2021-09-23 08:49:17 +00:00
2021-11-26 11:03:43 +00:00
"accept_invitation" : "Accept Invitation" ,
"calcom_explained" : "Cal.com is the open source Calendly alternative putting you in control of your own data, workflow and appearance." ,
"have_any_questions" : "Have questions? We're here to help." ,
"reset_password_subject" : "Cal.com: Reset password instructions" ,
"event_declined_subject" : "Declined: {{eventType}} with {{name}} at {{date}}" ,
"event_cancelled_subject" : "Cancelled: {{eventType}} with {{name}} at {{date}}" ,
"event_request_declined" : "Your event request has been declined" ,
"event_request_cancelled" : "Your scheduled event was cancelled" ,
"organizer" : "Organizer" ,
"need_to_reschedule_or_cancel" : "Need to reschedule or cancel?" ,
"manage_this_event" : "Manage this event" ,
"your_event_has_been_scheduled" : "Your event has been scheduled" ,
2021-10-28 22:58:26 +00:00
"accept_our_license" : "Accept our license by changing the .env variable <1>NEXT_PUBLIC_LICENSE_CONSENT</1> to '{{agree}}'." ,
"remove_banner_instructions" : "To remove this banner, please open your .env file and change the <1>NEXT_PUBLIC_LICENSE_CONSENT</1> variable to '{{agree}}'." ,
"error_message" : "The error message was: '{{errorMessage}}'" ,
2021-11-26 11:03:43 +00:00
"refund_failed_subject" : "Refund failed: {{name}} - {{date}} - {{eventType}}" ,
2021-10-28 22:58:26 +00:00
"refund_failed" : "The refund for the event {{eventType}} with {{userName}} on {{date}} failed." ,
2021-11-26 11:03:43 +00:00
"check_with_provider_and_user" : "Please check with your payment provider and {{user}} how to handle this." ,
2021-10-28 22:58:26 +00:00
"a_refund_failed" : "A refund failed" ,
2021-11-26 11:03:43 +00:00
"awaiting_payment_subject" : "Awaiting Payment: {{eventType}} with {{name}} on {{date}}" ,
2021-10-28 22:58:26 +00:00
"meeting_awaiting_payment" : "Your meeting is awaiting payment" ,
"help" : "Help" ,
"price" : "Price" ,
"paid" : "Paid" ,
"refunded" : "Refunded" ,
"pay_later_instructions" : "You have also received an email with this link, if you want to pay later." ,
"payment" : "Payment" ,
"missing_card_fields" : "Missing card fields" ,
"pay_now" : "Pay now" ,
"codebase_has_to_stay_opensource" : "The codebase has to stay open source, whether it was modified or not" ,
"cannot_repackage_codebase" : "You can not repackage or sell the codebase" ,
"acquire_license" : "Acquire a commercial license to remove these terms by emailing" ,
"terms_summary" : "Summary of terms" ,
"open_env" : "Open .env and agree to our License" ,
"env_changed" : "I've changed my .env" ,
"accept_license" : "Accept License" ,
"still_waiting_for_approval" : "An event is still waiting for approval" ,
"event_is_still_waiting" : "Event request is still waiting: {{attendeeName}} - {{date}} - {{eventType}}" ,
2021-10-28 15:02:22 +00:00
"no_more_results" : "No more results" ,
"load_more_results" : "Load more results" ,
2021-10-25 13:05:21 +00:00
"integration_meeting_id" : "{{integrationName}} meeting ID: {{meetingId}}" ,
2021-11-26 11:03:43 +00:00
"confirmed_event_type_subject" : "Confirmed: {{eventType}} with {{name}} at {{date}}" ,
2021-10-25 13:05:21 +00:00
"new_event_request" : "New event request: {{attendeeName}} - {{date}} - {{eventType}}" ,
2021-11-26 11:03:43 +00:00
"confirm_or_reject_request" : "Confirm or reject the request" ,
2021-10-25 13:05:21 +00:00
"check_bookings_page_to_confirm_or_reject" : "Check your bookings page to confirm or reject the booking." ,
2021-11-26 11:03:43 +00:00
"event_awaiting_approval" : "An event is waiting for your approval" ,
"someone_requested_an_event" : "Someone has requested to schedule an event on your calendar." ,
"someone_requested_password_reset" : "Someone has requested a link to change your password." ,
"password_reset_instructions" : "If you didn't request this, you can safely ignore this email and your password will not be changed." ,
"event_awaiting_approval_subject" : "Awaiting Approval: {{eventType}} with {{name}} at {{date}}" ,
"event_still_awaiting_approval" : "An event is still waiting for your approval" ,
