You're currently on the {{plan}} plan.",
"plan_upgrade_invitation": "Upgrade your account to the pro plan to unlock all of the features we have to offer.",
"plan_upgrade": "You need to upgrade your plan to have more than one active event type.",
"plan_upgrade_teams": "You need to upgrade your plan to create a team.",
2022-01-29 00:46:35 +00:00
"plan_upgrade_instructions": "You can <1>upgrade here</1>.",
"event_types_page_title": "Event Types",
"event_types_page_subtitle": "Create events to share for people to book on your calendar.",
"new_event_type_btn": "New event type",
"new_event_type_heading": "Create your first event type",
"new_event_type_description": "Event types enable you to share links that show available times on your calendar and allow people to make bookings with you.",
"new_event_title": "Add a new event type",
"new_event_subtitle": "Create an event type under your name or a team.",
"new_team_event": "Add a new team event type",
"new_event_description": "Create a new event type for people to book times with.",
"event_type_created_successfully": "{{eventTypeTitle}} event type created successfully",
"event_type_updated_successfully": "{{eventTypeTitle}} event type updated successfully",
"event_type_deleted_successfully": "Event type deleted successfully",
Web3 App (#1603) * Crypto events (#1390) * update schemas, functions & ui to allow creating and updating events with a smart contract property * remove adding sc address in the dialog that first pops-up when creating a new event, since its an advanced option * add sc to booking ui * some more ts && error handling * fetch erc20s and nfts list in event-type page * some cleanup within time limit * ts fix 1 * more ts fixes * added web3 section to integrations * added web3 wrapper, needs connection to user_settings db * extract to api * Update eventType.ts * Update components/CryptoSection.tsx Change comment from // to /** as @zomars suggested Co-authored-by: Omar López <> * convert axios to fetch, change scAddress to smartContractAddress, load bloxy from next_public_env * Fix branch conflict * add enable/disable btn web3 * fixed away user causing duplicate entries * Remove web3 validation * renamed web3 button in integrations * remove unused variable * Add metadata column * added loader and showToast to the web3 btn * fix: remove smartContractAddress from info sended * send to user events when the contract is missing * use window.web3 instead of web3 * use NEXT_PUBLIC_WEB3_AUTH_MSG * remove web3 auth from .env * wip * wip * Add metamask not installed msg and success redirect * add redirect when verified * styled web3 button and added i18n to web3 * fixed redirect after verification * wip * wip * moved crypto section to ee Co-authored-by: Yuval Drori <> Co-authored-by: Peer Richelsen <> Co-authored-by: Yuval Drori <> Co-authored-by: Omar López <> Co-authored-by: Edward Fernandez <> Co-authored-by: kodiakhq[bot] <49736102+kodiakhq[bot]> Co-authored-by: Peer Richelsen <>
2022-02-01 21:48:40 +00:00
"web3_metamask_added": "Metamask added successfully",
"web3_metamask_disconnected": "Metamask disconnected successfully",
"hours": "Hours",
"your_email": "Your Email",
"change_avatar": "Change Avatar",
"language": "Language",
"timezone": "Timezone",
2021-10-13 09:34:55 +00:00
"first_day_of_week": "First Day of Week",
"single_theme": "Single Theme",
"brand_color": "Brand Color",
"file_not_named": "File is not named [idOrSlug]/[user]",
"create_team": "Create Team",
2021-10-13 09:34:55 +00:00
"name": "Name",
"create_new_team_description": "Create a new team to collaborate with users.",
"create_new_team": "Create a new team",
"open_invitations": "Open Invitations",
"new_team": "New Team",
2021-10-13 09:34:55 +00:00
"create_first_team_and_invite_others": "Create your first team and invite other users to work together with you.",
"create_team_to_get_started": "Create a team to get started",
"teams": "Teams",
"create_manage_teams_collaborative": "Create and manage teams to use collaborative features.",
2021-10-13 09:34:55 +00:00
"only_available_on_pro_plan": "This feature is only available in Pro plan",
"remove_cal_branding_description": "In order to remove the Cal branding from your booking pages, you need to upgrade to a Pro account.",
"edit_profile_info_description": "Edit your profile information, which shows on your scheduling link.",
2022-01-12 21:54:48 +00:00
"change_email_tip": "You may need to log out and back in to see the change take effect.",
"little_something_about": "A little something about yourself.",
"profile_updated_successfully": "Profile updated successfully",
"your_user_profile_updated_successfully": "Your user profile has been updated successfully.",
