
371 lines
15 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// TODO: replace headlessui with radix-ui
import { Menu, Transition } from "@headlessui/react";
import {
} from "@heroicons/react/solid";
import Head from "next/head";
import Link from "next/link";
import React, { Fragment, useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { QueryCell } from "@lib/QueryCell";
import classNames from "@lib/classNames";
import { useLocale } from "@lib/hooks/useLocale";
import showToast from "@lib/notification";
import { inferQueryOutput, trpc } from "@lib/trpc";
import Shell from "@components/Shell";
import { Tooltip } from "@components/Tooltip";
import CreateEventTypeButton from "@components/eventtype/CreateEventType";
import EventTypeDescription from "@components/eventtype/EventTypeDescription";
import { Alert } from "@components/ui/Alert";
import Avatar from "@components/ui/Avatar";
import AvatarGroup from "@components/ui/AvatarGroup";
import Badge from "@components/ui/Badge";
import UserCalendarIllustration from "@components/ui/svg/UserCalendarIllustration";
2021-07-30 23:05:38 +00:00
type Profiles = inferQueryOutput<"viewer.eventTypes">["profiles"];
type EventTypeGroups = inferQueryOutput<"viewer.eventTypes">["eventTypeGroups"];
type EventTypeGroupProfile = EventTypeGroups[number]["profile"];
interface CreateEventTypeProps {
canAddEvents: boolean;
profiles: Profiles;
const CreateFirstEventTypeView = ({ canAddEvents, profiles }: CreateEventTypeProps) => {
const { t } = useLocale();
return (
Feature/round robin (#613) * Heavy WIP * More WIP * Playing with backwards compat * Moar wip * wip * Email changes for group feature * Committing in redundant migrations for reference * Combine all WIP migrations into a single feature migration * Make backup of current version of radio area pending refactor * Improved accessibility through keyboard * Cleanup in seperate commit so I can cherrypick later * Added RadioArea component * wip * Ignore .yarn file * Kinda stable * Getting closer... * Hide header when there are only personal events * Added uid to event create, updated EventTypeDescription * Delete redundant migration * Committing new team related migrations * Optimising & implemented backwards compatibility * Removed now redundant pages * Undid prototyping to calendarClient I did not end up using * Properly typed Select & fixed lint throughout * How'd that get here, removed. * TODO: investigate why userData is not compatible with passed type * This likely matches the event type that is created for a user * Few bugfixes * Adding datepicker optimisations * Fixed new event type spacing, initial profile should always be there * Gave NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL a try but I think it's not the right solution * Updated EventTypeDescription to account for long titles, added logo to team page. * Added logo to team query * Added cancel Cypress test because an upcoming merge contains changes * Fix for when the event type description is long * Turned Theme into the useTheme hook, and made it fully compatible with teams pages * Built AvatarGroup ui component + moved Avatar to ui * Give the avatar some space fom the description * Fixed timeZone selector * Disabled tooltip +1-... Co-authored-by: Bailey Pumfleet <>
2021-09-14 08:45:28 +00:00
<div className="md:py-20">
<UserCalendarIllustration />
<div className="block mx-auto text-center md:max-w-screen-sm">
<h3 className="mt-2 text-xl font-bold text-neutral-900">{t("new_event_type_heading")}</h3>
<p className="mt-1 mb-2 text-md text-neutral-600">{t("new_event_type_description")}</p>
<CreateEventTypeButton canAddEvents={canAddEvents} options={profiles} />
Feature/round robin (#613) * Heavy WIP * More WIP * Playing with backwards compat * Moar wip * wip * Email changes for group feature * Committing in redundant migrations for reference * Combine all WIP migrations into a single feature migration * Make backup of current version of radio area pending refactor * Improved accessibility through keyboard * Cleanup in seperate commit so I can cherrypick later * Added RadioArea component * wip * Ignore .yarn file * Kinda stable * Getting closer... * Hide header when there are only personal events * Added uid to event create, updated EventTypeDescription * Delete redundant migration * Committing new team related migrations * Optimising & implemented backwards compatibility * Removed now redundant pages * Undid prototyping to calendarClient I did not end up using * Properly typed Select & fixed lint throughout * How'd that get here, removed. * TODO: investigate why userData is not compatible with passed type * This likely matches the event type that is created for a user * Few bugfixes * Adding datepicker optimisations * Fixed new event type spacing, initial profile should always be there * Gave NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL a try but I think it's not the right solution * Updated EventTypeDescription to account for long titles, added logo to team page. * Added logo to team query * Added cancel Cypress test because an upcoming merge contains changes * Fix for when the event type description is long * Turned Theme into the useTheme hook, and made it fully compatible with teams pages * Built AvatarGroup ui component + moved Avatar to ui * Give the avatar some space fom the description * Fixed timeZone selector * Disabled tooltip +1-... Co-authored-by: Bailey Pumfleet <>