2021-10-25 13:05:21 +00:00
"your_meeting_has_been_booked" : "Your meeting has been booked" ,
"event_type_has_been_rescheduled_on_time_date" : "Your {{eventType}} with {{name}} has been rescheduled to {{time}} ({{timeZone}}) on {{date}}." ,
2021-11-26 11:03:43 +00:00
"event_has_been_rescheduled" : "Updated - Your event has been rescheduled" ,
"hi_user_name" : "Hi {{name}}" ,
"ics_event_title" : "{{eventType}} with {{name}}" ,
2021-10-25 13:05:21 +00:00
"new_event_subject" : "New event: {{attendeeName}} - {{date}} - {{eventType}}" ,
"join_by_entrypoint" : "Join by {{entryPoint}}" ,
"notes" : "Notes" ,
"manage_my_bookings" : "Manage my bookings" ,
"need_to_make_a_change" : "Need to make a change?" ,
"new_event_scheduled" : "A new event has been scheduled." ,
"invitee_email" : "Invitee Email" ,
"invitee_timezone" : "Invitee Time Zone" ,
"event_type" : "Event Type" ,
"enter_meeting" : "Enter Meeting" ,
"video_call_provider" : "Video call provider" ,
"meeting_id" : "Meeting ID" ,
"meeting_password" : "Meeting Password" ,
"meeting_url" : "Meeting URL" ,
"meeting_request_rejected" : "Your meeting request has been rejected" ,
2021-11-26 11:03:43 +00:00
"rescheduled_event_type_subject" : "Rescheduled: {{eventType}} with {{name}} at {{date}}" ,
2021-10-25 13:05:21 +00:00
"rejected_event_type_with_organizer" : "Rejected: {{eventType}} with {{organizer}} on {{date}}" ,
"hi" : "Hi" ,
"join_team" : "Join team" ,
"request_another_invitation_email" : "If you prefer not to use {{toEmail}} as your Cal.com email or already have a Cal.com account, please request another invitation to that email." ,
"you_have_been_invited" : "You have been invited to join the team {{teamName}}" ,
2021-11-26 11:03:43 +00:00
"user_invited_you" : "{{user}} invited you to join the team {{team}} on Cal.com" ,
2021-10-25 13:05:21 +00:00
"link_expires" : "p.s. It expires in {{expiresIn}} hours." ,
"use_link_to_reset_password" : "Use the link below to reset your password" ,
"hey_there" : "Hey there," ,
"forgot_your_password_calcom" : "Forgot your password? - Cal.com" ,
"event_type_title" : "{{eventTypeTitle}} | Event Type" ,
2021-10-15 10:53:42 +00:00
"delete_webhook_confirmation_message" : "Are you sure you want to delete this webhook? You will no longer receive Cal.com meeting data at a specified URL, in real-time, when an event is scheduled or canceled." ,
"confirm_delete_webhook" : "Yes, delete webhook" ,
"edit_webhook" : "Edit Webhook" ,
"delete_webhook" : "Delete Webhook" ,
"webhook_status" : "Webhook Status" ,
"webhook_enabled" : "Webhook Enabled" ,
2021-10-20 18:23:15 +00:00
"webhook_disabled" : "Webhook Disabled" ,
2021-10-25 16:15:52 +00:00
"webhook_response" : "Webhook response" ,
"webhook_test" : "Webhook test" ,
2021-10-15 10:53:42 +00:00
"manage_your_webhook" : "Manage your webhook" ,
2021-10-18 07:02:25 +00:00
"webhook_created_successfully" : "Webhook created successfully!" ,
2021-10-15 10:53:42 +00:00
"webhook_updated_successfully" : "Webhook updated successfully!" ,
"webhook_removed_successfully" : "Webhook removed successfully!" ,
2021-11-22 11:37:07 +00:00
"payload_template" : "Payload Template" ,
2021-10-15 10:53:42 +00:00
"dismiss" : "Dismiss" ,
2021-10-25 16:15:52 +00:00
"no_data_yet" : "No data yet" ,
"ping_test" : "Ping test" ,
2021-10-15 10:53:42 +00:00
"add_to_homescreen" : "Add this app to your home screen for faster access and improved experience." ,
"upcoming" : "Upcoming" ,
"past" : "Past" ,
"choose_a_file" : "Choose a file..." ,
"upload_image" : "Upload image" ,
"upload_target" : "Upload {{target}}" ,
"no_target" : "No {{target}}" ,
"slide_zoom_drag_instructions" : "Slide to zoom, drag to reposition" ,
"view_notifications" : "View notifications" ,
"view_public_page" : "View public page" ,
"sign_out" : "Sign out" ,
"add_another" : "Add another" ,
"until" : "until" ,
"powered_by" : "powered by" ,
"unavailable" : "Unavailable" ,
"set_work_schedule" : "Set your work schedule" ,
"change_bookings_availability" : "Change when you are available for bookings" ,
"select" : "Select..." ,
"2fa_confirm_current_password" : "Confirm your current password to get started." ,