"user_cannot_found_db": "User seems logged in but cannot be found in the db",
2021-10-13 09:34:55 +00:00
"embed_and_webhooks": "Embed & Webhooks",
"enabled": "Enabled",
"disabled": "Disabled",
2021-10-13 09:34:55 +00:00
"disable": "Disable",
"billing": "Billing",
"manage_your_billing_info": "Manage your billing information and cancel your subscription.",
"availability": "Availability",
"availability_updated_successfully": "Availability updated successfully",
"configure_availability": "Configure times when you are available for bookings.",
"change_weekly_schedule": "Change your weekly schedule",
"logo": "Logo",
"error": "Error",
"team_logo": "Team Logo",
"add_location": "Add a location",
"attendees": "Attendees",
"add_attendees": "Add attendees",
"show_advanced_settings": "Show advanced settings",
"event_name": "Event Name",
"event_name_tooltip": "The name that will appear in calendars",
"meeting_with_user": "Meeting with {USER}",
"additional_inputs": "Additional Inputs",
"label": "Label",
"placeholder": "Placeholder",
"type": "Type",
"edit": "Edit",
"add_input": "Add an Input",
"opt_in_booking": "Opt-in Booking",
"opt_in_booking_description": "The booking needs to be manually confirmed before it is pushed to the integrations and a confirmation mail is sent.",
"disable_guests": "Disable Guests",
"disable_guests_description": "Disable adding additional guests while booking.",
"invitees_can_schedule": "Invitees can schedule",
"date_range": "Date Range",
"calendar_days": "calendar days",
"business_days": "business days",
"set_address_place": "Set an address or place",
"cal_invitee_phone_number_scheduling": "Cal will ask your invitee to enter a phone number before scheduling.",
"cal_provide_google_meet_location": "Cal will provide a Google Meet location.",
"cal_provide_zoom_meeting_url": "Cal will provide a Zoom meeting URL.",
"cal_provide_tandem_meeting_url": "Cal will provide a Tandem meeting URL.",
"cal_provide_video_meeting_url": "Cal will provide a Daily video meeting URL.",
"cal_provide_huddle01_meeting_url": "Cal will provide a Huddle01 web3 video meeting URL.",
"require_payment": "Require Payment",
"commission_per_transaction": "commission per transaction",
"event_type_updated_successfully_description": "Your event type has been updated successfully.",
"hide_event_type": "Hide event type",
"edit_location": "Edit location",
"into_the_future": "into the future",
"within_date_range": "Within a date range",
"indefinitely_into_future": "Indefinitely into the future",
"this_input_will_shown_booking_this_event": "This input will be shown when booking this event",
"add_new_custom_input_field": "Add new custom input field",
"quick_chat": "Quick Chat",
"add_new_team_event_type": "Add a new team event type",
"add_new_event_type": "Add a new event type",
"new_event_type_to_book_description": "Create a new event type for people to book times with.",
"length": "Length",
"minimum_booking_notice": "Minimum booking notice",
"slot_interval": "Time-slot intervals",
"slot_interval_default": "Use event length (default)",
"delete_event_type_description": "Are you sure you want to delete this event type? Anyone who you've shared this link with will no longer be able to book using it.",
"delete_event_type": "Delete Event Type",
"confirm_delete_event_type": "Yes, delete event type",
"delete_account": "Delete account",
"confirm_delete_account": "Yes, delete account",
"delete_account_confirmation_message":"Are you sure you want to delete your account? Anyone who you've shared your account link with will no longer be able to book using it and any preferences you have saved will be lost.",
"integrations": "Integrations",
"settings": "Settings",
"event_type_moved_successfully": "Event type has been moved successfully",
"next_step": "Skip step",
"prev_step": "Prev step",
"installed": "Installed",
"disconnect": "Disconnect",
"embed_your_calendar": "Embed your calendar within your webpage",
"connect_your_favourite_apps": "Connect your favourite apps.",
"automation": "Automation",
"configure_how_your_event_types_interact": "Configure how your event types should interact with your calendars.",
"select_destination_calendar": "Create events on",
"connect_an_additional_calendar": "Connect an additional calendar",
"conferencing": "Conferencing",
"calendar": "Calendar",
"not_installed": "Not installed",
"error_password_mismatch": "Passwords don't match.",
"error_required_field": "This field is required.",
"status": "Status",
"team_view_user_availability": "View user availability",
"team_view_user_availability_disabled": "User needs to accept invite to view availability",
"set_as_away": "Set yourself as away",
"set_as_free": "Disable away status",
"user_away": "This user is currently away.",
