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2021-09-30 10:46:39 +00:00
import { CalendarIcon } from "@heroicons/react/outline";
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
import { Fragment } from "react";
feature/app wipe my cal (#2487) * WIP bookings page ui changes, created api endpoint * Ui changes mobile/desktop * Added translations * Fix lib import and common names * WIP reschedule * WIP * Save wip * [WIP] builder and class for CalendarEvent, email for attende * update rescheduled emails, booking view and availability page view * Working version reschedule * Fix for req.user as array * Added missing translation and refactor dialog to self component * Test for reschedule * update on types * Update lib no required * Update type on createBooking * fix types * remove preview stripe sub * remove unused file * remove unused import * Fix reschedule test * Refactor and cleaning up code * Email reschedule title fixes * Adding calendar delete and recreate placeholder of cancelled * Add translation * Removed logs, notes, fixed types * Fixes process.env types * Use strict compare * Fixes type inference * Type fixing is my middle name * Update apps/web/components/booking/BookingListItem.tsx * Update apps/web/components/dialog/RescheduleDialog.tsx * Update packages/core/builders/CalendarEvent/director.ts * Update apps/web/pages/success.tsx * Updates rescheduling labels * Update packages/core/builders/CalendarEvent/builder.ts * Type fixes * Update packages/core/builders/CalendarEvent/builder.ts * Only validating input blocked once * E2E fixes * Stripe tests fixes * Wipe my cal init commit * Fixes circular dependencies * Added conditional display for wipe my cal button * Added placeholder image for app category * Fix type string for conditional validation Co-authored-by: Peer Richelsen <> Co-authored-by: zomars <>
2022-04-15 02:24:27 +00:00
import { WipeMyCalActionButton } from "@calcom/app-store/wipemycalother/components";
import { useLocale } from "@calcom/lib/hooks/useLocale";
import { Alert } from "@calcom/ui/Alert";
import Button from "@calcom/ui/Button";
import { useInViewObserver } from "@lib/hooks/useInViewObserver";
import { inferQueryInput, inferQueryOutput, trpc } from "@lib/trpc";
import BookingsShell from "@components/BookingsShell";
import EmptyScreen from "@components/EmptyScreen";
import Shell from "@components/Shell";
2021-09-30 10:46:39 +00:00
import BookingListItem from "@components/booking/BookingListItem";
import SkeletonLoader from "@components/booking/SkeletonLoader";
2021-09-30 10:46:39 +00:00
type BookingListingStatus = inferQueryInput<"viewer.bookings">["status"];
type BookingOutput = inferQueryOutput<"viewer.bookings">["bookings"][0];
type BookingPage = inferQueryOutput<"viewer.bookings">;
export default function Bookings() {
const router = useRouter();
const status = router.query?.status as BookingListingStatus;
2021-10-13 10:49:15 +00:00
const { t } = useLocale();
const descriptionByStatus: Record<BookingListingStatus, string> = {
upcoming: t("upcoming_bookings"),
recurring: t("recurring_bookings"),
2021-10-13 10:49:15 +00:00
past: t("past_bookings"),
cancelled: t("cancelled_bookings"),
const query = trpc.useInfiniteQuery(["viewer.bookings", { status, limit: 10 }], {
// first render has status `undefined`
enabled: !!status,
getNextPageParam: (lastPage) => lastPage.nextCursor,
const buttonInView = useInViewObserver(() => {
if (!query.isFetching && query.hasNextPage && query.status === "success") {
const isEmpty = ![0]?.bookings.length;
// Get the recurrentCount value from the grouped recurring bookings
// created with the same recurringEventId
const defineRecurrentCount = (booking: BookingOutput, page: BookingPage) => {
let recurringCount = undefined;
if (booking.recurringEventId !== null) {
recurringCount = page.groupedRecurringBookings.filter(
(group) => group.recurringEventId === booking.recurringEventId
)[0]._count; // If found, only one object exists, just assing the needed _count value
return { recurringCount };
return (
<WipeMyCalActionButton trpc={trpc} bookingStatus={status} bookingsEmpty={isEmpty} />
<div className="-mx-4 flex flex-col sm:mx-auto">
<div className="-my-2 overflow-x-auto sm:-mx-6 lg:-mx-8">
<div className="inline-block min-w-full py-2 align-middle sm:px-6 lg:px-8">
{query.status === "error" && (
<Alert severity="error" title={t("something_went_wrong")} message={query.error.message} />
{(query.status === "loading" || query.status === "idle") && <SkeletonLoader />}
{query.status === "success" && !isEmpty && (
<div className="mt-6 overflow-hidden rounded-sm border border-b border-gray-200">
<table className="min-w-full divide-y divide-gray-200">
<tbody className="divide-y divide-gray-200 bg-white" data-testid="bookings">
{, index) => (
<Fragment key={index}>
{ => (
{...defineRecurrentCount(booking, page)}
<div className="p-4 text-center" ref={buttonInView.ref}>
onClick={() => query.fetchNextPage()}>
{query.hasNextPage ? t("load_more_results") : t("no_more_results")}
{query.status === "success" && isEmpty && (
headline={t("no_status_bookings_yet", { status: t(status) })}
description={t("no_status_bookings_yet_description", {
status: t(status),
description: descriptionByStatus[status],