"2fa_scan_image_or_use_code" : "Scan the image below with the authenticator app on your phone or manually enter the text code instead." ,
"text" : "Text" ,
"multiline_text" : "Multiline Text" ,
"number" : "Number" ,
"checkbox" : "Checkbox" ,
"is_required" : "Is required" ,
2021-10-25 13:05:21 +00:00
"required" : "Required" ,
2021-10-15 10:53:42 +00:00
"input_type" : "Input type" ,
"rejected" : "Rejected" ,
"unconfirmed" : "Unconfirmed" ,
"guests" : "Guests" ,
2021-11-26 11:03:43 +00:00
"guest" : "Guest" ,
2021-10-15 10:53:42 +00:00
"web_conferencing_details_to_follow" : "Web conferencing details to follow." ,
2021-10-14 14:24:21 +00:00
"the_username" : "The username" ,
2021-10-15 10:53:42 +00:00
"username" : "Username" ,
2021-10-14 14:24:21 +00:00
"is_still_available" : "is still available." ,
"documentation" : "Documentation" ,
"documentation_description" : "Learn how to integrate our tools with your app" ,
"api_reference" : "API Reference" ,
"api_reference_description" : "A complete API reference for our libraries" ,
"blog" : "Blog" ,
"blog_description" : "Read our latest news and articles" ,
"join_our_community" : "Join our community" ,
2021-10-15 10:53:42 +00:00
"join_our_slack" : "Join our Slack" ,
2021-10-14 14:24:21 +00:00
"claim_username_and_schedule_events" : "Claim your username and schedule events" ,
"popular_pages" : "Popular pages" ,
"register_now" : "Register now" ,
"register" : "Register" ,
"page_doesnt_exist" : "This page does not exist." ,
"check_spelling_mistakes_or_go_back" : "Check for spelling mistakes or go back to the previous page." ,
"404_page_not_found" : "404: This page could not be found." ,
"getting_started" : "Getting Started" ,
"15min_meeting" : "15 Min Meeting" ,
"30min_meeting" : "30 Min Meeting" ,
"secret_meeting" : "Secret Meeting" ,
"login_instead" : "Login instead" ,
"create_account" : "Create Account" ,
"confirm_password" : "Confirm password" ,
"create_your_account" : "Create your account" ,
"sign_up" : "Sign up" ,
"youve_been_logged_out" : "You've been logged out" ,
"hope_to_see_you_soon" : "We hope to see you again soon!" ,
"logged_out" : "Logged out" ,
"please_try_again_and_contact_us" : "Please try again and contact us if the issue persists." ,
"incorrect_2fa_code" : "Two-factor code is incorrect." ,
"no_account_exists" : "No account exists matching that email address." ,
"2fa_enabled_instructions" : "Two-factor authentication enabled. Please enter the six-digit code from your authenticator app." ,
2021-10-15 10:53:42 +00:00
"2fa_enter_six_digit_code" : "Enter the six-digit code from your authenticator app below." ,
2021-10-14 14:24:21 +00:00
"create_an_account" : "Create an account" ,
"dont_have_an_account" : "Don't have an account?" ,
"2fa_code" : "Two-Factor Code" ,
"sign_in_account" : "Sign in to your account" ,
"sign_in" : "Sign in" ,
"go_back_login" : "Go back to the login page" ,
"error_during_login" : "An error occurred when logging you in. Head back to the login screen and try again." ,
"request_password_reset" : "Request Password Reset" ,
"forgot_password" : "Forgot Password" ,
"forgot" : "Forgot?" ,
"done" : "Done" ,
"check_email_reset_password" : "Check your email. We sent you a link to reset your password." ,
"finish" : "Finish" ,
"few_sentences_about_yourself" : "A few sentences about yourself. This will appear on your personal url page." ,
"nearly_there" : "Nearly there" ,
"nearly_there_instructions" : "Last thing, a brief description about you and a photo really help you get bookings and let people know who they’ re booking with." ,
"set_availability_instructions" : "Define ranges of time when you are available on a recurring basis. You can create more of these later and assign them to different calendars." ,
"set_availability" : "Set your availability" ,
"continue_without_calendar" : "Continue without calendar" ,
"connect_your_calendar" : "Connect your calendar" ,
"connect_your_calendar_instructions" : "Connect your calendar to automatically check for busy times and new events as they’ re scheduled." ,