Add log in with Google and SAML (#1192) * Add log in with Google * Fix merge conflicts * Merge branch 'main' into feature/copy-add-identity-provider # Conflicts: # pages/api/auth/[...nextauth].tsx # pages/api/auth/forgot-password.ts # pages/settings/security.tsx # prisma/schema.prisma # public/static/locales/en/common.json * WIP: SAML login * fixed login * fixed verified_email check for Google * tweaks to padding * added BoxyHQ SAML service to local docker-compose * identityProvider is missing from the select clause * user may be undefined * fix for yarn build * Added SAML configuration to Settings -> Security page * UI tweaks * get saml login flag from the server * UI tweaks * moved SAMLConfiguration to a component in ee * updated saml migration date * fixed merge conflict * fixed merge conflict * lint fixes * check-types fixes * check-types fixes * fixed type errors * updated docker image for SAML Jackson * added api keys config * added default values for SAML_TENANT_ID and SAML_PRODUCT_ID * - move all env vars related to saml into a separate file for easy access - added SAML_ADMINS comma separated list of emails that will be able to configure the SAML metadata * cleanup after merging main * revert mistake during merge * revert mistake during merge * set info text to indicate SAML has been configured. * tweaks to text * tweaks to text * i18n text * i18n text * tweak * use a separate db for saml to avoid Prisma schema being out of sync * use separate docker-compose file for saml * padding tweak * Prepare for implementing SAML login for the hosted solution * WIP: Support for SAML in the hosted solution * teams view has changed, adjusting saml changes accordingly * enabled SAML only for PRO plan * if user was invited and signs in via saml/google then update the user record * WIP: embed saml lib * 302 instead of 307 * no separate docker-compose file for saml * - ogs cleanup - type fixes * fixed types for jackson * cleaned up cors, not needed by the oauth flow * updated jackson to support encryption at rest * updated saml-jackson lib * allow only the required http methods * fixed issue with latest merge with main * - Added instructions for deploying SAML support - Tweaked SAML audience identifier * fixed check for hosted Cal instance * Added a new route to initiate Google and SAML login flows * updated saml-jackson lib (node engine version is now 14.x or above) * moved SAML instructions from Google Docs to a docs file * moved randomString to lib * comment SAML_DATABASE_URL and SAML_ADMINS in .env.example so that default is SAML off. * fixed path to randomString * updated @boxyhq/saml-jackson to v0.3.0 * fixed TS errors * tweaked SAML config UI * fixed types * added e2e test for Google login * setup secrets for Google login test * test for OAuth login buttons (Google and SAML) * enabled saml for the test * added test for SAML config UI * fixed nextauth import * use pkce flow * tweaked NextAuth config for saml * updated saml-jackson * added ability to delete SAML configuration * SAML variables explainers and refactoring * Prevents constant collision * Var name changes * Env explainers * better validation for email Co-authored-by: Omar López <> * enabled GOOGLE_API_CREDENTIALS in e2e tests (Github Actions secret) * cleanup (will create an issue to handle forgot password for Google and SAML identities) Co-authored-by: Chris <> Co-authored-by: Omar López <>
2022-01-13 20:05:23 +00:00
"user_away_description": "The person you are trying to book has set themselves to away, and therefore is not accepting new bookings.",
Web3 App (#1603) * Crypto events (#1390) * update schemas, functions & ui to allow creating and updating events with a smart contract property * remove adding sc address in the dialog that first pops-up when creating a new event, since its an advanced option * add sc to booking ui * some more ts && error handling * fetch erc20s and nfts list in event-type page * some cleanup within time limit * ts fix 1 * more ts fixes * added web3 section to integrations * added web3 wrapper, needs connection to user_settings db * extract to api * Update eventType.ts * Update components/CryptoSection.tsx Change comment from // to /** as @zomars suggested Co-authored-by: Omar López <> * convert axios to fetch, change scAddress to smartContractAddress, load bloxy from next_public_env * Fix branch conflict * add enable/disable btn web3 * fixed away user causing duplicate entries * Remove web3 validation * renamed web3 button in integrations * remove unused variable * Add metadata column * added loader and showToast to the web3 btn * fix: remove smartContractAddress from info sended * send to user events when the contract is missing * use window.web3 instead of web3 * use NEXT_PUBLIC_WEB3_AUTH_MSG * remove web3 auth from .env * wip * wip * Add metamask not installed msg and success redirect * add redirect when verified * styled web3 button and added i18n to web3 * fixed redirect after verification * wip * wip * moved crypto section to ee Co-authored-by: Yuval Drori <> Co-authored-by: Peer Richelsen <> Co-authored-by: Yuval Drori <> Co-authored-by: Omar López <> Co-authored-by: Edward Fernandez <> Co-authored-by: kodiakhq[bot] <49736102+kodiakhq[bot]> Co-authored-by: Peer Richelsen <>