2021-09-14 08:45:28 +00:00
type EventTypeGroup = inferQueryOutput<"viewer.eventTypes">["eventTypeGroups"][number];
type EventType = EventTypeGroup["eventTypes"][number];
interface EventTypeListProps {
profile: { slug: string | null };
readOnly: boolean;
types: EventType[];
const EventTypeList = ({ readOnly, types, profile }: EventTypeListProps): JSX.Element => {
const { t } = useLocale();
const utils = trpc.useContext();
const mutation = trpc.useMutation("viewer.eventTypeOrder", {
onError: (err) => {
async onSettled() {
await utils.cancelQuery(["viewer.eventTypes"]);
await utils.invalidateQueries(["viewer.eventTypes"]);
const [sortableTypes, setSortableTypes] = useState(types);
useEffect(() => {
}, [types]);
function moveEventType(index: number, increment: 1 | -1) {
const newList = [...sortableTypes];
const type = sortableTypes[index];
const tmp = sortableTypes[index + increment];
if (tmp) {
newList[index] = tmp;
newList[index + increment] = type;
ids: =>,
return (
<div className="mb-16 -mx-4 overflow-hidden bg-white border border-gray-200 rounded-sm sm:mx-0">
<ul className="divide-y divide-neutral-200" data-testid="event-types">
{, index) => (
type.$disabled && "opacity-30 cursor-not-allowed pointer-events-none select-none"
data-disabled={type.$disabled ? 1 : 0}>
"hover:bg-neutral-50 flex justify-between items-center ",
type.$disabled && "pointer-events-none"
<div className="flex items-center justify-between w-full px-4 py-4 group sm:px-6 hover:bg-neutral-50">
className="hidden sm:block absolute mb-8 left-1/2 -ml-4 sm:ml-0 sm:left-[19px] border hover:border-transparent text-gray-400 transition-all hover:text-black hover:shadow group-hover:scale-100 scale-0 w-7 h-7 p-1 invisible group-hover:visible bg-white rounded-full"
onClick={() => moveEventType(index, -1)}>
<ArrowUpIcon />
className="hidden sm:block absolute mt-8 left-1/2 -ml-4 sm:ml-0 sm:left-[19px] border hover:border-transparent text-gray-400 transition-all hover:text-black hover:shadow group-hover:scale-100 scale-0 w-7 h-7 p-1 invisible group-hover:visible bg-white rounded-full"
onClick={() => moveEventType(index, 1)}>
<ArrowDownIcon />
<Link href={"/event-types/" +}>
className="flex-grow text-sm truncate"
title={`${type.title} ${type.description ? ` ${type.description}` : ""}`}>
<span className="font-medium truncate text-neutral-900">{type.title} </span>
<small className="hidden sm:inline text-neutral-500">{`/${profile.slug}/${type.slug}`}</small>
{type.hidden && (
<span className="ml-2 inline items-center px-1.5 py-0.5 rounded-sm text-xs font-medium bg-yellow-100 text-yellow-800">
{readOnly && (
<span className="ml-2 inline items-center px-1.5 py-0.5 rounded-sm text-xs font-medium bg-gray-100 text-gray-800">
<EventTypeDescription eventType={type} />
<div className="flex-shrink-0 hidden mt-4 sm:flex sm:mt-0 sm:ml-5">
<div className="flex items-center space-x-2 overflow-hidden">
{type.users?.length > 1 && (
items={ => ({
alt: || "",
image: organizer.avatar || "",
<Tooltip content={t("preview")}>
<ExternalLinkIcon className="w-5 h-5 group-hover:text-black" />
<Tooltip content={t("copy_link")}>
onClick={() => {
showToast(t("link_copied"), "success");
<LinkIcon className="w-5 h-5 group-hover:text-black" />
<div className="flex flex-shrink-0 mr-5 sm:hidden">
<Menu as="div" className="inline-block text-left">
{({ open }) => (
<Menu.Button className="p-2 mt-1 border border-transparent text-neutral-400 hover:border-gray-200">
<span className="sr-only">{t("open_options")}</span>
<DotsHorizontalIcon className="w-5 h-5" aria-hidden="true" />
enter="transition ease-out duration-100"
enterFrom="transform opacity-0 scale-95"
enterTo="transform opacity-100 scale-100"
leave="transition ease-in duration-75"
leaveFrom="transform opacity-100 scale-100"
leaveTo="transform opacity-0 scale-95">
className="absolute right-0 z-10 w-56 mt-2 origin-top-right bg-white divide-y rounded-sm shadow-lg ring-1 ring-black ring-opacity-5 focus:outline-none divide-neutral-100">
<div className="py-1">
{({ active }) => (
active ? "bg-neutral-100 text-neutral-900" : "text-neutral-700",
"group flex items-center px-4 py-2 text-sm font-medium"