"set_up_later" : "Set up later" ,
"current_time" : "Current time" ,
"welcome" : "Welcome" ,
"welcome_to_calcom" : "Welcome to Cal.com" ,
"welcome_instructions" : "Tell us what to call you and let us know what timezone you’ re in. You’ ll be able to edit this later." ,
"connect_caldav" : "Connect to CalDav Server" ,
"credentials_stored_and_encrypted" : "Your credentials will be stored and encrypted." ,
"connect" : "Connect" ,
"try_for_free" : "Try it for free" ,
"create_booking_link_with_calcom" : "Create your own booking link with Cal.com" ,
2021-11-06 19:28:30 +00:00
"who" : "Who" ,
2021-10-14 14:24:21 +00:00
"what" : "What" ,
"when" : "When" ,
"where" : "Where" ,
"add_to_calendar" : "Add to calendar" ,
"other" : "Other" ,
"emailed_you_and_attendees" : "We emailed you and the other attendees a calendar invitation with all the details." ,
2021-10-28 22:58:26 +00:00
"emailed_you_and_any_other_attendees" : "You and any other attendees have been emailed with this information." ,
2021-10-14 14:24:21 +00:00
"needs_to_be_confirmed_or_rejected" : "Your booking still needs to be confirmed or rejected." ,
"user_needs_to_confirm_or_reject_booking" : "{{user}} still needs to confirm or reject the booking." ,
"meeting_is_scheduled" : "This meeting is scheduled" ,
"submitted" : "Submitted" ,
"booking_submitted" : "Booking Submitted" ,
"booking_confirmed" : "Booking Confirmed" ,
"enter_new_password" : "Enter the new password you'd like for your account." ,
"reset_password" : "Reset Password" ,
"change_your_password" : "Change your password" ,
"try_again" : "Try Again" ,
"request_is_expired" : "That Request is Expired." ,
"reset_instructions" : "Enter the email address associated with your account and we will send you a link to reset your password." ,
"request_is_expired_instructions" : "That request is expired. Go back and enter the email associated with your account and we will send you another link to reset your password." ,
"whoops" : "Whoops" ,
"login" : "Login" ,
"success" : "Success" ,
2021-10-25 16:15:52 +00:00
"failed" : "Failed" ,
2021-10-14 14:24:21 +00:00
"password_has_been_reset_login" : "Your password has been reset. You can now login with your newly created password." ,
"unexpected_error_try_again" : "An unexpected error occurred. Try again." ,
2021-10-13 10:49:15 +00:00
"back_to_bookings" : "Back to bookings" ,
"free_to_pick_another_event_type" : "Feel free to pick another event anytime." ,
"cancelled" : "Cancelled" ,
"cancellation_successful" : "Cancellation successful" ,
"really_cancel_booking" : "Really cancel your booking?" ,
"cannot_cancel_booking" : "You cannot cancel this booking" ,
"reschedule_instead" : "Instead, you could also reschedule it." ,
"event_is_in_the_past" : "The event is in the past" ,
"error_with_status_code_occured" : "An error with status code {{status}} occurred." ,
"booking_already_cancelled" : "This booking was already cancelled" ,
"go_back_home" : "Go back home" ,
2021-10-14 14:24:21 +00:00
"or_go_back_home" : "Or go back home" ,
2021-11-10 11:16:32 +00:00
"no_availability" : "Unavailable" ,
2021-10-13 10:49:15 +00:00
"no_meeting_found" : "No Meeting Found" ,
"no_meeting_found_description" : "This meeting does not exist. Contact the meeting owner for an updated link." ,
"no_status_bookings_yet" : "No {{status}} bookings, yet" ,
"no_status_bookings_yet_description" : "You have no {{status}} bookings. {{description}}" ,
2021-11-08 11:04:12 +00:00
"event_between_users" : "{{eventName}} between {{host}} and {{attendeeName}}" ,
2021-10-13 10:49:15 +00:00
"bookings" : "Bookings" ,
"bookings_description" : "See upcoming and past events booked through your event type links." ,
"upcoming_bookings" : "As soon as someone books a time with you it will show up here." ,
"past_bookings" : "Your past bookings will show up here." ,
"cancelled_bookings" : "Your cancelled bookings will show up here." ,
"on" : "on" ,
"and" : "and" ,
"calendar_shows_busy_between" : "Your calendar shows you as busy between" ,
"troubleshoot" : "Troubleshoot" ,
"troubleshoot_description" : "Understand why certain times are available and others are blocked." ,