2022-02-01 21:48:40 +00:00
"meet_people_with_the_same_tokens": "Meet people with the same tokens",
"only_book_people_and_allow": "Only book and allow bookings from people who share the same tokens, DAOs, or NFTs.",
Add log in with Google and SAML (#1192) * Add log in with Google * Fix merge conflicts * Merge branch 'main' into feature/copy-add-identity-provider # Conflicts: # pages/api/auth/[...nextauth].tsx # pages/api/auth/forgot-password.ts # pages/settings/security.tsx # prisma/schema.prisma # public/static/locales/en/common.json * WIP: SAML login * fixed login * fixed verified_email check for Google * tweaks to padding * added BoxyHQ SAML service to local docker-compose * identityProvider is missing from the select clause * user may be undefined * fix for yarn build * Added SAML configuration to Settings -> Security page * UI tweaks * get saml login flag from the server * UI tweaks * moved SAMLConfiguration to a component in ee * updated saml migration date * fixed merge conflict * fixed merge conflict * lint fixes * check-types fixes * check-types fixes * fixed type errors * updated docker image for SAML Jackson * added api keys config * added default values for SAML_TENANT_ID and SAML_PRODUCT_ID * - move all env vars related to saml into a separate file for easy access - added SAML_ADMINS comma separated list of emails that will be able to configure the SAML metadata * cleanup after merging main * revert mistake during merge * revert mistake during merge * set info text to indicate SAML has been configured. * tweaks to text * tweaks to text * i18n text * i18n text * tweak * use a separate db for saml to avoid Prisma schema being out of sync * use separate docker-compose file for saml * padding tweak * Prepare for implementing SAML login for the hosted solution * WIP: Support for SAML in the hosted solution * teams view has changed, adjusting saml changes accordingly * enabled SAML only for PRO plan * if user was invited and signs in via saml/google then update the user record * WIP: embed saml lib * 302 instead of 307 * no separate docker-compose file for saml * - ogs cleanup - type fixes * fixed types for jackson * cleaned up cors, not needed by the oauth flow * updated jackson to support encryption at rest * updated saml-jackson lib * allow only the required http methods * fixed issue with latest merge with main * - Added instructions for deploying SAML support - Tweaked SAML audience identifier * fixed check for hosted Cal instance * Added a new route to initiate Google and SAML login flows * updated saml-jackson lib (node engine version is now 14.x or above) * moved SAML instructions from Google Docs to a docs file * moved randomString to lib * comment SAML_DATABASE_URL and SAML_ADMINS in .env.example so that default is SAML off. * fixed path to randomString * updated @boxyhq/saml-jackson to v0.3.0 * fixed TS errors * tweaked SAML config UI * fixed types * added e2e test for Google login * setup secrets for Google login test * test for OAuth login buttons (Google and SAML) * enabled saml for the test * added test for SAML config UI * fixed nextauth import * use pkce flow * tweaked NextAuth config for saml * updated saml-jackson * added ability to delete SAML configuration * SAML variables explainers and refactoring * Prevents constant collision * Var name changes * Env explainers * better validation for email Co-authored-by: Omar López <> * enabled GOOGLE_API_CREDENTIALS in e2e tests (Github Actions secret) * cleanup (will create an issue to handle forgot password for Google and SAML identities) Co-authored-by: Chris <> Co-authored-by: Omar López <>
2022-01-13 20:05:23 +00:00
"saml_config_deleted_successfully": "SAML configuration deleted successfully",
"account_created_with_identity_provider": "Your account was created using an Identity Provider.",
"account_managed_by_identity_provider": "Your account is managed by {{provider}}",
"account_managed_by_identity_provider_description": "To change your email, password, enable two-factor authentication and more, please visit your {{provider}} account settings.",
"signin_with_google": "Sign in with Google",
"signin_with_saml": "Sign in with SAML",