className="w-4 h-4 mr-3 text-neutral-400 group-hover:text-neutral-500"
{({ active }) => (
onClick={() => {
showToast("Link copied!", "success");
active ? "bg-neutral-100 text-neutral-900" : "text-neutral-700",
"group flex items-center px-4 py-2 text-sm w-full font-medium"
className="w-4 h-4 mr-3 text-neutral-400 group-hover:text-neutral-500"
interface EventTypeListHeadingProps {
profile: EventTypeGroupProfile;
membershipCount: number;
const EventTypeListHeading = ({ profile, membershipCount }: EventTypeListHeadingProps): JSX.Element => (
<div className="flex mb-4">
<Link href="/settings/teams">
alt={profile?.name || ""}
imageSrc={profile?.image || undefined}
className="inline mt-1 mr-2"
<Link href="/settings/teams">
<a className="font-bold">{profile?.name || ""}</a>
{membershipCount && (
<span className="relative ml-2 text-xs text-neutral-500 -top-px">
<Link href="/settings/teams">
<Badge variant="gray">
<UsersIcon className="inline w-3 h-3 mr-1 -mt-px" />
{profile?.slug && (
<Link href={`${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_URL}/${profile.slug}`}>
<a className="block text-xs text-neutral-500">{`${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_URL?.replace(
const EventTypesPage = () => {
const { t } = useLocale();
const query = trpc.useQuery(["viewer.eventTypes"]);
Feature/round robin (#613) * Heavy WIP * More WIP * Playing with backwards compat * Moar wip * wip * Email changes for group feature * Committing in redundant migrations for reference * Combine all WIP migrations into a single feature migration * Make backup of current version of radio area pending refactor * Improved accessibility through keyboard * Cleanup in seperate commit so I can cherrypick later * Added RadioArea component * wip * Ignore .yarn file * Kinda stable * Getting closer... * Hide header when there are only personal events * Added uid to event create, updated EventTypeDescription * Delete redundant migration * Committing new team related migrations * Optimising & implemented backwards compatibility * Removed now redundant pages * Undid prototyping to calendarClient I did not end up using * Properly typed Select & fixed lint throughout * How'd that get here, removed. * TODO: investigate why userData is not compatible with passed type * This likely matches the event type that is created for a user * Few bugfixes * Adding datepicker optimisations * Fixed new event type spacing, initial profile should always be there * Gave NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL a try but I think it's not the right solution * Updated EventTypeDescription to account for long titles, added logo to team page. * Added logo to team query * Added cancel Cypress test because an upcoming merge contains changes * Fix for when the event type description is long * Turned Theme into the useTheme hook, and made it fully compatible with teams pages * Built AvatarGroup ui component + moved Avatar to ui * Give the avatar some space fom the description * Fixed timeZone selector * Disabled tooltip +1-... Co-authored-by: Bailey Pumfleet <>
2021-09-14 08:45:28 +00:00
return (
<title>Home |</title>
Feature/round robin (#613) * Heavy WIP * More WIP * Playing with backwards compat * Moar wip * wip * Email changes for group feature * Committing in redundant migrations for reference * Combine all WIP migrations into a single feature migration * Make backup of current version of radio area pending refactor * Improved accessibility through keyboard * Cleanup in seperate commit so I can cherrypick later * Added RadioArea component * wip * Ignore .yarn file * Kinda stable * Getting closer... * Hide header when there are only personal events * Added uid to event create, updated EventTypeDescription * Delete redundant migration * Committing new team related migrations * Optimising & implemented backwards compatibility * Removed now redundant pages * Undid prototyping to calendarClient I did not end up using * Properly typed Select & fixed lint throughout * How'd that get here, removed. * TODO: investigate why userData is not compatible with passed type * This likely matches the event type that is created for a user * Few bugfixes * Adding datepicker optimisations * Fixed new event type spacing, initial profile should always be there * Gave NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL a try but I think it's not the right solution * Updated EventTypeDescription to account for long titles, added logo to team page. * Added logo to team query * Added cancel Cypress test because an upcoming merge contains changes * Fix for when the event type description is long * Turned Theme into the useTheme hook, and made it fully compatible with teams pages * Built AvatarGroup ui component + moved Avatar to ui * Give the avatar some space fom the description * Fixed timeZone selector * Disabled tooltip +1-... Co-authored-by: Bailey Pumfleet <>