"overview_of_day" : "Here is an overview of your day on" ,
"hover_over_bold_times_tip" : "Tip: Hover over the bold times for a full timestamp" ,
"start_time" : "Start time" ,
"end_time" : "End time" ,
"buffer" : "Buffer" ,
"your_day_starts_at" : "Your day starts at" ,
"your_day_ends_at" : "Your day ends at" ,
"launch_troubleshooter" : "Launch troubleshooter" ,
"troubleshoot_availability" : "Troubleshoot your availability to explore why your times are showing as they are." ,
"change_available_times" : "Change available times" ,
"change_your_available_times" : "Change your available times" ,
2021-11-11 05:44:53 +00:00
"change_start_end" : "Change the start and end times of your day" ,
2021-10-13 10:49:15 +00:00
"change_start_end_buffer" : "Set the start and end time of your day and a minimum buffer between your meetings." ,
"current_start_date" : "Currently, your day is set to start at" ,
"start_end_changed_successfully" : "The start and end times for your day have been changed successfully." ,
"and_end_at" : "and end at" ,
2021-10-13 09:34:55 +00:00
"light" : "Light" ,
"dark" : "Dark" ,
"automatically_adjust_theme" : "Automatically adjust theme based on invitee preferences" ,
"email" : "Email" ,
2021-11-11 05:44:53 +00:00
"email_placeholder" : "jdoe@example.com" ,
2021-10-13 09:34:55 +00:00
"full_name" : "Full name" ,
2021-11-11 05:44:53 +00:00
"browse_api_documentation" : "Browse our API documentation" ,
"leverage_our_api" : "Leverage our API for full control and customizability." ,
2021-10-13 09:34:55 +00:00
"create_webhook" : "Create Webhook" ,
"booking_cancelled" : "Booking Cancelled" ,
"booking_rescheduled" : "Booking Rescheduled" ,
"booking_created" : "Booking Created" ,
2021-10-15 10:53:42 +00:00
"event_triggers" : "Event Triggers" ,
2021-10-13 09:34:55 +00:00
"subscriber_url" : "Subscriber Url" ,
"create_new_webhook" : "Create a new webhook" ,
"create_new_webhook_to_account" : "Create a new webhook to your account" ,
"new_webhook" : "New Webhook" ,
"receive_cal_meeting_data" : "Receive Cal meeting data at a specified URL, in real-time, when an event is scheduled or cancelled." ,
"responsive_fullscreen_iframe" : "Responsive full screen iframe" ,
"loading" : "Loading..." ,
"standard_iframe" : "Standard iframe" ,
"iframe_embed" : "iframe Embed" ,
"embed_calcom" : "The easiest way to embed Cal.com on your website." ,
"integrate_using_embed_or_webhooks" : "Integrate with your website using our embed options, or get real-time booking information using custom webhooks." ,
"schedule_a_meeting" : "Schedule a meeting" ,
"view_and_manage_billing_details" : "View and manage your billing details" ,
"view_and_edit_billing_details" : "View and edit your billing details, as well as cancel your subscription." ,
"go_to_billing_portal" : "Go to the billing portal" ,
"need_anything_else" : "Need anything else?" ,
"further_billing_help" : "If you need any further help with billing, our support team are here to help." ,
"contact_our_support_team" : "Contact our support team" ,
2021-10-08 11:43:48 +00:00
"uh_oh" : "Uh oh!" ,
"no_event_types_have_been_setup" : "This user hasn't set up any event types yet." ,
"edit_logo" : "Edit logo" ,
"upload_a_logo" : "Upload a logo" ,
"enable" : "Enable" ,
"code" : "Code" ,
"code_is_incorrect" : "Code is incorrect." ,
"add_an_extra_layer_of_security" : "Add an extra layer of security to your account in case your password is stolen." ,
"2fa" : "Two-Factor Authentication" ,
"enable_2fa" : "Enable two-factor authentication" ,
"disable_2fa" : "Disable two-factor authentication" ,
"disable_2fa_recommendation" : "If you need to disable 2FA, we recommend re-enabling it as soon as possible." ,
"error_disabling_2fa" : "Error disabling two-factor authentication" ,
"error_enabling_2fa" : "Error setting up two-factor authentication" ,
"security" : "Security" ,
"manage_account_security" : "Manage your account's security." ,
"password" : "Password" ,
"password_updated_successfully" : "Password updated successfully" ,
"password_has_been_changed" : "Your password has been successfully changed." ,