"saml_configuration": "SAML configuration",
"delete_saml_configuration": "Delete SAML configuration",
"delete_saml_configuration_confirmation_message": "Are you sure you want to delete the SAML configuration? Your team members who use SAML login will no longer be able to access",
"confirm_delete_saml_configuration": "Yes, delete SAML configuration",
"saml_not_configured_yet": "SAML not configured yet",
"saml_configuration_description": "Please paste the SAML metadata from your Identity Provider in the textbox below to update your SAML configuration.",
"saml_configuration_placeholder": "Please paste the SAML metadata from your Identity Provider here",
"saml_configuration_update_failed": "SAML configuration update failed",
"saml_configuration_delete_failed": "SAML configuration delete failed",
"saml_email_required": "Please enter an email so we can find your SAML Identity Provider",
2022-01-31 10:18:12 +00:00
"you_will_need_to_generate": "You will need to generate an access token from your old scheduling tool.",
"import": "Import",
"import_from": "Import from",
"access_token": "Access token",
Web3 App (#1603) * Crypto events (#1390) * update schemas, functions & ui to allow creating and updating events with a smart contract property * remove adding sc address in the dialog that first pops-up when creating a new event, since its an advanced option * add sc to booking ui * some more ts && error handling * fetch erc20s and nfts list in event-type page * some cleanup within time limit * ts fix 1 * more ts fixes * added web3 section to integrations * added web3 wrapper, needs connection to user_settings db * extract to api * Update eventType.ts * Update components/CryptoSection.tsx Change comment from // to /** as @zomars suggested Co-authored-by: Omar López <> * convert axios to fetch, change scAddress to smartContractAddress, load bloxy from next_public_env * Fix branch conflict * add enable/disable btn web3 * fixed away user causing duplicate entries * Remove web3 validation * renamed web3 button in integrations * remove unused variable * Add metadata column * added loader and showToast to the web3 btn * fix: remove smartContractAddress from info sended * send to user events when the contract is missing * use window.web3 instead of web3 * use NEXT_PUBLIC_WEB3_AUTH_MSG * remove web3 auth from .env * wip * wip * Add metamask not installed msg and success redirect * add redirect when verified * styled web3 button and added i18n to web3 * fixed redirect after verification * wip * wip * moved crypto section to ee Co-authored-by: Yuval Drori <> Co-authored-by: Peer Richelsen <> Co-authored-by: Yuval Drori <> Co-authored-by: Omar López <> Co-authored-by: Edward Fernandez <> Co-authored-by: kodiakhq[bot] <49736102+kodiakhq[bot]> Co-authored-by: Peer Richelsen <>
2022-02-01 21:48:40 +00:00
"visit_roadmap": "Roadmap",
"remove": "Remove",
"add": "Add",
2022-02-01 22:05:31 +00:00
"verify_wallet": "Verify Wallet",
Web3 App (#1603) * Crypto events (#1390) * update schemas, functions & ui to allow creating and updating events with a smart contract property * remove adding sc address in the dialog that first pops-up when creating a new event, since its an advanced option * add sc to booking ui * some more ts && error handling * fetch erc20s and nfts list in event-type page * some cleanup within time limit * ts fix 1 * more ts fixes * added web3 section to integrations * added web3 wrapper, needs connection to user_settings db * extract to api * Update eventType.ts * Update components/CryptoSection.tsx Change comment from // to /** as @zomars suggested Co-authored-by: Omar López <> * convert axios to fetch, change scAddress to smartContractAddress, load bloxy from next_public_env * Fix branch conflict * add enable/disable btn web3 * fixed away user causing duplicate entries * Remove web3 validation * renamed web3 button in integrations * remove unused variable * Add metadata column * added loader and showToast to the web3 btn * fix: remove smartContractAddress from info sended * send to user events when the contract is missing * use window.web3 instead of web3 * use NEXT_PUBLIC_WEB3_AUTH_MSG * remove web3 auth from .env * wip * wip * Add metamask not installed msg and success redirect * add redirect when verified * styled web3 button and added i18n to web3 * fixed redirect after verification * wip * wip * moved crypto section to ee Co-authored-by: Yuval Drori <> Co-authored-by: Peer Richelsen <> Co-authored-by: Yuval Drori <> Co-authored-by: Omar López <> Co-authored-by: Edward Fernandez <> Co-authored-by: kodiakhq[bot] <49736102+kodiakhq[bot]> Co-authored-by: Peer Richelsen <>
2022-02-01 21:48:40 +00:00
"connect_metamask": "Connect Metamask"