2021-09-14 08:45:28 +00:00
<link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" />
Feature/round robin (#613) * Heavy WIP * More WIP * Playing with backwards compat * Moar wip * wip * Email changes for group feature * Committing in redundant migrations for reference * Combine all WIP migrations into a single feature migration * Make backup of current version of radio area pending refactor * Improved accessibility through keyboard * Cleanup in seperate commit so I can cherrypick later * Added RadioArea component * wip * Ignore .yarn file * Kinda stable * Getting closer... * Hide header when there are only personal events * Added uid to event create, updated EventTypeDescription * Delete redundant migration * Committing new team related migrations * Optimising & implemented backwards compatibility * Removed now redundant pages * Undid prototyping to calendarClient I did not end up using * Properly typed Select & fixed lint throughout * How'd that get here, removed. * TODO: investigate why userData is not compatible with passed type * This likely matches the event type that is created for a user * Few bugfixes * Adding datepicker optimisations * Fixed new event type spacing, initial profile should always be there * Gave NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL a try but I think it's not the right solution * Updated EventTypeDescription to account for long titles, added logo to team page. * Added logo to team query * Added cancel Cypress test because an upcoming merge contains changes * Fix for when the event type description is long * Turned Theme into the useTheme hook, and made it fully compatible with teams pages * Built AvatarGroup ui component + moved Avatar to ui * Give the avatar some space fom the description * Fixed timeZone selector * Disabled tooltip +1-... Co-authored-by: Bailey Pumfleet <>
2021-09-14 08:45:28 +00:00
CTA={ && !== 0 && (
Feature/round robin (#613) * Heavy WIP * More WIP * Playing with backwards compat * Moar wip * wip * Email changes for group feature * Committing in redundant migrations for reference * Combine all WIP migrations into a single feature migration * Make backup of current version of radio area pending refactor * Improved accessibility through keyboard * Cleanup in seperate commit so I can cherrypick later * Added RadioArea component * wip * Ignore .yarn file * Kinda stable * Getting closer... * Hide header when there are only personal events * Added uid to event create, updated EventTypeDescription * Delete redundant migration * Committing new team related migrations * Optimising & implemented backwards compatibility * Removed now redundant pages * Undid prototyping to calendarClient I did not end up using * Properly typed Select & fixed lint throughout * How'd that get here, removed. * TODO: investigate why userData is not compatible with passed type * This likely matches the event type that is created for a user * Few bugfixes * Adding datepicker optimisations * Fixed new event type spacing, initial profile should always be there * Gave NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL a try but I think it's not the right solution * Updated EventTypeDescription to account for long titles, added logo to team page. * Added logo to team query * Added cancel Cypress test because an upcoming merge contains changes * Fix for when the event type description is long * Turned Theme into the useTheme hook, and made it fully compatible with teams pages * Built AvatarGroup ui component + moved Avatar to ui * Give the avatar some space fom the description * Fixed timeZone selector * Disabled tooltip +1-... Co-authored-by: Bailey Pumfleet <>
2021-09-14 08:45:28 +00:00
success={({ data }) => (
{data.viewer.plan === "FREE" && !data.viewer.canAddEvents && (
{t("to_upgrade_go_to")}{" "}
<a href={""} className="underline">
Feature/round robin (#613) * Heavy WIP * More WIP * Playing with backwards compat * Moar wip * wip * Email changes for group feature * Committing in redundant migrations for reference * Combine all WIP migrations into a single feature migration * Make backup of current version of radio area pending refactor * Improved accessibility through keyboard * Cleanup in seperate commit so I can cherrypick later * Added RadioArea component * wip * Ignore .yarn file * Kinda stable * Getting closer... * Hide header when there are only personal events * Added uid to event create, updated EventTypeDescription * Delete redundant migration * Committing new team related migrations * Optimising & implemented backwards compatibility * Removed now redundant pages * Undid prototyping to calendarClient I did not end up using * Properly typed Select & fixed lint throughout * How'd that get here, removed. * TODO: investigate why userData is not compatible with passed type * This likely matches the event type that is created for a user * Few bugfixes * Adding datepicker optimisations * Fixed new event type spacing, initial profile should always be there * Gave NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL a try but I think it's not the right solution * Updated EventTypeDescription to account for long titles, added logo to team page. * Added logo to team query * Added cancel Cypress test because an upcoming merge contains changes * Fix for when the event type description is long * Turned Theme into the useTheme hook, and made it fully compatible with teams pages * Built AvatarGroup ui component + moved Avatar to ui * Give the avatar some space fom the description * Fixed timeZone selector * Disabled tooltip +1-... Co-authored-by: Bailey Pumfleet <>
2021-09-14 08:45:28 +00:00
{ => (
<Fragment key={group.profile.slug}>
{/* hide list heading when there is only one (current user) */}
{(data.eventTypeGroups.length !== 1 || group.teamId) && (
Feature/round robin (#613) * Heavy WIP * More WIP * Playing with backwards compat * Moar wip * wip * Email changes for group feature * Committing in redundant migrations for reference * Combine all WIP migrations into a single feature migration * Make backup of current version of radio area pending refactor * Improved accessibility through keyboard * Cleanup in seperate commit so I can cherrypick later * Added RadioArea component * wip * Ignore .yarn file * Kinda stable * Getting closer... * Hide header when there are only personal events * Added uid to event create, updated EventTypeDescription * Delete redundant migration * Committing new team related migrations * Optimising & implemented backwards compatibility * Removed now redundant pages * Undid prototyping to calendarClient I did not end up using * Properly typed Select & fixed lint throughout * How'd that get here, removed. * TODO: investigate why userData is not compatible with passed type * This likely matches the event type that is created for a user * Few bugfixes * Adding datepicker optimisations * Fixed new event type spacing, initial profile should always be there * Gave NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL a try but I think it's not the right solution * Updated EventTypeDescription to account for long titles, added logo to team page. * Added logo to team query * Added cancel Cypress test because an upcoming merge contains changes * Fix for when the event type description is long * Turned Theme into the useTheme hook, and made it fully compatible with teams pages * Built AvatarGroup ui component + moved Avatar to ui * Give the avatar some space fom the description * Fixed timeZone selector * Disabled tooltip +1-... Co-authored-by: Bailey Pumfleet <>
2021-09-14 08:45:28 +00:00
{data.eventTypeGroups.length === 0 && (
<CreateFirstEventTypeView profiles={data.profiles} canAddEvents={data.viewer.canAddEvents} />
Feature/round robin (#613) * Heavy WIP * More WIP * Playing with backwards compat * Moar wip * wip * Email changes for group feature * Committing in redundant migrations for reference * Combine all WIP migrations into a single feature migration * Make backup of current version of radio area pending refactor * Improved accessibility through keyboard * Cleanup in seperate commit so I can cherrypick later * Added RadioArea component * wip * Ignore .yarn file * Kinda stable * Getting closer... * Hide header when there are only personal events * Added uid to event create, updated EventTypeDescription * Delete redundant migration * Committing new team related migrations * Optimising & implemented backwards compatibility * Removed now redundant pages * Undid prototyping to calendarClient I did not end up using * Properly typed Select & fixed lint throughout * How'd that get here, removed. * TODO: investigate why userData is not compatible with passed type * This likely matches the event type that is created for a user * Few bugfixes * Adding datepicker optimisations * Fixed new event type spacing, initial profile should always be there * Gave NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL a try but I think it's not the right solution * Updated EventTypeDescription to account for long titles, added logo to team page. * Added logo to team query * Added cancel Cypress test because an upcoming merge contains changes * Fix for when the event type description is long * Turned Theme into the useTheme hook, and made it fully compatible with teams pages * Built AvatarGroup ui component + moved Avatar to ui * Give the avatar some space fom the description * Fixed timeZone selector * Disabled tooltip +1-... Co-authored-by: Bailey Pumfleet <>
2021-09-14 08:45:28 +00:00
export default EventTypesPage;