"error_changing_password" : "Error changing password" ,
2021-10-14 14:24:21 +00:00
"something_went_wrong" : "Something went wrong." ,
2021-10-13 10:49:15 +00:00
"something_doesnt_look_right" : "Something doesn't look right?" ,
2021-10-14 14:24:21 +00:00
"please_try_again" : "Please try again." ,
2021-10-08 11:43:48 +00:00
"super_secure_new_password" : "Your super secure new password" ,
"new_password" : "New Password" ,
"your_old_password" : "Your old password" ,
"current_password" : "Current Password" ,
"change_password" : "Change Password" ,
"new_password_matches_old_password" : "New password matches your old password. Please choose a different password." ,
"current_incorrect_password" : "Current password is incorrect" ,
2021-10-14 14:24:21 +00:00
"incorrect_password" : "Password is incorrect." ,
2021-10-08 11:43:48 +00:00
"1_on_1" : "1-on-1" ,
"24_h" : "24h" ,
"use_setting" : "Use setting" ,
"am_pm" : "am/pm" ,
"time_options" : "Time options" ,
"january" : "January" ,
"february" : "February" ,
"march" : "March" ,
"april" : "April" ,
"may" : "May" ,
"june" : "June" ,
"july" : "July" ,
"august" : "August" ,
"september" : "September" ,
"october" : "October" ,
"november" : "November" ,
"december" : "December" ,
"monday" : "Monday" ,
"tuesday" : "Tuesday" ,
"wednesday" : "Wednesday" ,
"thursday" : "Thursday" ,
"friday" : "Friday" ,
"saturday" : "Saturday" ,
"sunday" : "Sunday" ,
"all_booked_today" : "All booked today." ,
"slots_load_fail" : "Could not load the available time slots." ,
"additional_guests" : "+ Additional Guests" ,
"your_name" : "Your name" ,
"email_address" : "Email address" ,
"location" : "Location" ,
"yes" : "yes" ,
"no" : "no" ,
"additional_notes" : "Additional notes" ,
"booking_fail" : "Could not book the meeting." ,
"reschedule_fail" : "Could not reschedule the meeting." ,
"share_additional_notes" : "Please share anything that will help prepare for our meeting." ,
"booking_confirmation" : "Confirm your {{eventTypeTitle}} with {{profileName}}" ,
"booking_reschedule_confirmation" : "Reschedule your {{eventTypeTitle}} with {{profileName}}" ,
"in_person_meeting" : "Link or In-person meeting" ,
"phone_call" : "Phone call" ,
"phone_number" : "Phone Number" ,
"enter_phone_number" : "Enter phone number" ,
"reschedule" : "Reschedule" ,
"book_a_team_member" : "Book a team member instead" ,
"or" : "OR" ,
"go_back" : "Go back" ,
"email_or_username" : "Email or Username" ,
"send_invite_email" : "Send an invite email" ,
"role" : "Role" ,
"edit_team" : "Edit team" ,
"reject" : "Reject" ,
"accept" : "Accept" ,
"leave" : "Leave" ,
"profile" : "Profile" ,
"my_team_url" : "My team URL" ,
"team_name" : "Team name" ,
"your_team_name" : "Your team name" ,
"team_updated_successfully" : "Team updated successfully" ,
"your_team_updated_successfully" : "Your team has been updated successfully." ,
"about" : "About" ,
2021-10-14 14:24:21 +00:00
"team_description" : "A few sentences about your team. This will appear on your team's URL page." ,
2021-10-08 11:43:48 +00:00
"members" : "Members" ,
"member" : "Member" ,
"owner" : "Owner" ,
"new_member" : "New Member" ,
"invite" : "Invite" ,
"invite_new_member" : "Invite a new member" ,
"invite_new_team_member" : "Invite someone to your team." ,
"disable_cal_branding" : "Disable Cal.com branding" ,
"disable_cal_branding_description" : "Hide all Cal.com branding from your public pages." ,
"danger_zone" : "Danger Zone" ,
"back" : "Back" ,
"cancel" : "Cancel" ,
"continue" : "Continue" ,
"confirm" : "Confirm" ,
"disband_team" : "Disband Team" ,
"disband_team_confirmation_message" : "Are you sure you want to disband this team? Anyone who you've shared this team link with will no longer be able to book using it." ,
"remove_member_confirmation_message" : "Are you sure you want to remove this member from the team?" ,
"confirm_disband_team" : "Yes, disband team" ,
"confirm_remove_member" : "Yes, remove member" ,
"remove_member" : "Remove member" ,
"manage_your_team" : "Manage your team" ,
"submit" : "Submit" ,
"delete" : "Delete" ,
"update" : "Update" ,
"save" : "Save" ,
"pending" : "Pending" ,
"open_options" : "Open options" ,
"copy_link" : "Copy link to event" ,
"preview" : "Preview" ,
"link_copied" : "Link copied!" ,
"title" : "Title" ,
"description" : "Description" ,
"quick_video_meeting" : "A quick video meeting." ,
"scheduling_type" : "Scheduling Type" ,
"preview_team" : "Preview team" ,
"collective" : "Collective" ,
"collective_description" : "Schedule meetings when all selected team members are available." ,
"duration" : "Duration" ,
2021-10-13 10:49:15 +00:00
"minutes" : "Minutes" ,
2021-10-08 11:43:48 +00:00
"round_robin" : "Round Robin" ,
"round_robin_description" : "Cycle meetings between multiple team members." ,
"url" : "URL" ,
"hidden" : "Hidden" ,
"readonly" : "Readonly" ,
"plan_upgrade" : "You need to upgrade your plan to have more than one active event type." ,
"plan_upgrade_instructions" : "To upgrade, go to <a href=\"https://cal.com/upgrade\" className=\"underline\">https://cal.com/upgrade</a>" ,
"event_types_page_title" : "Event Types" ,
"event_types_page_subtitle" : "Create events to share for people to book on your calendar." ,
"new_event_type_btn" : "New event type" ,
"new_event_type_heading" : "Create your first event type" ,
"new_event_type_description" : "Event types enable you to share links that show available times on your calendar and allow people to make bookings with you." ,
"new_event_title" : "Add a new event type" ,
"new_event_subtitle" : "Create an event type under your name or a team." ,
"new_team_event" : "Add a new team event type" ,
"new_event_description" : "Create a new event type for people to book times with." ,
2021-10-11 13:42:43 +00:00
"event_type_created_successfully" : "{{eventTypeTitle}} event type created successfully" ,
2021-10-25 13:05:21 +00:00
"event_type_updated_successfully" : "{{eventTypeTitle}} event type updated successfully" ,
"event_type_deleted_successfully" : "Event type deleted successfully" ,
2021-10-11 13:42:43 +00:00
"hours" : "Hours" ,
"your_email" : "Your Email" ,
"change_avatar" : "Change Avatar" ,
"language" : "Language" ,
"timezone" : "Timezone" ,
2021-10-13 09:34:55 +00:00
"first_day_of_week" : "First Day of Week" ,
2021-10-11 13:42:43 +00:00
"single_theme" : "Single Theme" ,
2021-11-16 08:51:46 +00:00
"brand_color" : "Brand Color" ,
2021-10-11 13:42:43 +00:00
"file_not_named" : "File is not named [idOrSlug]/[user]" ,
"create_team" : "Create Team" ,
2021-10-13 09:34:55 +00:00
"name" : "Name" ,
2021-10-11 13:42:43 +00:00
"create_new_team_description" : "Create a new team to collaborate with users." ,
"create_new_team" : "Create a new team" ,
"open_invitations" : "Open Invitations" ,
"new_team" : "New Team" ,
2021-10-13 09:34:55 +00:00
"create_first_team_and_invite_others" : "Create your first team and invite other users to work together with you." ,
"create_team_to_get_started" : "Create a team to get started" ,
2021-10-11 13:42:43 +00:00
"teams" : "Teams" ,
"create_manage_teams_collaborative" : "Create and manage teams to use collaborative features." ,
2021-10-13 09:34:55 +00:00
"only_available_on_pro_plan" : "This feature is only available in Pro plan" ,
"remove_cal_branding_description" : "In order to remove the Cal branding from your booking pages, you need to upgrade to a Pro account." ,
2021-10-11 13:42:43 +00:00
"to_upgrade_go_to" : "To upgrade go to" ,
"edit_profile_info_description" : "Edit your profile information, which shows on your scheduling link." ,
"change_email_contact" : "To change your email, please contact" ,
"little_something_about" : "A little something about yourself." ,
"profile_updated_successfully" : "Profile updated successfully" ,
"your_user_profile_updated_successfully" : "Your user profile has been updated successfully." ,
"user_cannot_found_db" : "User seems logged in but cannot be found in the db" ,
2021-10-13 09:34:55 +00:00
"embed_and_webhooks" : "Embed & Webhooks" ,
2021-10-11 13:42:43 +00:00
"enabled" : "Enabled" ,
"disabled" : "Disabled" ,
2021-10-13 09:34:55 +00:00
"disable" : "Disable" ,
2021-10-11 13:42:43 +00:00
"billing" : "Billing" ,
"manage_your_billing_info" : "Manage your billing information and cancel your subscription." ,
"availability" : "Availability" ,
2021-11-10 11:16:32 +00:00
"availability_updated_successfully" : "Availability updated successfully" ,
2021-11-11 05:44:53 +00:00
"configure_availability" : "Configure times when you are available for bookings." ,
2021-10-11 13:42:43 +00:00
"change_weekly_schedule" : "Change your weekly schedule" ,
"logo" : "Logo" ,
"error" : "Error" ,
"team_logo" : "Team Logo" ,
"add_location" : "Add a location" ,
"attendees" : "Attendees" ,
"add_attendees" : "Add attendees" ,
"show_advanced_settings" : "Show advanced settings" ,
"event_name" : "Event Name" ,
"meeting_with_user" : "Meeting with {USER}" ,
"additional_inputs" : "Additional Inputs" ,
"label" : "Label" ,
2021-10-12 18:59:52 +00:00
"placeholder" : "Placeholder" ,
2021-10-11 13:42:43 +00:00
"type" : "Type" ,
"edit" : "Edit" ,
"add_input" : "Add an Input" ,
"opt_in_booking" : "Opt-in Booking" ,
"opt_in_booking_description" : "The booking needs to be manually confirmed before it is pushed to the integrations and a confirmation mail is sent." ,
"disable_guests" : "Disable Guests" ,
"disable_guests_description" : "Disable adding additional guests while booking." ,
"invitees_can_schedule" : "Invitees can schedule" ,
"date_range" : "Date Range" ,
"calendar_days" : "calendar days" ,
"business_days" : "business days" ,
"set_address_place" : "Set an address or place" ,
"cal_invitee_phone_number_scheduling" : "Cal will ask your invitee to enter a phone number before scheduling." ,
"cal_provide_google_meet_location" : "Cal will provide a Google Meet location." ,
"cal_provide_zoom_meeting_url" : "Cal will provide a Zoom meeting URL." ,
"cal_provide_video_meeting_url" : "Cal will provide a Daily video meeting URL." ,
"require_payment" : "Require Payment" ,
"commission_per_transaction" : "commission per transaction" ,
"event_type_updated_successfully_description" : "Your event type has been updated successfully." ,
"hide_event_type" : "Hide event type" ,
"edit_location" : "Edit location" ,
"into_the_future" : "into the future" ,
"within_date_range" : "Within a date range" ,
"indefinitely_into_future" : "Indefinitely into the future" ,
"this_input_will_shown_booking_this_event" : "This input will be shown when booking this event" ,
"add_new_custom_input_field" : "Add new custom input field" ,
"quick_chat" : "Quick Chat" ,
"add_new_team_event_type" : "Add a new team event type" ,
"add_new_event_type" : "Add a new event type" ,
"new_event_type_to_book_description" : "Create a new event type for people to book times with." ,
"length" : "Length" ,
"minimum_booking_notice" : "Minimum booking notice" ,
"delete_event_type_description" : "Are you sure you want to delete this event type? Anyone who you've shared this link with will no longer be able to book using it." ,
"delete_event_type" : "Delete Event Type" ,
2021-10-14 13:58:17 +00:00
"confirm_delete_event_type" : "Yes, delete event type" ,
"integrations" : "Integrations" ,
2021-11-07 15:52:48 +00:00
"settings" : "Settings" ,
2021-11-15 12:25:49 +00:00
"event_type_moved_successfully" : "Event type has been moved successfully" ,
2021-11-10 11:16:32 +00:00
"next_step" : "Skip step" ,
"prev_step" : "Prev step" ,
2021-11-07 15:52:48 +00:00
"installed" : "Installed" ,
"disconnect" : "Disconnect" ,
"embed_your_calendar" : "Embed your calendar within your webpage" ,
"connect_your_favourite_apps" : "Connect your favourite apps." ,
"automation" : "Automation" ,
"configure_how_your_event_types_interact" : "Configure how your event types should interact with your calendars." ,
2021-12-09 15:51:37 +00:00
"select_destination_calendar" : "Select a destination calendar for your bookings." ,
2021-11-07 15:52:48 +00:00
"connect_an_additional_calendar" : "Connect an additional calendar" ,
"conferencing" : "Conferencing" ,
"calendar" : "Calendar" ,
2021-11-11 05:44:53 +00:00
"not_installed" : "Not installed" ,
"error_password_mismatch" : "Passwords don't match." ,
"error_required_field" : "This field is required."
2021-11-22 11:37:07 +00:00